# $Id: snmpUtils.pm,v 1.4 2002/06/16 23:29:09 driehuis Exp $ # $Source: /cvsroot/cricket/cricket/lib/alternate/net-snmp/snmpUtils.pm,v $ # # This is a simple wrapper for Net-SNMP. People who want to # use other SNMP libraries can hook the calls here by replacing this # copy of snmpUtils.pm with their own, which redirects the calls # to their own library. # # To use this one, mv the original snmpUtils.pm out of the way and # symlink this one in its place: # cd ~cricket/lib # mv snmpUtils.pm snmpUtils_SNMP_Session.pm # ln -s alternate/net-snmp/snmpUtils.pm snmpUtils.pm # # TODO: # Verify that traps are generated consistent with the main # implementation. # Provide an upper bound to the number of cached sessions, # by implementing an LRU cache. package snmpUtils; use Common::Log; use SNMP; use Sys::Hostname; # this is the OID for enterprises.webtv.wtvOps.wtvOpsTraps my($trapoid) = "."; # Max number of times a device can fail to respond before we skip further # requests. Adjust as needed. (This should probably be made a target # attribute in the config tree so it can be set on a per device basis.) my $MAXTRIES = 2; my %skipcnt; my %sessions; my @fifo; my $hostname = undef; sub init { %skipcnt = (); %sessions = (); } # Establish an SNMP session to the given host. sub opensnmp { my($snmp) = @_; if (defined $sessions{$snmp}) { # If we already have a session... if ($sessions{$snmp} != -1) { # If it not blacklisted, return it. return $sessions{$snmp}; } else { # Else blacklisted, return undef. return undef; } } my $snmp_url = $snmp; $snmp =~ s#snmp://##; my $istrap = 0; $istrap = 1 if ($snmp =~ s#trap://##); my ($comm, $rest) = split(/\@/, $snmp, 2); if (!defined($rest)) { $comm = undef; $rest = $snmp; } my ($host, $port, $timeout, $retries, $backoff, $version) = split(/\s*:\s*/, $rest); $comm ||= 'public'; $port ||= 161 if !$istrap; $port ||= 162 if $istrap; $timeout ||= 2; $retries ||= 5; $backoff ||= 1; $version ||= 1; Info("Opening SNMP session to $host:$port/v$version"); my %session_opts = (Community => $comm, DestHost => $host, RemotePort => $port, Timeout => $timeout * 1000000, Retries => $retries, Version => $version, AuthProto => 'MD5', PrivProto => 'DES', AuthPass => '', PrivPass => '', Context => 'default', SecName => 'initial', SecLevel => 'authNoPriv', UseNumeric => 1, UseLongNames => 1); my $session = new SNMP::Session(%session_opts) if !$istrap; $session = new SNMP::TrapSession(%session_opts) if $istrap; if (!defined($session)) { Warn("Can't set up session to $snmp"); $sessions{$snmp} = -1; return undef; } $sessions{$snmp_url} = $session; # Save the session for future reference. $skipcnt{$snmp_url} = $MAXTRIES; # Init the blacklist counter. push @fifo, $snmp_url; if ($#fifo > 20) { my $old_url = shift @fifo; delete $sessions{$old_url}; # We keep the blacklist entry } return $session; } sub count_error { my ($snmp, $session) = @_; # Strip community name from error my($ignore1, $ssnmp) = $snmp =~ /([^@]+@)?(.*)/; my $errstr = $session->{"ErrorStr"}; Warn($errstr); if ($errstr =~ /timeout/i) { $skipcnt{$snmp}--; Warn("Skip count now $skipcnt{$snmp} for $ssnmp"); if ($skipcnt{$snmp} <= 0) { Warn("Blacklisting $ssnmp"); $sessions{$snmp} = -1; } } } sub get { my ($snmp, @oids) = @_; my $session = opensnmp($snmp); return () unless defined($session); my @vars; foreach my $oid (@oids) { my $var = new SNMP::Varbind([$oid]); push @vars, $var; } my $varlist = new SNMP::VarList(@vars); $session->get($varlist); if ($session->{"ErrorNum"}) { &count_error($snmp, $session); return (); } my @return; foreach my $var (@vars) { push @return, $var->val; } return @return; } sub walk { my ($snmp, $oid) = @_; my $session = opensnmp($snmp); return () unless defined($session); my @return = (); $oid = &SNMP::translateObj($oid) if $oid =~ /^[a-zA-Z]/; $oid = ".$oid" unless substr($oid, 0, 1) eq "."; my $var = new SNMP::Varbind([$oid]); while (defined $session->getnext($var)) { last if substr($var->tag, 0, length($oid)) ne $oid; if (length($var->tag) > length($oid)) { push @return, substr($var->tag, length($oid) + 1) . "." . $var->iid . ":" . $var->val; } else { push @return, $var->iid . ":" . $var->val; } } return @return; } sub trap { my($to, $spec, @data) = @_; my @newdata = (); my($ct) = 1; foreach my $item (@data) { push @newdata, ".$ct", "", $item; $ct++; } &trap2($to, $spec, @newdata); } sub trap2 { my($to, $spec, @data) = @_; $to = "trap://$to" unless $to =~ /^trap/; my $session = opensnmp($to); return undef unless defined($session); # this makes a oid->value map for the trap. Note that # we just fake up simple one-level OID's... it suits our needs. my($type, $item, @vars); while (@data) { $oid = shift @data; shift @data; $item = shift @data; $type = OCTETSTR; $type = UINTEGER if ($item =~ /^(\d+)$/); $type = INTEGER if ($item =~ /^-(\d+)$/); my $var = new SNMP::Varbind([$oid, undef, $item, $type]); push @vars, $var; } my $varlist = new SNMP::VarList(@vars); $hostname ||= hostname(); $session->trap(enterprise=>$trapoid, agent=>$hostname, specific=>$spec, $varlist); } 1; # Local Variables: # mode: perl # indent-tabs-mode: nil # tab-width: 4 # perl-indent-level: 4 # End: