#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 # Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Stefan Hacker # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation # and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # - Neither the name of the Mumble Developers nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this # software without specific prior written permission. # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # `AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE FOUNDATION OR # CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, # EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, # PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR # PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING # NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS # SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # # phpBB3auth.py - Authenticator implementation for password authenticating # a Murmur server against a phpBB3 forum database # # Requirements: # * python >=2.4 and the following python modules: # * ice-python # * MySQLdb # * daemon (when run as a daemon) # import sys import Ice import thread import urllib2 import logging import ConfigParser from threading import Timer from optparse import OptionParser from logging import (debug, info, warning, error, critical, exception, getLogger) from xml.sax.saxutils import escape try: from hashlib import md5 except ImportError: # python 2.4 compat from md5 import md5 def x2bool(s): """Helper function to convert strings from the config to bool""" if isinstance(s, bool): return s elif isinstance(s, basestring): return s.lower() in ['1', 'true'] raise ValueError() # #--- Default configuration values # cfgfile = 'phpBB3auth.ini' default = {'database':(('lib', str, 'MySQLdb'), ('name', str, 'phpbb3'), ('user', str, 'phpbb3'), ('password', str, 'secret'), ('prefix', str, 'phpbb_'), ('host', str, ''), ('port', int, 3306)), 'user':(('id_offset', int, 1000000000), ('avatar_enable', x2bool, False), ('avatar_path', str, 'http://localhost/phpBB3/download.php?avatar='), ('reject_on_error', x2bool, True)), 'ice':(('host', str, ''), ('port', int, 6502), ('slice', str, 'Murmur.ice'), ('secret', str, ''), ('watchdog', int, 30)), 'iceraw':None, 'murmur':(('servers', lambda x:map(int, x.split(',')), []),), 'glacier':(('enabled', x2bool, False), ('user', str, 'phpBB3auth'), ('password', str, 'secret'), ('host', str, 'localhost'), ('port', int, '4063')), 'log':(('level', int, logging.DEBUG), ('file', str, 'phpBB3auth.log'))} # #--- Helper classes # class config(object): """ Small abstraction for config loading """ def __init__(self, filename = None, default = None): if not filename or not default: return cfg = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() cfg.optionxform = str cfg.read(filename) for h,v in default.iteritems(): if not v: # Output this whole section as a list of raw key/value tuples try: self.__dict__[h] = cfg.items(h) except ConfigParser.NoSectionError: self.__dict__[h] = [] else: self.__dict__[h] = config() for name, conv, vdefault in v: try: self.__dict__[h].__dict__[name] = conv(cfg.get(h, name)) except (ValueError, ConfigParser.NoSectionError, ConfigParser.NoOptionError): self.__dict__[h].__dict__[name] = vdefault class threadDbException(Exception): pass class threadDB(object): """ Small abstraction to handle database connections for multiple threads """ db_connections = {} def connection(cls): tid = thread.get_ident() try: con = cls.db_connections[tid] except: info('Connecting to database server (%s %s:%d %s) for thread %d', cfg.database.lib, cfg.database.host, cfg.database.port, cfg.database.name, tid) try: con = db.connect(host = cfg.database.host, port = cfg.database.port, user = cfg.database.user, passwd = cfg.database.password, db = cfg.database.name, charset = 'utf8') except db.Error, e: error('Could not connect to database: %s', str(e)) raise threadDbException() cls.db_connections[tid] = con return con connection = classmethod(connection) def cursor(cls): return cls.connection().cursor() cursor = classmethod(cursor) def execute(cls, *args, **kwargs): if "threadDB__retry_execution__" in kwargs: # Have a magic keyword so we can call ourselves while preventing # an infinite loop del kwargs["threadDB__retry_execution__"] retry = False else: retry = True c = cls.cursor() try: c.execute(*args, **kwargs) except db.OperationalError, e: error('Database operational error %d: %s', e.args[0], e.args[1]) c.close() cls.invalidate_connection() if retry: # Make sure we only retry once info('Retrying database operation') kwargs["threadDB__retry_execution__"] = True c = cls.execute(*args, **kwargs) else: error('Database operation failed ultimately') raise threadDbException() return c execute = classmethod(execute) def invalidate_connection(cls): tid = thread.get_ident() con = cls.db_connections.pop(tid, None) if con: debug('Invalidate connection to database for thread %d', tid) con.close() invalidate_connection = classmethod(invalidate_connection) def disconnect(cls): while cls.db_connections: tid, con = cls.db_connections.popitem() debug('Close database connection for thread %d', tid) con.close() disconnect = classmethod(disconnect) def do_main_program(): # #--- Authenticator implementation # All of this has to go in here so we can correctly daemonize the tool # without loosing the file descriptors opened by the Ice module Ice.loadSlice('', ['-I' + Ice.getSliceDir(), cfg.ice.slice]) import Murmur class phpBBauthenticatorApp(Ice.Application): def run(self, args): self.shutdownOnInterrupt() if not self.initializeIceConnection(): return 1 if cfg.ice.watchdog > 0: self.metaUptime = -1 self.checkConnection() # Serve till we are stopped self.communicator().waitForShutdown() self.watchdog.cancel() if self.interrupted(): warning('Caught interrupt, shutting down') threadDB.disconnect() return 0 def initializeIceConnection(self): """ Establishes the two-way Ice connection and adds the authenticator to the configured servers """ ice = self.communicator() if cfg.ice.secret: debug('Using shared ice secret') ice.getImplicitContext().put("secret", cfg.ice.secret) elif not cfg.glacier.enabled: warning('Consider using an ice secret to improve security') if cfg.glacier.enabled: #info('Connecting to Glacier2 server (%s:%d)', glacier_host, glacier_port) error('Glacier support not implemented yet') #TODO: Implement this info('Connecting to Ice server (%s:%d)', cfg.ice.host, cfg.ice.port) base = ice.stringToProxy('Meta:tcp -h %s -p %d' % (cfg.ice.host, cfg.ice.port)) self.meta = Murmur.MetaPrx.uncheckedCast(base) adapter = ice.createObjectAdapterWithEndpoints('Callback.Client', 'tcp -h %s' % cfg.ice.host) adapter.activate() metacbprx = adapter.addWithUUID(metaCallback(self)) self.metacb = Murmur.MetaCallbackPrx.uncheckedCast(metacbprx) authprx = adapter.addWithUUID(phpBBauthenticator()) self.auth = Murmur.ServerUpdatingAuthenticatorPrx.uncheckedCast(authprx) return self.attachCallbacks() def attachCallbacks(self): """ Attaches all callbacks for meta and authenticators """ # Ice.ConnectionRefusedException debug('Attaching callbacks') try: info('Attaching meta callback') self.meta.addCallback(self.metacb) for server in self.meta.getBootedServers(): if not cfg.murmur.servers or server.id() in cfg.murmur.servers: info('Setting authenticator for virtual server %d', server.id()) server.setAuthenticator(self.auth) except (Murmur.InvalidSecretException, Ice.UnknownUserException, Ice.ConnectionRefusedException), e: if isinstance(e, Ice.ConnectionRefusedException): error('Server refused connection') elif isinstance(e, Murmur.InvalidSecretException) or \ isinstance(e, Ice.UnknownUserException) and (e.unknown == 'Murmur::InvalidSecretException'): error('Invalid ice secret') else: # We do not actually want to handle this one, re-raise it raise e self.connected = False return False self.connected = True return True def checkConnection(self): """ Tries to retrieve the server uptime to determine wheter the server is still responsive or has restarted in the meantime """ #debug('Watchdog run') try: uptime = self.meta.getUptime() if self.metaUptime > 0: # Check if the server didn't restart since we last checked, we assume # since the last time we ran this check the watchdog interval +/- 5s # have passed. This should be replaced by implementing a Keepalive in # Murmur. if not ((uptime - 5) <= (self.metaUptime + cfg.ice.watchdog) <= (uptime + 5)): # Seems like the server restarted, re-attach the callbacks self.attachCallbacks() self.metaUptime = uptime except Ice.Exception, e: error('Connection to server lost, will try to reestablish callbacks in next watchdog run (%ds)', cfg.ice.watchdog) debug(str(e)) self.attachCallbacks() # Renew the timer self.watchdog = Timer(cfg.ice.watchdog, self.checkConnection) self.watchdog.start() def checkSecret(func): """ Decorator that checks whether the server transmitted the right secret if a secret is supposed to be used. """ if not cfg.ice.secret: return func def newfunc(*args, **kws): if 'current' in kws: current = kws["current"] else: current = args[-1] if not current or 'secret' not in current.ctx or current.ctx['secret'] != cfg.ice.secret: error('Server transmitted invalid secret. Possible injection attempt.') raise Murmur.InvalidSecretException() return func(*args, **kws) return newfunc def fortifyIceFu(retval = None, exceptions = (Ice.Exception,)): """ Decorator that catches exceptions,logs them and returns a safe retval value. This helps preventing the authenticator getting stuck in critical code paths. Only exceptions that are instances of classes given in the exceptions list are not caught. The default is to catch all non-Ice exceptions. """ def newdec(func): def newfunc(*args, **kws): try: return func(*args, **kws) except Exception, e: catch = True for ex in exceptions: if isinstance(e, ex): catch = False break if catch: critical('Unexpected exception caught') exception(e) return retval raise return newfunc return newdec class metaCallback(Murmur.MetaCallback): def __init__(self, app): Murmur.MetaCallback.__init__(self) self.app = app @fortifyIceFu() @checkSecret def started(self, server, current = None): """ This function is called when a virtual server is started and makes sure an authenticator gets attached if needed. """ if not cfg.murmur.servers or server.id() in cfg.murmur.servers: info('Setting authenticator for virtual server %d', server.id()) try: server.setAuthenticator(app.auth) # Apparently this server was restarted without us noticing except (Murmur.InvalidSecretException, Ice.UnknownUserException), e: if hasattr(e, "unknown") and e.unknown != "Murmur::InvalidSecretException": # Special handling for Murmur 1.2.2 servers with invalid slice files raise e error('Invalid ice secret') return else: debug('Virtual server %d got started', server.id()) @fortifyIceFu() @checkSecret def stopped(self, server, current = None): """ This function is called when a virtual server is stopped """ if self.app.connected: # Only try to output the server id if we think we are still connected to prevent # flooding of our thread pool try: if not cfg.murmur.servers or server.id() in cfg.murmur.servers: info('Authenticated virtual server %d got stopped', server.id()) else: debug('Virtual server %d got stopped', server.id()) return except Ice.ConnectionRefusedException: self.app.connected = False debug('Server shutdown stopped a virtual server') if cfg.user.reject_on_error: # Python 2.4 compat authenticateFortifyResult = (-1, None, None) else: authenticateFortifyResult = (-2, None, None) class phpBBauthenticator(Murmur.ServerUpdatingAuthenticator): texture_cache = {} def __init__(self): Murmur.ServerUpdatingAuthenticator.__init__(self) @fortifyIceFu(authenticateFortifyResult) @checkSecret def authenticate(self, name, pw, certlist, certhash, strong, current = None): """ This function is called to authenticate a user """ # Search for the user in the database FALL_THROUGH = -2 AUTH_REFUSED = -1 if name == 'SuperUser': debug('Forced fall through for SuperUser') return (FALL_THROUGH, None, None) try: sql = 'SELECT user_id, user_password, user_type, username FROM %susers WHERE (user_type = 0 OR user_type = 3) AND LOWER(username) = LOWER(%%s)' % cfg.database.prefix cur = threadDB.execute(sql, name) except threadDbException: return (FALL_THROUGH, None, None) res = cur.fetchone() cur.close() if not res: info('Fall through for unknown user "%s"', name) return (FALL_THROUGH, None, None) uid, upw, utp, unm = res if phpbb_check_hash(pw, upw): # Authenticated, fetch group memberships try: sql = 'SELECT group_name FROM %suser_group JOIN %sgroups USING (group_id) WHERE user_id = %%s' % (cfg.database.prefix, cfg.database.prefix) cur = threadDB.execute(sql, uid) except threadDbException: return (FALL_THROUGH, None, None) res = cur.fetchall() cur.close() if res: res = [a[0] for a in res] info('User authenticated: "%s" (%d)', name, uid + cfg.user.id_offset) debug('Group memberships: %s', str(res)) return (uid + cfg.user.id_offset, name, res) info('Failed authentication attempt for user: "%s" (%d)', name, uid + cfg.user.id_offset) return (AUTH_REFUSED, None, None) @fortifyIceFu((False, None)) @checkSecret def getInfo(self, id, current = None): """ Gets called to fetch user specific information """ # We do not expose any additional information so always fall through debug('getInfo for %d -> denied', id) return (False, None) @fortifyIceFu(-2) @checkSecret def nameToId(self, name, current = None): """ Gets called to get the id for a given username """ FALL_THROUGH = -2 if name == 'SuperUser': debug('nameToId SuperUser -> forced fall through') return FALL_THROUGH try: sql = 'SELECT user_id FROM %susers WHERE (user_type = 0 OR user_type = 3) AND LOWER(username) = LOWER(%%s)' % cfg.database.prefix cur = threadDB.execute(sql, name) except threadDbException: return FALL_THROUGH res = cur.fetchone() cur.close() if not res: debug('nameToId %s -> ?', name) return FALL_THROUGH debug('nameToId %s -> %d', name, (res[0] + cfg.user.id_offset)) return res[0] + cfg.user.id_offset @fortifyIceFu("") @checkSecret def idToName(self, id, current = None): """ Gets called to get the username for a given id """ FALL_THROUGH = "" # Make sure the ID is in our range and transform it to the actual phpBB3 user id if id < cfg.user.id_offset: return FALL_THROUGH bbid = id - cfg.user.id_offset # Fetch the user from the database try: sql = 'SELECT username FROM %susers WHERE (user_type = 0 OR user_type = 3) AND user_id = %%s' % cfg.database.prefix cur = threadDB.execute(sql, bbid) except threadDbException: return FALL_THROUGH res = cur.fetchone() cur.close() if res: if res[0] == 'SuperUser': debug('idToName %d -> "SuperUser" catched') return FALL_THROUGH debug('idToName %d -> "%s"', id, res[0]) return res[0] debug('idToName %d -> ?', id) return FALL_THROUGH @fortifyIceFu("") @checkSecret def idToTexture(self, id, current = None): """ Gets called to get the corresponding texture for a user """ FALL_THROUGH = "" debug('idToTexture for %d', id) if id < cfg.user.id_offset or not cfg.user.avatar_enable: debug('idToTexture %d -> fall through', id) return FALL_THROUGH # Otherwise get the users texture from phpBB3 bbid = id - cfg.user.id_offset try: sql = 'SELECT username, user_avatar, user_avatar_type FROM %susers WHERE (user_type = 0 OR user_type = 3) AND user_id = %%s' % cfg.database.prefix cur = threadDB.execute(sql, bbid) except threadDbException: return FALL_THROUGH res = cur.fetchone() cur.close() if not res: debug('idToTexture %d -> user unknown, fall through', id) return FALL_THROUGH username, avatar_file, avatar_type = res if avatar_type != 1 and avatar_type != 2: debug('idToTexture %d -> no texture available for this user (%d), fall through', id, avatar_type) return FALL_THROUGH if avatar_file in self.texture_cache: return self.texture_cache[avatar_file] if avatar_type == 1: url = cfg.user.avatar_path + avatar_file else: url = avatar_file try: handle = urllib2.urlopen(url) file = handle.read() handle.close() except urllib2.URLError, e: warning('Image download for "%s" (%d) failed: %s', url, id, str(e)) return FALL_THROUGH self.texture_cache[avatar_file] = file return self.texture_cache[avatar_file] @fortifyIceFu(-2) @checkSecret def registerUser(self, name, current = None): """ Gets called when the server is asked to register a user. """ FALL_THROUGH = -2 debug('registerUser "%s" -> fall through', name) return FALL_THROUGH @fortifyIceFu(-1) @checkSecret def unregisterUser(self, id, current = None): """ Gets called when the server is asked to unregister a user. """ FALL_THROUGH = -1 # Return -1 to fall through to internal server database, we will not modify the phpbb3 database # but we can make murmur delete all additional information it got this way. debug('unregisterUser %d -> fall through', id) return FALL_THROUGH @fortifyIceFu({}) @checkSecret def getRegisteredUsers(self, filter, current = None): """ Returns a list of usernames in the phpBB3 database which contain filter as a substring. """ if not filter: filter = '%' try: sql = 'SELECT user_id, username FROM %susers WHERE (user_type = 0 OR user_type = 3) AND username LIKE %%s' % cfg.database.prefix cur = threadDB.execute(sql, filter) except threadDbException: return {} res = cur.fetchall() cur.close() if not res: debug('getRegisteredUsers -> empty list for filter "%s"', filter) return {} debug ('getRegisteredUsers -> %d results for filter "%s"', len(res), filter) return dict([(a + cfg.user.id_offset, b) for a,b in res]) @fortifyIceFu(-1) @checkSecret def setInfo(self, id, info, current = None): """ Gets called when the server is supposed to save additional information about a user to his database """ FALL_THROUGH = -1 # Return -1 to fall through to the internal server handler. We must not modify # the phpBB3 database so the additional information is stored in murmurs database debug('setInfo %d -> fall through', id) return FALL_THROUGH @fortifyIceFu(-1) @checkSecret def setTexture(self, id, texture, current = None): """ Gets called when the server is asked to update the user texture of a user """ FAILED = 0 FALL_THROUGH = -1 if id < cfg.user.id_offset: debug('setTexture %d -> fall through', id) return FALL_THROUGH if cfg.user.avatar_enable: # Report a fail (0) as we will not update the avatar in the phpBB3 database. debug('setTexture %d -> failed', id) return FAILED # If we don't use textures from phpbb we let mumble save it debug('setTexture %d -> fall through', id) return FALL_THROUGH class CustomLogger(Ice.Logger): """ Logger implementation to pipe Ice log messages into out own log """ def __init__(self): Ice.Logger.__init__(self) self._log = getLogger('Ice') def _print(self, message): self._log.info(message) def trace(self, category, message): self._log.debug('Trace %s: %s', category, message) def warning(self, message): self._log.warning(message) def error(self, message): self._log.error(message) # #--- Start of authenticator # info('Starting phpBB3 mumble authenticator') initdata = Ice.InitializationData() initdata.properties = Ice.createProperties([], initdata.properties) for prop, val in cfg.iceraw: initdata.properties.setProperty(prop, val) initdata.properties.setProperty('Ice.ImplicitContext', 'Shared') initdata.logger = CustomLogger() app = phpBBauthenticatorApp() state = app.main(sys.argv[:1], initData = initdata) info('Shutdown complete') # #--- Python implementation of the phpBB3 check hash function (salted md5) # def _hash_encode64(sinput, count, itoa64): output = '' i = 0 while True: value = ord(sinput[i]) i += 1 output += itoa64[value & 0x3f] if i < count: value |= (ord(sinput[i]) << 8) output += itoa64[(value >> 6) & 0x3f] if i >= count: break i += 1 if i < count: value |= (ord(sinput[i]) << 16) output += itoa64[(value >> 12) & 0x3f] if i >= count: break i = i + 1 output += itoa64[(value >> 18) & 0x3f] if i >= count: break return output def _hash_crypt_private(password, settings, itoa64): output = '*' if settings[0:3] != '$H$': return output try: count_log2 = itoa64.index(settings[3]) except ValueError: return output if (count_log2 < 7) or (count_log2 > 30): return output count = 1 << count_log2 salt = settings[4:12] if len(salt) != 8: return output hash = md5(salt + password).digest() while True: hash = md5(hash + password).digest() count = count - 1 if count <= 0: break output = settings[0:12] output += _hash_encode64(hash, 16, itoa64) return output def phpbb_check_hash(password, hash): """ Python implementation of the phpBB3 check hash function """ # phpBB3 conditions the password it got from the user before using it, replicate that password = password.replace("\r\n", "\n") password = password.replace("\r", "\n") password = password.replace("\0", "") password = escape(password, {'"':'"'}) # emulate ENT_COMPAT password = password.strip() itoa64 = './0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' if len(hash) == 34: return _hash_crypt_private(password, hash, itoa64) == hash return md5(password).hexdigest() == hash # #--- Start of program # if __name__ == '__main__': # Parse commandline options parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option('-i', '--ini', help = 'load configuration from INI', default = cfgfile) parser.add_option('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', dest = 'verbose', help = 'verbose output [default]', default = True) parser.add_option('-q', '--quiet', action='store_false', dest = 'verbose', help = 'only error output') parser.add_option('-d', '--daemon', action='store_true', dest = 'force_daemon', help = 'run as daemon', default = False) parser.add_option('-a', '--app', action='store_true', dest = 'force_app', help = 'do not run as daemon', default = False) (option, args) = parser.parse_args() if option.force_daemon and option.force_app: parser.print_help() sys.exit(1) # Load configuration try: cfg = config(option.ini, default) except Exception, e: print>>sys.stderr, 'Fatal error, could not load config file from "%s"' % cfgfile sys.exit(1) try: db = __import__(cfg.database.lib) except ImportError, e: print>>sys.stderr, 'Fatal error, could not import database library "%s", '\ 'please install the missing dependency and restart the authenticator' % cfg.database.lib sys.exit(1) # Initialize logger if cfg.log.file: try: logfile = open(cfg.log.file, 'a') except IOError, e: #print>>sys.stderr, str(e) print>>sys.stderr, 'Fatal error, could not open logfile "%s"' % cfg.log.file sys.exit(1) else: logfile = logging.sys.stderr if option.verbose: level = cfg.log.level else: level = logging.ERROR logging.basicConfig(level = level, format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s', stream = logfile) # As the default try to run as daemon. Silently degrade to running as a normal application if this fails # unless the user explicitly defined what he expected with the -a / -d parameter. try: if option.force_app: raise ImportError # Pretend that we couldn't import the daemon lib import daemon except ImportError: if option.force_daemon: print>>sys.stderr, 'Fatal error, could not daemonize process due to missing "daemon" library, ' \ 'please install the missing dependency and restart the authenticator' sys.exit(1) do_main_program() else: context = daemon.DaemonContext(working_directory = sys.path[0], stderr = logfile) context.__enter__() try: do_main_program() finally: context.__exit__(None, None, None)