/* * dmucs_db.cc: the DMUCS database object * * Copyright (C) 2005, 2006 Victor T. Norman * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your * option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General * Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "dmucs.h" #include "dmucs_db.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include DmucsDb *DmucsDb::instance_ = NULL; pthread_mutex_t DmucsDb::mutex_; pthread_mutexattr_t DmucsDb::attr_; const char * dprop2cstr(DmucsDprop d) { return d.c_str(); } DmucsDb::DmucsDb() { pthread_mutexattr_init(&attr_); if (pthread_mutexattr_settype(&attr_, PTHREAD_MUTEX_RECURSIVE) < 0) { throw std::bad_alloc(); } pthread_mutex_init(&mutex_, &attr_); } DmucsDb * DmucsDb::getInstance() { if (instance_ == NULL) { instance_ = new DmucsDb(); } return instance_; } void DmucsDb::assignCpuToClient(const unsigned int clientIp, const DmucsDprop dprop, const unsigned int sock) { MutexMonitor m(&mutex_); /* add sock -> dprop mapping */ sock2DpropDb_.insert(std::make_pair(sock, dprop)); return dbDb_.find(dprop)->second.assignCpuToClient(clientIp, sock); } void DmucsDb::releaseCpu(const unsigned int sock) { /* Get the dprop so that we can release the cpu back into the correct sub-db in the DmucsDb. */ dmucs_sock_dprop_db_iter_t itr = sock2DpropDb_.find(sock); if (itr == sock2DpropDb_.end()) { DMUCS_DEBUG((stderr, "No sock->dprop mapping found!\n")); return; } DmucsDprop dprop = itr->second; sock2DpropDb_.erase(itr); dbDb_.find(dprop)->second.releaseCpu(sock); } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* DmucsDpropDb methods. */ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* * getHost: search for the DmucsHost object in the various sets, and return * it when it is found. If it is not found, throw a DmucsHostNotFound * exception. */ DmucsHost * DmucsDpropDb::getHost(const struct in_addr &ipAddr) { DmucsHost host(ipAddr, dprop_, 0, 0); dmucs_host_set_iter_t hptr = allHosts_.find(&host); if (hptr == allHosts_.end()) { throw DmucsHostNotFound(/* ipaddr */); } return *hptr; } bool DmucsDpropDb::haveHost(const struct in_addr &ipAddr) { DmucsHost host(ipAddr, dprop_, 0, 0); return (allHosts_.find(&host) != allHosts_.end()); } /* * return the IP address of a randomly-selected, highest-tier available cpu */ unsigned int DmucsDpropDb::getBestAvailCpu() { unsigned int result = 0UL; for (dmucs_avail_cpus_riter_t itr = availCpus_.rbegin(); itr != availCpus_.rend(); ++itr) { if (itr->second.empty()) { continue; } srandom((unsigned int) time(NULL)); int n = random() % itr->second.size(); dmucs_cpus_iter_t itr2 = itr->second.begin(); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++itr2, i++) ; result = *itr2; // get the IP address of the nth element in the list /* Remove the nth element from the list. */ itr->second.erase(itr2); return result; } throw DmucsNoMoreHosts(); } void DmucsDpropDb::assignCpuToClient(const unsigned int hostIp, const unsigned int sock) { struct in_addr t2; t2.s_addr = hostIp; DMUCS_DEBUG((stderr, "assignCpu hostip %s\n", inet_ntoa(t2))); assignedCpus_.insert(std::make_pair(sock, hostIp)); numAssignedCpus_++; int t; if ((t = assignedCpus_.size()) > numConcurrentAssigned_) { numConcurrentAssigned_ = t; } } void DmucsDpropDb::releaseCpu(const unsigned int sock) { DMUCS_DEBUG((stderr, "releaseCpu for socket 0x%x\n", sock)); dmucs_assigned_cpus_iter_t itr = assignedCpus_.find(sock); if (itr == assignedCpus_.end()) { DMUCS_DEBUG((stderr, "No cpu found in assignedCpus for sock 0x%x\n", sock)); return; } unsigned int hostIp = itr->second; assignedCpus_.erase(itr); struct in_addr in; in.s_addr = hostIp; try { DmucsHost *host = getHost(in); /* Put this message out on the console, so the administrator can see when a host is released back to the db. */ fprintf(stderr, "Got %s back\n", host->getName().c_str()); /* The host may be marked unavailable while one of the cpus was assigned. In this case, don't add the cpu back. */ if (host->getStateAsInt() == STATUS_AVAILABLE) { int tier = host->getTier(); addCpusToTier(tier, hostIp, 1); } } catch (DmucsHostNotFound &e) { /* The host may have been removed from the db while a cpu was assigned. In this case, just don't add the cpu back to the availCpus_ db table. */ } } std::string DmucsDpropDb::serialize() { /* * We will encode the database this way: it will be a big long string * with newlines in it. The lines will look like this: * D: (the string that distinguishes these hosts) * H: * C : /<#cpus> * * o The state is represented by an integer representing the * host_status_t enum value. * o The entire string will end with a \0 (end-of-string) character. */ std::ostringstream result; result << "D: '" << dprop2cstr(dprop_) << "'\n"; for (dmucs_host_set_iter_t itr = allHosts_.begin(); itr != allHosts_.end(); ++itr) { struct in_addr in; in.s_addr = (*itr)->getIpAddrInt(); result << "H: " << inet_ntoa(in) << " " << (*itr)->getStateAsInt() << "\n"; } for (dmucs_avail_cpus_riter_t itr = availCpus_.rbegin(); itr != availCpus_.rend(); ++itr) { if (itr->second.empty()) { continue; } result << "C " << itr->first << ": "; std::vector > uniqIps; int ct = 0; unsigned int curr = 0; // holds an ip address dmucs_cpus_t tmpList(itr->second); tmpList.sort(); for (dmucs_cpus_iter_t itr2 = tmpList.begin(); itr2 != tmpList.end(); ++itr2) { if (curr == *itr2) { ct++; } else { if (curr != 0) { uniqIps.push_back(std::pair(curr, ct)); } curr = *itr2; ct = 1; } } if (ct != 0) { uniqIps.push_back(std::pair(curr, ct)); } for (std::vector >::iterator i = uniqIps.begin(); i != uniqIps.end(); ++i) { struct in_addr t; t.s_addr = i->first; result << inet_ntoa(t) << "/" << i->second << " "; } result << '\n'; } DMUCS_DEBUG((stderr, "Serialize: -->%s<--\n", result.str().c_str())); return result.str(); } void DmucsDpropDb::addNewHost(DmucsHost *host) { /* * Add the host to the allHosts_ set and then also to the availHosts_ * sub-set. */ addToHostSet(&allHosts_, host); addToAvailDb(host); } void DmucsDpropDb::addToHostSet(dmucs_host_set_t *theSet, DmucsHost *host) { std::pair status = theSet->insert(host); if (!status.second) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Waaaaaah!!!!\n", __func__); } } void DmucsDpropDb::delFromHostSet(dmucs_host_set_t *theSet, DmucsHost *host) { dmucs_host_set_iter_t itr = theSet->find(host); if (itr == theSet->end()) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Waaaaaah!!!!\n", __func__); return; } theSet->erase(host); } void DmucsDpropDb::addToAvailDb(DmucsHost *host) { addToHostSet(&availHosts_, host); addCpusToTier(host->getTier(), host->getIpAddrInt(), host->getNumCpus()); } void DmucsDpropDb::delFromAvailDb(DmucsHost *host) { dmucs_avail_cpus_iter_t itr = availCpus_.find(host->getTier()); if (itr == availCpus_.end()) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: could not find tier in avail cpu db\n", __func__); return; } itr->second.remove(host->getIpAddrInt()); delFromHostSet(&availHosts_, host); } void DmucsDpropDb::addToOverloadedDb(DmucsHost *host) { addToHostSet(&overloadedHosts_, host); } void DmucsDpropDb::delFromOverloadedDb(DmucsHost *host) { delFromHostSet(&overloadedHosts_, host); } void DmucsDpropDb::addToSilentDb(DmucsHost *host) { addToHostSet(&silentHosts_, host); } void DmucsDpropDb::delFromSilentDb(DmucsHost *host) { delFromHostSet(&silentHosts_, host); } void DmucsDpropDb::addToUnavailDb(DmucsHost *host) { addToHostSet(&unavailHosts_, host); } void DmucsDpropDb::delFromUnavailDb(DmucsHost *host) { delFromHostSet(&unavailHosts_, host); } /* Add "numCpus" copies of the ipaddress to the list in the given tier. */ void DmucsDpropDb::addCpusToTier(int tierNum, const unsigned int ipAddr, const int numCpus) { /* * If a tier, doesn't exist yet, create one. */ dmucs_avail_cpus_iter_t itr = availCpus_.find(tierNum); if (itr == availCpus_.end()) { std::pair status = availCpus_.insert(std::make_pair(tierNum, dmucs_cpus_t())); if (!status.second) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Waaaaaah!!!!\n", __func__); return; } itr = status.first; } itr->second.insert(itr->second.end(), numCpus, ipAddr); } void DmucsDpropDb::moveCpus(DmucsHost *host, int oldTier, int newTier) { int numCpusDel = delCpusFromTier(oldTier, host->getIpAddrInt()); addCpusToTier(newTier, host->getIpAddrInt(), numCpusDel); } /* Return the number of cpus removed from the tier. */ int DmucsDpropDb::delCpusFromTier(int tier, unsigned int ipAddr) { dmucs_avail_cpus_iter_t itr = availCpus_.find(tier); if (itr == availCpus_.end()) { fprintf(stderr, "OOOOUCCCH: shouldn't happen\n"); return 0; } int count = 0; for (dmucs_cpus_iter_t itr2 = itr->second.begin(); itr2 != itr->second.end();) { if (*itr2 == ipAddr) { itr2 = itr->second.erase(itr2); count++; } else { ++itr2; } } return count; } void DmucsDpropDb::handleSilentHosts() { for (dmucs_host_set_iter_t itr = allHosts_.begin(); itr != allHosts_.end(); ++itr) { if ((*itr)->seemsDown()) { (*itr)->silent(); } } } void DmucsDpropDb::dump() { fprintf(stderr, "ALLHOSTS:\n"); for (dmucs_host_set_iter_t itr = allHosts_.begin(); itr != allHosts_.end(); ++itr) { (*itr)->dump(); } fprintf(stderr, "AVAIL HOSTS:\n"); for (dmucs_host_set_iter_t itr = availHosts_.begin(); itr != availHosts_.end(); ++itr) { (*itr)->dump(); } fprintf(stderr, "AVAIL CPUS:\n"); for (dmucs_avail_cpus_iter_t itr = availCpus_.begin(); itr != availCpus_.end(); ++itr) { if (itr->second.empty()) { continue; } fprintf(stderr, "Tier %d: ", itr->first); for (dmucs_cpus_iter_t itr2 = itr->second.begin(); itr2 != itr->second.end(); ++itr2) { struct in_addr t; t.s_addr = *itr2; fprintf(stderr, "%s ", inet_ntoa(t)); } fprintf(stderr, "\n"); } fprintf(stderr, "ASSIGNED CPUS:\n"); for (dmucs_assigned_cpus_iter_t itr = assignedCpus_.begin(); itr != assignedCpus_.end(); ++itr) { struct in_addr t; t.s_addr = itr->second; fprintf(stderr, "%s assigned to 0x%x", inet_ntoa(t), itr->first); } fprintf(stderr, "\n"); fprintf(stderr, "OVERLOADED HOSTS:\n"); for (dmucs_host_set_iter_t itr = overloadedHosts_.begin(); itr != overloadedHosts_.end(); ++itr) { (*itr)->dump(); } fprintf(stderr, "SILENT HOSTS:\n"); for (dmucs_host_set_iter_t itr = silentHosts_.begin(); itr != silentHosts_.end(); ++itr) { (*itr)->dump(); } fprintf(stderr, "UNAVAIL HOSTS:\n"); for (dmucs_host_set_iter_t itr = unavailHosts_.begin(); itr != unavailHosts_.end(); ++itr) { (*itr)->dump(); } } /* * Return some stats from the database usage: * o served: the number of cpus served to clients in the last time period. * o max: the maximum number of cpus assigned to clients at one time, during * the last period. * o totalCpus: the total number of cpus available at this time. * * NOTE: this function also clears the stats back to 0: i.e., starts a new * collection period. */ void DmucsDpropDb::getStatsFromDb(int *served, int *max, int *totalCpus) { *served = numAssignedCpus_; numAssignedCpus_ = 0; *max = numConcurrentAssigned_; numConcurrentAssigned_ = 0; *totalCpus = 0; for (dmucs_avail_cpus_iter_t itr = availCpus_.begin(); itr != availCpus_.end(); ++itr) { *totalCpus += itr->second.size(); } *totalCpus += assignedCpus_.size(); }