#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w # -*- perl -*- # Cricket: a configuration, polling and data display wrapper for RRD files # # Copyright (C) 1998-2002 Jeff R. Allen and WebTV Networks, Inc. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. BEGIN { my $programdir = (($0 =~ m:^(.*/):)[0] || "./") . ".."; eval "require '$programdir/cricket-conf.pl'"; eval "require '/usr/local/etc/cricket-conf.pl'" unless $Common::global::gInstallRoot; $Common::global::gInstallRoot ||= $programdir; } use lib "$Common::global::gInstallRoot/lib"; use strict; use snmpUtils; use Common::Options; use Common::Log; # Default the log level high enough to ignore warnings, unless they # ask for them with "./listInterfaces -loglevel warn". This is so # that when we get warnings for trying to talk to extended mibs, the # user does not freak out. unshift @ARGV, "-logLevel", "error"; my(%suppress) =(); my($bytes) = 0; my($usage) = 0; my($redback) = 0; my($cisco) = 0; my($useifnamekey) = 0; my($useifdesckey) = 0; my($usealias) = 0; my($usedescr) = 0; my($units) = "bits"; my($showspeed) = 0; Common::Options::commonOptions( "speed!", \$showspeed, "ifname!", \$useifnamekey, "ifdesc!", \$useifdesckey, "alias!", \$usealias, "descript!", \$usedescr, "redback!", \$redback, "cisco!", \$cisco, "bytes|b!", \$bytes, "help|usage|h|?!", \$usage, "suppress=s@", \@main::suppress ); if ($cisco && $redback) { $usage = 1; } elsif ($cisco) { $showspeed = 1; $useifdesckey = 1; $usealias = 1; $useifnamekey = 0; $usedescr = 0; } elsif ($redback) { $showspeed = 1; $useifnamekey = 1; $usedescr = 1; $useifdesckey = 0; $usealias = 0; } else { $useifdesckey = 1 if ! $useifnamekey; $usealias = 1 if ! $usedescr; } if ($#ARGV+1 < 1 || $#ARGV+1 > 2 || $usage) { print STDERR "Usage: $0 [options] hostname [community]\n"; print STDERR "\tcommunity will default to public if you don't give it.\n\n"; print STDERR "Options:\n"; print STDERR " --help or --usage or -? show this message\n"; print STDERR " --speed \tinclude interface speed in output (platform-dependent)\n"; print STDERR " --ifdesc \tuse ifDescr as interface key (default)\n"; print STDERR " --ifname \tuse ifName as interface key instead of ifDescr\n"; print STDERR " --alias \tuse ifAlias as interface description (default)\n"; print STDERR " --descr \tuse ifDescr as interface description\n"; print STDERR " --bytes \tuse units of bytes (default bits)\n"; print STDERR " --cisco \tsame as --speed --ifdesc --alias \n"; print STDERR " --redback \tsame as --speed --ifname --descr \n"; print STDERR " --suppress [pattern] \tignore/skip interfaces matching pattern\n"; print STDERR " \t\tMultiple --suppress entries may be used.\n\n"; print STDERR "Examples:\n"; print STDERR " $0 --cisco --suppress BVI --suppress Loop mycisco mySNMP\n";; print STDERR "Generate interfaces config for a Cisco, including speed information \n"; print STDERR "per interface but skipping loopback and BVI (bridge) interfaces \n"; exit 1; } $units = "bytes" if $bytes; my($router) = $ARGV[0]; my($community) = "public"; $community = $ARGV[1] unless (!defined($ARGV[1])); my($snmp) = "$community\@$router"; print "target --default--\n"; print " router = $router\n"; print "\n"; my($ifDescr) = ''; my($ifName) = ''; my($ifAlias) = ''; my($interface_key) = '.' . $ifDescr; $interface_key = '.' . $ifName if $useifnamekey; my($interface_name) = $ifAlias; $interface_name = $ifDescr if $usedescr; ## print("# Read with ifName key $interface_key\n") if $useifnamekey; my($outputme) = 0; my($test)= ""; my($row); foreach $row (snmpUtils::walk($snmp, $interface_key)) { my($oid, $value) = split(/:/, $row, 2); $oid =~ s/$interface_key//; my($stat) = snmpUtils::get($snmp, "$oid"); my($connector) = snmpUtils::get($snmp, "$oid"); my($desc) = snmpUtils::get($snmp, "$interface_name.$oid"); my($ifSpeed) = snmpUtils::get($snmp, "$oid"); # Sanitize $desc value because current Redback SNMP implementation # as of 11/2000 returns corrupted garbage in ifDescr sometimes. $desc =~ tr/!-~/ /cs; # convert all non-printable ASCIIs to a space # second fetched value is oper status -- use it to decide which # targets to print $outputme = ($stat == 1); # suppress array is list of strings to be pattern-matched to # decide whether we ignore this interface. TEST: foreach $test (@main::suppress) { if ($outputme && $value =~ m/$test/) { $outputme = 0; last TEST; } } if ($outputme) { my($target) = $value; $target =~ s/[\/\s:]/\_/g; print "target $target\n"; output("interface-name", $value); output("short-desc", $desc); if ($showspeed && $ifSpeed) { output("if-speed", $ifSpeed); output("fmt-speed", fmispeed($ifSpeed, $units)); } # experience shows that subinterfaces (like those # representing the endpoints of PVCs riding on a # frame relay link) need a special config. if (defined($connector) && $connector == 2) { output("target-type", "sub-interface"); } print "\n"; } } sub output { my($name, $value) = @_; my($quote) = ''; if (defined($value)) { # quote empty (or white-space only) lines, or lines which # will have embedded spaces. $quote = '"' if ($value =~ /^\s*$/ || $value =~ /\s/); print "\t$name = $quote$value$quote\n"; } } sub fmispeed { my($number, $units) = @_; my @short; if ($units eq "bytes") { @short = ("Bytes/sec","kBytes/sec","MBytes/sec","GBytes/sec"); } else { @short = ("bits/sec","kbits/sec","Mbits/sec","Gbits/sec"); } my $digits = length("".$number); my $divm = 0; while ($digits - $divm*3 > 3) { $divm++; } my $divnum = $number/10**($divm*3); if ($divnum == int $divnum) { return sprintf("%1d %s", $divnum, $short[$divm]); } return sprintf("%1.3f %s", $divnum, $short[$divm]); }