/** * This file has no copyright assigned and is placed in the Public Domain. * This file is part of the w64 mingw-runtime package. * No warranty is given; refer to the file DISCLAIMER.PD within this package. */ #ifndef _FVEC_H_INCLUDED #define _FVEC_H_INCLUDED #ifndef RC_INVOKED #ifndef __cplusplus #error ERROR: This file is only supported in C++ compilations! #endif #include #include #include #include <_mingw.h> #if defined(_ENABLE_VEC_DEBUG) #include #endif #pragma pack(push,_CRT_PACKING) #ifdef __SSE__ #pragma pack(push,16) #define EXPLICIT explicit class F32vec4 { protected: __m128 vec; public: F32vec4() {} F32vec4(__m128 m) { vec = m;} F32vec4(float f3,float f2,float f1,float f0) { vec= _mm_set_ps(f3,f2,f1,f0); } EXPLICIT F32vec4(float f) { vec = _mm_set_ps1(f); } EXPLICIT F32vec4(double d) { vec = _mm_set_ps1((float) d); } F32vec4& operator =(float f) { vec = _mm_set_ps1(f); return *this; } F32vec4& operator =(double d) { vec = _mm_set_ps1((float) d); return *this; } operator __m128() const { return vec; } friend F32vec4 operator &(const F32vec4 &a,const F32vec4 &b) { return _mm_and_ps(a,b); } friend F32vec4 operator |(const F32vec4 &a,const F32vec4 &b) { return _mm_or_ps(a,b); } friend F32vec4 operator ^(const F32vec4 &a,const F32vec4 &b) { return _mm_xor_ps(a,b); } friend F32vec4 operator +(const F32vec4 &a,const F32vec4 &b) { return _mm_add_ps(a,b); } friend F32vec4 operator -(const F32vec4 &a,const F32vec4 &b) { return _mm_sub_ps(a,b); } friend F32vec4 operator *(const F32vec4 &a,const F32vec4 &b) { return _mm_mul_ps(a,b); } friend F32vec4 operator /(const F32vec4 &a,const F32vec4 &b) { return _mm_div_ps(a,b); } F32vec4& operator =(const F32vec4 &a) { vec = a.vec; return *this; } F32vec4& operator =(const __m128 &avec) { vec = avec; return *this; } F32vec4& operator +=(F32vec4 &a) { return *this = _mm_add_ps(vec,a); } F32vec4& operator -=(F32vec4 &a) { return *this = _mm_sub_ps(vec,a); } F32vec4& operator *=(F32vec4 &a) { return *this = _mm_mul_ps(vec,a); } F32vec4& operator /=(F32vec4 &a) { return *this = _mm_div_ps(vec,a); } F32vec4& operator &=(F32vec4 &a) { return *this = _mm_and_ps(vec,a); } F32vec4& operator |=(F32vec4 &a) { return *this = _mm_or_ps(vec,a); } F32vec4& operator ^=(F32vec4 &a) { return *this = _mm_xor_ps(vec,a); } friend float add_horizontal(F32vec4 &a) { F32vec4 ftemp = _mm_add_ss(a,_mm_add_ss(_mm_shuffle_ps(a,a,1),_mm_add_ss(_mm_shuffle_ps(a,a,2),_mm_shuffle_ps(a,a,3)))); return ftemp[0]; } friend F32vec4 sqrt(const F32vec4 &a) { return _mm_sqrt_ps(a); } friend F32vec4 rcp(const F32vec4 &a) { return _mm_rcp_ps(a); } friend F32vec4 rsqrt(const F32vec4 &a) { return _mm_rsqrt_ps(a); } friend F32vec4 rcp_nr(const F32vec4 &a) { F32vec4 Ra0 = _mm_rcp_ps(a); return _mm_sub_ps(_mm_add_ps(Ra0,Ra0),_mm_mul_ps(_mm_mul_ps(Ra0,a),Ra0)); } friend F32vec4 rsqrt_nr(const F32vec4 &a) { static const F32vec4 fvecf0pt5(0.5f); static const F32vec4 fvecf3pt0(3.0f); F32vec4 Ra0 = _mm_rsqrt_ps(a); return (fvecf0pt5 *Ra0) *(fvecf3pt0 - (a *Ra0) *Ra0); } #define Fvec32s4_COMP(op) friend F32vec4 cmp##op (const F32vec4 &a,const F32vec4 &b) { return _mm_cmp##op##_ps(a,b); } Fvec32s4_COMP(eq) Fvec32s4_COMP(lt) Fvec32s4_COMP(le) Fvec32s4_COMP(gt) Fvec32s4_COMP(ge) Fvec32s4_COMP(neq) Fvec32s4_COMP(nlt) Fvec32s4_COMP(nle) Fvec32s4_COMP(ngt) Fvec32s4_COMP(nge) #undef Fvec32s4_COMP friend F32vec4 simd_min(const F32vec4 &a,const F32vec4 &b) { return _mm_min_ps(a,b); } friend F32vec4 simd_max(const F32vec4 &a,const F32vec4 &b) { return _mm_max_ps(a,b); } #if defined(_ENABLE_VEC_DEBUG) friend std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & os,const F32vec4 &a) { float *fp = (float*)&a; os << "[3]:" << *(fp+3) << " [2]:" << *(fp+2) << " [1]:" << *(fp+1) << " [0]:" << *fp; return os; } #endif const float& operator[](int i) const { assert((0 <= i) && (i <= 3)); float *fp = (float*)&vec; return *(fp+i); } float& operator[](int i) { assert((0 <= i) && (i <= 3)); float *fp = (float*)&vec; return *(fp+i); } }; inline F32vec4 unpack_low(const F32vec4 &a,const F32vec4 &b) { return _mm_unpacklo_ps(a,b); } inline F32vec4 unpack_high(const F32vec4 &a,const F32vec4 &b) { return _mm_unpackhi_ps(a,b); } inline int move_mask(const F32vec4 &a) { return _mm_movemask_ps(a); } inline void loadu(F32vec4 &a,float *p) { a = _mm_loadu_ps(p); } inline void storeu(float *p,const F32vec4 &a) { _mm_storeu_ps(p,a); } inline void store_nta(float *p,F32vec4 &a) { _mm_stream_ps(p,a); } #define Fvec32s4_SELECT(op) inline F32vec4 select_##op (const F32vec4 &a,const F32vec4 &b,const F32vec4 &c,const F32vec4 &d) { F32vec4 mask = _mm_cmp##op##_ps(a,b); return((mask & c) | F32vec4((_mm_andnot_ps(mask,d)))); } Fvec32s4_SELECT(eq) Fvec32s4_SELECT(lt) Fvec32s4_SELECT(le) Fvec32s4_SELECT(gt) Fvec32s4_SELECT(ge) Fvec32s4_SELECT(neq) Fvec32s4_SELECT(nlt) Fvec32s4_SELECT(nle) Fvec32s4_SELECT(ngt) Fvec32s4_SELECT(nge) #undef Fvec32s4_SELECT #if 0 /* Commented until required types are defined */ inline Is16vec4 simd_max(const Is16vec4 &a,const Is16vec4 &b) { return _m_pmaxsw(a,b); } inline Is16vec4 simd_min(const Is16vec4 &a,const Is16vec4 &b) { return _m_pminsw(a,b); } inline Iu8vec8 simd_max(const Iu8vec8 &a,const Iu8vec8 &b) { return _m_pmaxub(a,b); } inline Iu8vec8 simd_min(const Iu8vec8 &a,const Iu8vec8 &b) { return _m_pminub(a,b); } inline Iu16vec4 simd_avg(const Iu16vec4 &a,const Iu16vec4 &b) { return _m_pavgw(a,b); } inline Iu8vec8 simd_avg(const Iu8vec8 &a,const Iu8vec8 &b) { return _m_pavgb(a,b); } inline int move_mask(const I8vec8 &a) { return _m_pmovmskb(a); } inline Iu16vec4 mul_high(const Iu16vec4 &a,const Iu16vec4 &b) { return _m_pmulhuw(a,b); } inline void mask_move(const I8vec8 &a,const I8vec8 &b,char *addr) { _m_maskmovq(a,b,addr); } inline void store_nta(__m64 *p,M64 &a) { _mm_stream_pi(p,a); } inline int F32vec4ToInt(const F32vec4 &a) { return _mm_cvtt_ss2si(a); } inline Is32vec2 F32vec4ToIs32vec2 (const F32vec4 &a) { __m64 result; result = _mm_cvtt_ps2pi(a); return Is32vec2(result); } #endif inline F32vec4 IntToF32vec4(const F32vec4 &a,int i) { __m128 result; result = _mm_cvt_si2ss(a,i); return F32vec4(result); } #if 0 /* Commented until required types are defined */ inline F32vec4 Is32vec2ToF32vec4(const F32vec4 &a,const Is32vec2 &b) { __m128 result; result = _mm_cvt_pi2ps(a,b); return F32vec4(result); } #endif class F32vec1 { protected: __m128 vec; public: F32vec1() {} F32vec1(int i) { vec = _mm_cvt_si2ss(vec,i);}; EXPLICIT F32vec1(float f) { vec = _mm_set_ss(f); } EXPLICIT F32vec1(double d) { vec = _mm_set_ss((float) d); } F32vec1(__m128 m) { vec = m; } operator __m128() const { return vec; } friend F32vec1 operator &(const F32vec1 &a,const F32vec1 &b) { return _mm_and_ps(a,b); } friend F32vec1 operator |(const F32vec1 &a,const F32vec1 &b) { return _mm_or_ps(a,b); } friend F32vec1 operator ^(const F32vec1 &a,const F32vec1 &b) { return _mm_xor_ps(a,b); } friend F32vec1 operator +(const F32vec1 &a,const F32vec1 &b) { return _mm_add_ss(a,b); } friend F32vec1 operator -(const F32vec1 &a,const F32vec1 &b) { return _mm_sub_ss(a,b); } friend F32vec1 operator *(const F32vec1 &a,const F32vec1 &b) { return _mm_mul_ss(a,b); } friend F32vec1 operator /(const F32vec1 &a,const F32vec1 &b) { return _mm_div_ss(a,b); } F32vec1& operator +=(F32vec1 &a) { return *this = _mm_add_ss(vec,a); } F32vec1& operator -=(F32vec1 &a) { return *this = _mm_sub_ss(vec,a); } F32vec1& operator *=(F32vec1 &a) { return *this = _mm_mul_ss(vec,a); } F32vec1& operator /=(F32vec1 &a) { return *this = _mm_div_ss(vec,a); } F32vec1& operator &=(F32vec1 &a) { return *this = _mm_and_ps(vec,a); } F32vec1& operator |=(F32vec1 &a) { return *this = _mm_or_ps(vec,a); } F32vec1& operator ^=(F32vec1 &a) { return *this = _mm_xor_ps(vec,a); } friend F32vec1 sqrt(const F32vec1 &a) { return _mm_sqrt_ss(a); } friend F32vec1 rcp(const F32vec1 &a) { return _mm_rcp_ss(a); } friend F32vec1 rsqrt(const F32vec1 &a) { return _mm_rsqrt_ss(a); } friend F32vec1 rcp_nr(const F32vec1 &a) { F32vec1 Ra0 = _mm_rcp_ss(a); return _mm_sub_ss(_mm_add_ss(Ra0,Ra0),_mm_mul_ss(_mm_mul_ss(Ra0,a),Ra0)); } friend F32vec1 rsqrt_nr(const F32vec1 &a) { static const F32vec1 fvecf0pt5(0.5f); static const F32vec1 fvecf3pt0(3.0f); F32vec1 Ra0 = _mm_rsqrt_ss(a); return (fvecf0pt5 *Ra0) *(fvecf3pt0 - (a *Ra0) *Ra0); } #define Fvec32s1_COMP(op) friend F32vec1 cmp##op (const F32vec1 &a,const F32vec1 &b) { return _mm_cmp##op##_ss(a,b); } Fvec32s1_COMP(eq) Fvec32s1_COMP(lt) Fvec32s1_COMP(le) Fvec32s1_COMP(gt) Fvec32s1_COMP(ge) Fvec32s1_COMP(neq) Fvec32s1_COMP(nlt) Fvec32s1_COMP(nle) Fvec32s1_COMP(ngt) Fvec32s1_COMP(nge) #undef Fvec32s1_COMP friend F32vec1 simd_min(const F32vec1 &a,const F32vec1 &b) { return _mm_min_ss(a,b); } friend F32vec1 simd_max(const F32vec1 &a,const F32vec1 &b) { return _mm_max_ss(a,b); } #if defined(_ENABLE_VEC_DEBUG) friend std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & os,const F32vec1 &a) { float *fp = (float*)&a; os << "float:" << *fp; return os; } #endif }; #define Fvec32s1_SELECT(op) inline F32vec1 select_##op (const F32vec1 &a,const F32vec1 &b,const F32vec1 &c,const F32vec1 &d) { F32vec1 mask = _mm_cmp##op##_ss(a,b); return((mask & c) | F32vec1((_mm_andnot_ps(mask,d)))); } Fvec32s1_SELECT(eq) Fvec32s1_SELECT(lt) Fvec32s1_SELECT(le) Fvec32s1_SELECT(gt) Fvec32s1_SELECT(ge) Fvec32s1_SELECT(neq) Fvec32s1_SELECT(nlt) Fvec32s1_SELECT(nle) Fvec32s1_SELECT(ngt) Fvec32s1_SELECT(nge) #undef Fvec32s1_SELECT inline int F32vec1ToInt(const F32vec1 &a) { return _mm_cvtt_ss2si(a); } #pragma pack(pop) #endif /* #ifdef __SSE__ */ #pragma pack(pop) #endif #endif