@echo off echo Windows 95 Batch file: makes the Simple Sockets Library from a echo MSDOS console echo Batch file for Borland C++ v5.0 or better echo echo Authors: Charles E. Campbell, Jr. echo Terry McRoberts echo --------------------------------------------------------------- echo rem This batch file already assumes that the files have been gunzip'ped and rem untar'red. It creates a smplskts.lib; you will also want to have rem its header files in your -I list when compiling. rem Compile the Simple Sockets Library echo Compiling Simple Sockets Library for %%f in (*.c) do bcc32 -c -vi- -w-aus -w-csu -w-pia -I. -w-vnu -I.\HDR %%f rem Build smplskts.lib Library echo Building smplskts.lib for %%f in (*.obj) do tlib /C smplskts +%%f rem Compile and link SSL utilities and PortMaster (Spm) echo Compiling and linking SSL utilities cd EXE for %%f in (*.c) do bcc32 -Ot -vi- -w-aus -w-csu -w-pia -I..\HDR %%f ..\smplskts.lib mv *.exe .. cd .. rem Cleanup del *.bak del *.obj del EXE\*.obj rem Final Note echo echo --------------------------------------------------------------- echo echo Utilities and the PortMaster (Spm) are in COSMIC\*.exe echo The Simple Sockets library is in COSMIC\smplskts.lib echo Try out the examples, too! echo echo Best of luck, echo Charles E. Campbell