/** * This file has no copyright assigned and is placed in the Public Domain. * This file is part of the w64 mingw-runtime package. * No warranty is given; refer to the file DISCLAIMER.PD within this package. */ #ifndef _MSPENUM_H_ #define _MSPENUM_H_ #ifdef __cplusplus template class ATL_NO_VTABLE CSafeComEnum : public CComEnumImpl,public CComObjectRootEx< ThreadModel > { typedef CSafeComEnum ThisClass; typedef CComEnumImpl BaseClass; STDMETHOD(Next)(ULONG celt,T *rgelt,ULONG *pceltFetched) { if(IsBadWritePtr(rgelt,celt *sizeof(T))) return E_POINTER; if((pceltFetched!=NULL) && IsBadWritePtr(pceltFetched,sizeof(ULONG))) return E_POINTER; return BaseClass::Next(celt,rgelt,pceltFetched); } STDMETHOD(Clone)(Base **ppEnum) { if(IsBadWritePtr(ppEnum,sizeof(Base *))) return E_POINTER; return BaseClass::Clone(ppEnum); } BEGIN_COM_MAP(ThisClass) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY_IID(*piid,BaseClass) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY_AGGREGATE(IID_IMarshal,m_pFTM) END_COM_MAP() DECLARE_GET_CONTROLLING_UNKNOWN() HRESULT Init(T *begin,T *end,IUnknown *pUnk,CComEnumFlags flags = AtlFlagNoCopy) { HRESULT hr; IUnknown *pIU = GetControllingUnknown(); hr = CoCreateFreeThreadedMarshaler(pIU,& m_pFTM); if(FAILED(hr)) return hr; return BaseClass::Init(begin,end,pUnk,flags); } CSafeComEnum() { m_pFTM = NULL; } void FinalRelease(void) { if(m_pFTM) { m_pFTM->Release(); } CComObjectRootEx< ThreadModel >::FinalRelease(); } protected: IUnknown *m_pFTM; }; #endif /* __cplusplus */ #endif