/** * This file has no copyright assigned and is placed in the Public Domain. * This file is part of the w64 mingw-runtime package. * No warranty is given; refer to the file DISCLAIMER.PD within this package. */ #include <_mingw.h> #include #ifndef _INC_FCNTL #define _INC_FCNTL #define _O_RDONLY 0x0000 #define _O_WRONLY 0x0001 #define _O_RDWR 0x0002 #define _O_APPEND 0x0008 #define _O_CREAT 0x0100 #define _O_TRUNC 0x0200 #define _O_EXCL 0x0400 #define _O_TEXT 0x4000 #define _O_BINARY 0x8000 #define _O_WTEXT 0x10000 #define _O_U16TEXT 0x20000 #define _O_U8TEXT 0x40000 #define _O_ACCMODE (_O_RDONLY|_O_WRONLY|_O_RDWR) #define _O_RAW _O_BINARY #define _O_NOINHERIT 0x0080 #define _O_TEMPORARY 0x0040 #define _O_SHORT_LIVED 0x1000 #define _O_SEQUENTIAL 0x0020 #define _O_RANDOM 0x0010 #if !defined(NO_OLDNAMES) || defined(_POSIX) #define O_RDONLY _O_RDONLY #define O_WRONLY _O_WRONLY #define O_RDWR _O_RDWR #define O_APPEND _O_APPEND #define O_CREAT _O_CREAT #define O_TRUNC _O_TRUNC #define O_EXCL _O_EXCL #define O_TEXT _O_TEXT #define O_BINARY _O_BINARY #define O_RAW _O_BINARY #define O_TEMPORARY _O_TEMPORARY #define O_NOINHERIT _O_NOINHERIT #define O_SEQUENTIAL _O_SEQUENTIAL #define O_RANDOM _O_RANDOM #define O_ACCMODE _O_ACCMODE #endif #endif