#!/usr/bin/perl # XXX: Not sure if this script is needed anymore. exit; $config_file = "/etc/X11/xdm/Xaccess"; $bkup_file = $config_file . ".ltsp.orig"; $tmp_file = $config_file . ".ltsp.tmp"; # don't bother to continue unless the target file exists $exists = stat ($config_file); if (! $exists) { print "\n". $config_file ." not found\n\n"; exit; } # open target file open (IN, "< $config_file"); open (OUT, "> $tmp_file"); while () { print OUT $_; } print OUT "* # any host can get a login window\n"; # close up the files close (IN); close (OUT); # out with the old, in with the new `mv $config_file $bkup_file`; `mv $tmp_file $config_file`; exit;