/** * This file has no copyright assigned and is placed in the Public Domain. * This file is part of the w64 mingw-runtime package. * No warranty is given; refer to the file DISCLAIMER.PD within this package. */ #ifndef _INC_CUSTCNTL #define _INC_CUSTCNTL #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #define CCHCCCLASS 32 #define CCHCCDESC 32 #define CCHCCTEXT 256 typedef struct tagCCSTYLEA { DWORD flStyle; DWORD flExtStyle; CHAR szText[CCHCCTEXT]; LANGID lgid; WORD wReserved1; } CCSTYLEA,*LPCCSTYLEA; typedef struct tagCCSTYLEW { DWORD flStyle; DWORD flExtStyle; WCHAR szText[CCHCCTEXT]; LANGID lgid; WORD wReserved1; } CCSTYLEW,*LPCCSTYLEW; #ifdef UNICODE #define CCSTYLE CCSTYLEW #define LPCCSTYLE LPCCSTYLEW #define LPFNCCSTYLE LPFNCCSTYLEW #define LPFNCCSIZETOTEXT LPFNCCSIZETOTEXTW #define CCSTYLEFLAG CCSTYLEFLAGW #define LPCCSTYLEFLAG LPCCSTYLEFLAGW #define CCINFO CCINFOW #define LPCCINFO LPCCINFOW #define LPFNCCINFO LPFNCCINFOW #else #define CCSTYLE CCSTYLEA #define LPCCSTYLE LPCCSTYLEA #define LPFNCCSTYLE LPFNCCSTYLEA #define LPFNCCSIZETOTEXT LPFNCCSIZETOTEXTA #define CCSTYLEFLAG CCSTYLEFLAGA #define LPCCSTYLEFLAG LPCCSTYLEFLAGA #define CCINFO CCINFOA #define LPCCINFO LPCCINFOA #define LPFNCCINFO LPFNCCINFOA #endif typedef WINBOOL (CALLBACK *LPFNCCSTYLEA)(HWND hwndParent,LPCCSTYLEA pccs); typedef WINBOOL (CALLBACK *LPFNCCSTYLEW)(HWND hwndParent,LPCCSTYLEW pccs); typedef INT (CALLBACK *LPFNCCSIZETOTEXTA)(DWORD flStyle,DWORD flExtStyle,HFONT hfont,LPSTR pszText); typedef INT (CALLBACK *LPFNCCSIZETOTEXTW)(DWORD flStyle,DWORD flExtStyle,HFONT hfont,LPWSTR pszText); typedef struct tagCCSTYLEFLAGA { DWORD flStyle; DWORD flStyleMask; LPSTR pszStyle; } CCSTYLEFLAGA,*LPCCSTYLEFLAGA; typedef struct tagCCSTYLEFLAGW { DWORD flStyle; DWORD flStyleMask; LPWSTR pszStyle; } CCSTYLEFLAGW,*LPCCSTYLEFLAGW; #define CCF_NOTEXT 0x00000001 typedef struct tagCCINFOA { CHAR szClass[CCHCCCLASS]; DWORD flOptions; CHAR szDesc[CCHCCDESC]; UINT cxDefault; UINT cyDefault; DWORD flStyleDefault; DWORD flExtStyleDefault; DWORD flCtrlTypeMask; CHAR szTextDefault[CCHCCTEXT]; INT cStyleFlags; LPCCSTYLEFLAGA aStyleFlags; LPFNCCSTYLEA lpfnStyle; LPFNCCSIZETOTEXTA lpfnSizeToText; DWORD dwReserved1; DWORD dwReserved2; } CCINFOA,*LPCCINFOA; typedef struct tagCCINFOW { WCHAR szClass[CCHCCCLASS]; DWORD flOptions; WCHAR szDesc[CCHCCDESC]; UINT cxDefault; UINT cyDefault; DWORD flStyleDefault; DWORD flExtStyleDefault; DWORD flCtrlTypeMask; INT cStyleFlags; LPCCSTYLEFLAGW aStyleFlags; WCHAR szTextDefault[CCHCCTEXT]; LPFNCCSTYLEW lpfnStyle; LPFNCCSIZETOTEXTW lpfnSizeToText; DWORD dwReserved1; DWORD dwReserved2; } CCINFOW,*LPCCINFOW; typedef UINT (CALLBACK *LPFNCCINFOA)(LPCCINFOA acci); typedef UINT (CALLBACK *LPFNCCINFOW)(LPCCINFOW acci); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif