#!/usr/bin/perl -w # # $Id: mrtg-rrd.cgi,v 1.35 2003/08/18 15:58:57 kas Exp $ # # mrtg-rrd.cgi: The script for generating graphs for MRTG statistics. # # Loosely modelled after the Rainer.Bawidamann@informatik.uni-ulm.de's # 14all.cgi # # Copyright (C) 2001 Jan "Yenya" Kasprzak # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. # use strict; use POSIX qw(strftime); use Time::Local; # The %.1f should work on 5.005+. There may be other problems, though. # I've tested this on 5.8.0 only, so mind the gap! require 5.005; # Location of RRDs.pm, if it is not in @INC # use lib '/usr/lib/perl5/5.00503/i386-linux'; use RRDs; use vars qw(@config_files @all_config_files %targets $config_time %directories $version $imagetype); # EDIT THIS to reflect all your MRTG config files BEGIN { @config_files = qw(/home/fadmin/mrtg/cfg/mrtg.cfg); } $version = '0.7'; # This depends on what image format your libgd (and rrdtool) uses $imagetype = 'png'; # or make this 'gif'; # strftime(3) compatibility test my $percent_h = '%-H'; $percent_h = '%H' if (strftime('%-H', gmtime(0)) !~ /^\d+$/); sub handler ($) { my ($q) = @_; try_read_config($q->url()); my $path = $q->path_info(); $path =~ s/^\///; $path =~ s/\/$//; if (defined $directories{$path}) { if ($q->path_info() =~ /\/$/) { print_dir($path); } else { print "Location: ", $q->url(-path_info=>1), "/\n\n"; } return; } my ($dir, $stat, $ext) = ($q->path_info() =~ /^(.*)\/([^\/]+)(\.html|-(day|week|month|year)\.$imagetype)$/); $dir =~ s/^\///; print_error("Undefined statistics") unless defined $targets{$stat}; print_error("Incorrect directory") unless defined $targets{$stat}{directory} || $targets{$stat}{directory} eq $dir; my $tgt = $targets{$stat}; common_args($stat, $tgt, $q); # We may be running under mod_perl or something. Do not destroy # the original settings of timezone. my $oldtz; if (defined $tgt->{timezone}) { $oldtz = $ENV{TZ}; $ENV{TZ} = $tgt->{timezone}; } if ($ext eq '.html') { do_html($tgt); } elsif ($ext eq '-day.' . $imagetype) { do_image($tgt, 'day'); } elsif ($ext eq '-week.' . $imagetype) { do_image($tgt, 'week'); } elsif ($ext eq '-month.' . $imagetype) { do_image($tgt, 'month'); } elsif ($ext eq '-year.' . $imagetype) { do_image($tgt, 'year'); } else { print_error("Unknown extension"); } $ENV{TZ} = $oldtz if defined $oldtz; } sub do_html($) { my ($tgt) = @_; my @day = do_image($tgt, 'day'); my @week = do_image($tgt, 'week'); my @month = do_image($tgt, 'month'); my @year = do_image($tgt, 'year'); http_headers('text/html', $tgt->{config}); print <<'EOF'; EOF print $tgt->{title} if defined $tgt->{title}; print "\n"; html_comments($tgt, 'd', @{$day[0]}) if $#day != -1; html_comments($tgt, 'w', @{$week[0]}) if $#week != -1; html_comments($tgt, 'm', @{$month[0]}) if $#month != -1; html_comments($tgt, 'y', @{$year[0]}) if $#year != -1; print $tgt->{addhead} if defined $tgt->{addhead}; print "\n", $tgt->{bodytag}, "\n"; print $tgt->{pagetop} if defined $tgt->{pagetop}; unless (defined $tgt->{options}{noinfo}) { my @st = stat $tgt->{rrd}; print "
\nThe statistics were last updated ", strftime("%A, %d %B, %H:%M:%S %Z\n", localtime($st[9])); } my $dayavg = $tgt->{config}->{interval}; html_graph($tgt, 'day', 'Daily', $dayavg . ' Minute', \@day); html_graph($tgt, 'week', 'Weekly', '30 Minute', \@week); html_graph($tgt, 'month', 'Monthly', '2 Hour', \@month); html_graph($tgt, 'year', 'Yearly', '1 Day', \@year); unless (defined $tgt->{options}{nolegend}) { print < EOF print <{options}{noi}); EOF print <{options}{noo}); EOF if ($tgt->{withpeak} ne '') { print <{options}{noi}); EOF print <{options}{noo}); EOF } print < EOF } print_banner($tgt->{config}) unless defined $tgt->{options}{nobanner}; print $tgt->{pagefoot} if defined $tgt->{pagefoot}; print "\n", <<'EOF'; EOF } sub html_comments($$@) { my ($tgt, $letter, @val) = @_; return if $#val == -1; unless ($tgt->{options}{noi}) { print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; } unless ($tgt->{options}{noo}) { print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; } } sub html_graph($$$$$) { my ($tgt, $ext, $freq, $period, $params) = @_; return unless defined $tgt->{$ext}; my @values = @{$params->[0]}; my $x = $params->[1]; my $y = $params->[2]; $x *= $tgt->{xzoom} if defined $tgt->{xzoom}; $y *= $tgt->{yzoom} if defined $tgt->{yzoom}; my $kilo = $tgt->{kilo}; my @kmg = split(',', $tgt->{kmg}); my $fmt; if (defined $tgt->{options}{integer}) { $fmt = '%d'; } else { $fmt = '%.1f'; } my @percent = do_percent($tgt, \@values); my @relpercent = do_relpercent($tgt, \@values); my @nv; for my $val (@values) { if (@kmg == 0) { # kMG[target]: push @nv, sprintf($fmt, $val); next; } for my $si (@kmg) { if ($val < 10000) { push @nv, sprintf($fmt, $val) . " $si"; last; } $val /= $kilo; } } @values = @nv; print "
\n\`$freq\' Graph ($period Average)
\n"; print '', $freq,
		' Graph
', "\n"; print '
$tgt->{colname1} ### $tgt->{legend1}
$tgt->{colname2} ### $tgt->{legend2}
$tgt->{colname3} ### $tgt->{legend3}
$tgt->{colname4} ### $tgt->{legend4}
'; print <{legendi} ne '' && !$tgt->{options}{noi}; EOF print <{legendo} ne '' && !$tgt->{options}{noo}; EOF if (defined $tgt->{options}{dorelpercent}) { print <<"EOF"; EOF } print <<'EOF';
Max $tgt->{legendi}  $values[1]$tgt->{shortlegend}$percent[1] Average $tgt->{legendi}  $values[3]$tgt->{shortlegend}$percent[3] Current $tgt->{legendi}  $values[5]$tgt->{shortlegend}$percent[5]
Max $tgt->{legendo}  $values[0]$tgt->{shortlegend}$percent[0] Average $tgt->{legendo}  $values[2]$tgt->{shortlegend}$percent[2] Current $tgt->{legendo}  $values[4]$tgt->{shortlegend}$percent[4]
Max  Percentage:  $relpercent[0] Average  Percentage:  $relpercent[1] Current  Percentage:  $relpercent[2]
EOF } sub do_percent($$) { my ($tgt, $values) = @_; my @percent = ('', '', '', '', '', ''); return @percent if defined $tgt->{options}{nopercent}; for my $val (0..$#$values) { my $mx = ($val % 2 == 1) ? $tgt->{maxbytes1} : $tgt->{maxbytes2}; next unless defined $mx; my $p = sprintf("%.1f", $values->[$val]*100/$mx); $percent[$val] = ' (' . $p . '%)'; } @percent; } sub do_relpercent($$) { my ($tgt, $values) = @_; my @percent = ('', '', ''); return @percent unless defined $tgt->{options}{dorelpercent}; for my $val (0..2) { $percent[$val] = sprintf("%.1f", $values->[2*$val+1] * 100 / $values->[2*$val]) if $values->[2*$val] > 0; $percent[$val] ||= 0; $percent[$val] .= ' %'; } @percent; } sub http_headers($$) { my ($content_type, $cfg) = @_; print <<"EOF"; Content-Type: $content_type Refresh: $cfg->{refresh} Pragma: no-cache EOF # Expires header calculation stolen from CGI.pm print strftime("Expires: %a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT\n", gmtime(time+60*$cfg->{interval})); print "\n"; } sub do_image($$) { my ($target, $ext) = @_; my $file = $target->{$ext}; return unless defined $file; # Now the vertical rule at the end of the day my @t = localtime(time); $t[0] = $t[1] = $t[2] = 0; my $seconds; my $oldsec; my $back; my $xgrid; my $unscaled; my $withpeak; my $noi = 1 if $target->{options}{noi}; my $noo = 1 if $target->{options}{noo}; if ($ext eq 'day') { $seconds = timelocal(@t); $back = 30*3600; # 30 hours $oldsec = $seconds - 86400; $unscaled = 1 if $target->{unscaled} =~ /d/; $withpeak = 1 if $target->{withpeak} =~ /d/; # We need this only for day graph. The other ones # are magically correct. $xgrid = 'HOUR:1:HOUR:6:HOUR:2:0:' . $percent_h; } elsif ($ext eq 'week') { $seconds = timelocal(@t); $t[6] = ($t[6]+6) % 7; $seconds -= $t[6]*86400; $back = 8*86400; # 8 days $oldsec = $seconds - 7*86400; $unscaled = 1 if $target->{unscaled} =~ /w/; $withpeak = 1 if $target->{withpeak} =~ /w/; } elsif ($ext eq 'month') { $t[3] = 1; $seconds = timelocal(@t); $back = 36*86400; # 36 days $oldsec = $seconds - 30*86400; # FIXME (the right # of days!!) $unscaled = 1 if $target->{unscaled} =~ /m/; $withpeak = 1 if $target->{withpeak} =~ /m/; } elsif ($ext eq 'year') { $t[3] = 1; $t[4] = 0; $seconds = timelocal(@t); $back = 396*86400; # 365 + 31 days $oldsec = $seconds - 365*86400; # FIXME (the right # of days!!) $unscaled = 1 if $target->{unscaled} =~ /y/; $withpeak = 1 if $target->{withpeak} =~ /y/; } else { print_error("Unknown file extension: $ext"); } my @local_args; if ($unscaled) { @local_args = ('-u', $target->{maxbytes1}); push @local_args, '--rigid' unless defined $target->{absmax}; } if ($xgrid) { push @local_args, '-x', $xgrid; } my @local_args_end; if ($withpeak) { push @local_args_end, 'LINE1:maxin'.$target->{col3}.':MaxIn' unless $noi; push @local_args_end, 'LINE1:maxout'.$target->{col4}.':MaxOut' unless $noo; } my @rv = RRDs::graph($file, '-s', "-$back", @local_args, @{$target->{args}}, "VRULE:$oldsec#ff0000", "VRULE:$seconds#ff0000", @local_args_end); my $rrd_error = RRDs::error; print_error("RRDs::graph failed, $rrd_error") if defined $rrd_error; # In array context just return the values if (wantarray) { if (defined $target->{factor}) { @{$rv[0]} = map { $_ * $target->{factor} } @{$rv[0]}; } if ($noi) { return ([$rv[0][0], 0, $rv[0][1], 0, $rv[0][2], 0], $rv[1], $rv[2]); } elsif ($noo) { return ([0, $rv[0][0], 0, $rv[0][1], 0, $rv[0][2]], $rv[1], $rv[2]); } else { return @rv; } } # Not in array context ==> print out the PNG file. open PNG, "<$file" or print_error("Can't open $file: $!"); binmode PNG; http_headers("image/$imagetype", $target->{config}); my $buf; # could be sendfile in Linux ;-) while(sysread PNG, $buf, 8192) { print $buf; } close PNG; } sub common_args($$$) { my ($name, $target, $q) = @_; return @{$target->{args}} if defined @{$target->{args}}; my $noi = 1 if $target->{options}{noi}; my $noo = 1 if $target->{options}{noo}; $target->{name} = $name; $target->{directory} = '' unless defined $target->{directory}; my $tdir = $target->{directory}; $tdir .= '/' unless $tdir eq '' || $tdir =~ /\/$/; $target->{url} = $q->url . '/' . $tdir . $name; my $cfg = $target->{config}; my $dir = $cfg->{workdir}; $dir = $cfg->{logdir} if defined $cfg->{logdir}; $target->{rrd} = $dir . '/' . $tdir . $name . '.rrd'; %{$target->{options}} = () unless defined %{$target->{options}}; $dir = $cfg->{workdir}; $dir = $cfg->{imagedir} if defined $cfg->{imagedir}; $target->{suppress} ||= ''; $target->{day} = $dir . '/' . $tdir . $name . '-day.' . $imagetype unless $target->{suppress} =~ /d/; $target->{week} = $dir . '/' . $tdir . $name . '-week.' . $imagetype unless $target->{suppress} =~ /w/; $target->{month} = $dir . '/' . $tdir . $name . '-month.' . $imagetype unless $target->{suppress} =~ /m/; $target->{year} = $dir . '/' . $tdir . $name . '-year.' . $imagetype unless $target->{suppress} =~ /y/; $target->{maxbytes1} = $target->{maxbytes} if defined $target->{maxbytes} && !defined $target->{maxbytes1}; $target->{maxbytes2} = $target->{maxbytes1} if defined $target->{maxbytes1} && !defined $target->{maxbytes2}; my @args = (); push @args, '--lazy', '-c', 'FONT#000000', '-c', 'MGRID#000000', '-c', 'FRAME#000000', '-g', '-l', '0'; $target->{background} = '#f5f5f5' unless defined $target->{background}; push @args, '-c', 'BACK'. $target->{background}; push @args, '-c', 'SHADEA' . $target->{background}, '-c', 'SHADEB' . $target->{background} if defined $target->{options}{noborder}; if (defined $target->{options}{noarrow}) { push @args, '-c', 'ARROW' . $target->{background}; } else { push @args, '-c', 'ARROW#000000'; } push @args, '-b', $target->{kilo} if defined $target->{kilo}; if (defined $target->{xsize}) { if (defined $target->{xscale}) { push @args, '-w', $target->{xsize}*$target->{xscale}; } else { push @args, '-w', $target->{xsize}; } } if (defined $target->{ysize}) { if (defined $target->{yscale}) { push @args, '-h', $target->{ysize}*$target->{yscale}; } else { push @args, '-h', $target->{ysize}; } } my $scale = 1; if (defined $target->{options}->{perminute}) { $scale *= 60; } elsif (defined $target->{options}->{perhour}) { $scale *= 3600; } if (defined $target->{options}->{bits}) { $scale *= 8; $target->{ylegend} = 'Bits per second' unless defined $target->{ylegend}; $target->{legend1} = 'Incoming Traffic in Bits per Second' unless defined $target->{legend1}; $target->{legend2} = 'Outgoing Traffic in Bits per Second' unless defined $target->{legend2}; $target->{legend3} = 'Peak Incoming Traffic in Bits per Second' unless defined $target->{legend3}; $target->{legend4} = 'Peak Outgoing Traffic in Bits per Second' unless defined $target->{legend4}; $target->{shortlegend} = 'b/s' unless defined $target->{shortlegend}; } else { $target->{ylegend} = 'Bytes per second' unless defined $target->{ylegend}; $target->{legend1} = 'Incoming Traffic in Bytes per Second' unless defined $target->{legend1}; $target->{legend2} = 'Outgoing Traffic in Bytes per Second' unless defined $target->{legend2}; $target->{legend3} = 'Peak Incoming Traffic in Bytes per Second' unless defined $target->{legend3}; $target->{legend4} = 'Peak Outgoing Traffic in Bytes per Second' unless defined $target->{legend4}; $target->{shortlegend} = 'B/s' unless defined $target->{shortlegend}; } if ($scale > 1) { push @args, "DEF:in0=$target->{rrd}:ds0:AVERAGE", "CDEF:in=in0,$scale,*", "DEF:maxin0=$target->{rrd}:ds0:MAX", "CDEF:maxin=maxin0,$scale,*" unless $noi; push @args, "DEF:out0=$target->{rrd}:ds1:AVERAGE", "CDEF:out=out0,$scale,*", "DEF:maxout0=$target->{rrd}:ds1:MAX", "CDEF:maxout=maxout0,$scale,*" unless $noo; } else { push @args, "DEF:in=$target->{rrd}:ds0:AVERAGE", "DEF:maxin=$target->{rrd}:ds0:MAX" unless $noi; push @args, "DEF:out=$target->{rrd}:ds1:AVERAGE", "DEF:maxout=$target->{rrd}:ds1:MAX" unless $noo; } my $i=1; for my $coltext (split(/,/, $target->{colours})) { my ($text, $rgb) = ($coltext =~ /^([^#]+)(#[0-9a-fA-F]{6})$/); $target->{'col'.$i} = $rgb; $target->{'colname'.$i} = $text; $i++; } push @args, '-v', $target->{ylegend}; push @args, 'AREA:in' . $target->{col1} . ':In', unless $noi; push @args, 'LINE2:out' . $target->{col2} . ':Out' unless $noo; push @args, 'PRINT:out:MAX:%.1lf' unless $noo; push @args, 'PRINT:in:MAX:%.1lf' unless $noi; push @args, 'PRINT:out:AVERAGE:%.1lf' unless $noo; push @args, 'PRINT:in:AVERAGE:%.1lf' unless $noi; push @args, 'PRINT:out:LAST:%.1lf' unless $noo; push @args, 'PRINT:in:LAST:%.1lf' unless $noi; if (defined $target->{maxbytes1}) { $target->{maxbytes1} *= $scale; push @args, 'HRULE:' . $target->{maxbytes1} . '#cc0000'; } if (defined $target->{maxbytes2}) { $target->{maxbytes2} *= $scale; push @args, 'HRULE:' . $target->{maxbytes2} . '#cccc00' if $target->{maxbytes2} != $target->{maxbytes1}; } @{$target->{args}} = @args; @args; } sub try_read_config($) { my ($prefix) = (@_); $prefix =~ s/\/[^\/]*$//; # Verify the version of RRDtool: if (!defined $RRDs::VERSION || $RRDs::VERSION < 1.000331) { print_error("Please install more up-to date RRDtool - need at least 1.000331"); } my $read_cfg; if (!defined $config_time) { $read_cfg = 1; } else { for my $file (@all_config_files) { my @stat = stat $file; if ($config_time < $stat[9]) { $read_cfg = 1; last; } } } return unless $read_cfg; my %defaults = ( xsize => 400, ysize => 100, kmg => ',k,M,G,T,P', kilo => 1000, bodytag => "\n", colours => 'GREEN#00cc00,BLUE#0000ff,DARK GREEN#006600,MAGENTA#ff00ff,AMBER#ef9f4f', legendi => ' In:', legendo => ' Out:', unscaled => '', withpeak => '', directory => '', ); %targets = (); @all_config_files = @config_files; my $order = 0; for my $cfgfile (@config_files) { %{$targets{_}} = %defaults; %{$targets{'^'}} = (); %{$targets{'$'}} = (); my $cfgref = { refresh => 300, interval => 5, icondir => $prefix }; read_mrtg_config($cfgfile, \%defaults, $cfgref, \$order); } delete $targets{'^'}; delete $targets{_}; delete $targets{'$'}; parse_directories(); $config_time = time; } sub read_mrtg_config($$$$); sub read_mrtg_config($$$$) { my ($file, $def, $cfgref, $order) = @_; my %defaults = %$def; my @lines; open(CFG, "<$file") || print_error("Cannot open config file: $!"); while () { chomp; # remove newline s/\s+$//; # remove trailing space s/\s+/ /g; # collapse white spaces to ' ' next if /^ *\#/; # skip comment lines next if /^\s*$/; # skip empty lines if (/^ \S/) { # multiline options $lines[$#lines] .= $_; } else { push @lines, $_; } } close CFG; foreach (@lines) { if (/^\s*([\w\d]+)\[(\S+)\]\s*:\s*(.*)$/) { my ($tgt, $opt, $val) = (lc($2), lc($1), $3); unless (exists $targets{$tgt}) { # pre-set defaults constructed on all of ^, _, and $ for my $key (%{$targets{'^'}}) { $targets{$tgt}{$key} = $targets{'^'}{$key}; } for my $key (%{$targets{'$'}}) { $targets{$tgt}{$key} .= $targets{'$'}{$key}; } # WARNING: Tobi explicitly said that when all ^, _, and $ # options are set, the result should be just the value # of the _ option (when the option itself is not explicitly # defined. I do not agree with him here but I respect this # and will try to be compatible with MRTG. for my $key (%{$targets{'_'}}) { $targets{$tgt}{$key} = $targets{'_'}{$key}; } # anonymous hash ref - need copy, not ref delete $targets{$tgt}{options}; # The same as above - we need to create this # based on [^], [_], and [$] values %{$targets{$tgt}{options}} = (); %{$targets{$tgt}{options}} = %{$targets{'^'}{options}} if defined $targets{'^'}{options}; %{$targets{$tgt}{options}} = (%{$targets{$tgt}{options}}, %{$targets{'_'}{options}}) if defined $targets{'_'}{options}; %{$targets{$tgt}{options}} = (%{$targets{$tgt}{options}}, %{$targets{'$'}{options}}) if defined $targets{'$'}{options}; $targets{$tgt}{order} = ++$$order; $targets{$tgt}{config} = $cfgref; } if ($tgt eq '_' && $val eq '') { if (defined $defaults{$opt}) { $targets{_}{$opt} = $defaults{$opt}; } else { delete $targets{_}{$opt}; } } elsif (($tgt eq '^' || $tgt eq '$') && $val eq '') { delete $targets{$tgt}{$opt}; } elsif ($opt eq 'options') { # Do not forget defaults [^] and [$] delete $targets{$tgt}{options}; %{$targets{$tgt}{options}} = %{$targets{'^'}{options}} if defined $targets{'^'}{options}; $val = lc($val); map { $targets{$tgt}{options}{$_} = 1 } ($val =~ m/([a-z]+)/g); %{$targets{$tgt}{options}} = (%{$targets{$tgt}{options}}, %{$targets{'$'}{options}}) if defined $targets{'$'}{options}; } else { my $pre = $targets{'^'}{$opt} if defined $targets{'^'}{$opt}; $pre ||= ''; $targets{$tgt}{$opt} = $pre.$val; $targets{$tgt}{$opt} .= $targets{'$'}{$opt} if defined $targets{'$'}{$opt}; } next; } elsif (/^Include\s*:\s*(\S*)$/) { push @all_config_files, $1; read_mrtg_config($1, $def, $cfgref, $order); next; } elsif (/^([\w\d]+)\s*:\s*(\S.*)$/) { my ($opt, $val) = (lc($1), $2); $cfgref->{$opt} = $val; next; } print_error("Parse error in $file near $_"); } if (defined $cfgref->{pathadd}) { $ENV{PATH} .= ':'.$cfgref->{pathadd}; } # if (defined $cfgref->{libadd}) { # use lib $cfgref->{libadd} # } } sub parse_directories { %directories = (); # FIXME: the sort is expensive for my $name (sort { $targets{$a}{order} <=> $targets{$b}{order} } keys %targets) { my $dir = $targets{$name}{directory} if defined $targets{$name}{directory}; $dir = '' unless defined $dir; my $prefix = ''; for my $component (split /\/+/, $dir) { unless (defined $directories{$prefix.$component}) { push (@{$directories{$prefix}{subdir}}, $component); # For the directory, get the global parameters # from the # config of the first item of the # directory: $directories{$prefix}{config} = $targets{$name}{config}; $directories{$prefix}{bodytag} = $targets{$name}{bodytag}; } $prefix .= $component . '/'; } unless (defined $directories{$dir}) { $directories{$dir}{config} = $targets{$name}{config}; $directories{$dir}{bodytag} = $targets{$name}{bodytag}; } push (@{$directories{$dir}{target}}, $name); } } sub print_dir($) { my ($dir) = @_; my $dir1 = $dir . '/'; http_headers('text/html', $directories{$dir}{config}); print < MRTG: Directory $dir1 EOF print $directories{$dir}{bodytag}; my $subdirs_printed; if (defined @{$directories{$dir}{subdir}}) { $subdirs_printed = 1; print <MRTG subdirectories in the directory $dir1
    EOF for my $item (@{$directories{$dir}{subdir}}) { print "
  • $item/\n"; } print "
\n"; } if (defined @{$directories{$dir}{target}}) { print "
\n" if defined $subdirs_printed; print <MRTG graphs in the directory $dir1 EOF my $odd; for my $item (@{$directories{$dir}{target}}) { my $itemname = $item; $itemname = $targets{$item}{title} if defined $targets{$item}{title}; print " \n" unless $odd; print <$itemname

EOF print "
\n" if $odd; $odd = !$odd; } print " \n
\n"; } print_banner($directories{$dir}{config}); print "\n\n"; } sub print_banner($) { my $cfg = shift; print <
version 2.9.17 Tobias Oetiker <oetiker\@ee.ethz.ch>
and Dave Rand <dlr\@bungi.com>
mrtg-rrd.cgi version $version Jan "Yenya" Kasprzak <kas\@fi.muni.cz>
EOF print '', "\n"; } sub dump_targets() { for my $tgt (keys %targets) { print "Target $tgt:\n"; for my $opt (keys %{$targets{$tgt}}) { if ($opt eq 'options') { print "\toptions: "; for my $o1 (keys %{$targets{$tgt}{options}}) { print $o1, ","; } print "\n"; next; } print "\t$opt: ", $targets{$tgt}{$opt}, "\n"; } } } sub dump_directories { print "Directories:\n"; for my $dir (keys %directories) { print "Directory $dir:\n"; for my $item (@{$directories{$dir}}) { print "\t$item\n"; } } } sub print_error(@) { print "Content-Type: text/plain\n\nError: ", join(' ', @_), "\n"; exit 0; } #--BEGIN CGI-- #For CGI, use this: use CGI; my $q = new CGI; # thttpd fix up by Akihiro Sagawa if ($q->server_software() =~ m|^thttpd/|) { my $path = $q->path_info(); $path .= '/' if ($q->script_name=~ m|/$|); $q->path_info($path); } handler($q); #--END CGI-- #--BEGIN FCGI-- # For FastCGI, uncomment this and comment out the above: #-# use FCGI; #-# use CGI; #-# #-# my $req = FCGI::Request(); #-# #-# while ($req->Accept >= 0) { #-# my $q = new CGI; #-# #-# # thttpd fix up by Akihiro Sagawa #-# if ($q->server_software() =~ m|^thttpd/|) { #-# my $path = $q->path_info(); #-# $path .= '/' if ($q->script_name=~ m|/$|); #-# $q->path_info($path); #-# } #-# #-# handler($q); #-# } #--END FCGI-- 1;