/** * This file has no copyright assigned and is placed in the Public Domain. * This file is part of the w64 mingw-runtime package. * No warranty is given; refer to the file DISCLAIMER.PD within this package. */ #ifndef __DBDAO_H_ #define __DBDAO_H_ #ifndef __cplusplus #error This file can be used only in C++ #else class COleVariant; class CdbBookmark; class CdbException; class CdbOleObject; class CdbObject; class CdbError; class CdbProperty; class CdbDBEngine; class CdbWorkspace; class CdbDatabase; class CdbConnection; class CdbRecordset; class CdbGetRowsEx; class CdbQueryDef; class CdbTableDef; class CdbField; class CdbRelation; class CdbIndex; class CdbUser; class CdbGroup; class CdbDocument; class CdbContainer; class CdbParameter; class CdbCollection; class CdbErrors; class CdbProperties; class CdbWorkspaces; class CdbDatabases; class CdbConnections; class CdbRecordsets; class CdbQueryDefs; class CdbTableDefs; class CdbFields; class CdbRelations; class CdbIndexes; class CdbUsers; class CdbGroups; class CdbDocuments; class CdbContainers; class CdbParameters; class CdbBStr; const char szKEY[] = "mbmabptebkjcdlgtjmskjwtsdhjbmkmwtrak"; #define DAO_MAXSEEKFIELDS 13 class DLLEXPORT CdbBSTR { public: CONSTRUCTOR CdbBSTR(BSTR=NULL); DESTRUCTOR ~CdbBSTR(VOID); operator BSTR *(VOID); operator LPCTSTR(VOID); private: BSTR m_bstr; }; class CdbVariant : public COleVariant { public: CONSTRUCTOR CdbVariant(LONG l); CONSTRUCTOR CdbVariant(VOID); CONSTRUCTOR CdbVariant(LPCTSTR pstr); CONSTRUCTOR CdbVariant(SHORT s,WINBOOL bIsBool = FALSE); CONSTRUCTOR CdbVariant(LPVARIANT pv); CONSTRUCTOR CdbVariant(LPSAFEARRAY psa); VOID operator =(LPVARIANT pv); VOID operator =(LPCTSTR pstr); VOID operator =(SHORT s); VOID operator =(const int i); VOID operator =(LONG l); }; inline CONSTRUCTOR CdbVariant::CdbVariant(VOID) : COleVariant() { vt = VT_ERROR; scode = DISP_E_PARAMNOTFOUND; } inline CdbVariant::CdbVariant(LONG l) { if(l==-1) { vt = VT_ERROR; scode = DISP_E_PARAMNOTFOUND; } else { vt = VT_I4; lVal = l; } } inline CONSTRUCTOR CdbVariant::CdbVariant(LPCTSTR pstr): COleVariant(pstr,VT_BSTRT) { if(!pstr) { VariantClear(this); vt = VT_ERROR; scode = DISP_E_PARAMNOTFOUND; } } inline CONSTRUCTOR CdbVariant::CdbVariant(SHORT s,WINBOOL bIsBool) : COleVariant(s) { if(bIsBool) { vt = VT_BOOL; boolVal = s; } else if(s==-1) { vt = VT_ERROR; scode = DISP_E_PARAMNOTFOUND; } } inline CONSTRUCTOR CdbVariant::CdbVariant(LPVARIANT pv) { if(!pv) { vt = VT_ERROR; scode = DISP_E_PARAMNOTFOUND; } else VariantCopy(this,pv); } inline CONSTRUCTOR CdbVariant::CdbVariant(LPSAFEARRAY psa) { if(!psa) { vt = VT_ERROR; scode = DISP_E_PARAMNOTFOUND; } else { vt = VT_ARRAY|VT_UI1; parray = psa; } } inline VOID CdbVariant::operator =(LPVARIANT pv) { if(!pv) { vt = VT_ERROR; scode = DISP_E_PARAMNOTFOUND; } else VariantCopy(this,pv); } inline VOID CdbVariant::operator =(LPCTSTR pstr) { if(!pstr) { VariantClear(this); vt = VT_ERROR; scode = DISP_E_PARAMNOTFOUND; } else { #if defined(UNICODE) bstrVal = SysAllocString(pstr); #else bstrVal = SysAllocStringByteLen(pstr,strlen(pstr)); #endif vt = VT_BSTR; } } inline VOID CdbVariant::operator =(SHORT s) { if(s==-1) { vt = VT_ERROR; scode = DISP_E_PARAMNOTFOUND; } else { vt = VT_I2; iVal = s; } } inline VOID CdbVariant::operator =(const int i) { if(i==-1) { vt = VT_ERROR; scode = DISP_E_PARAMNOTFOUND; } else { vt = VT_I2; iVal =(SHORT)i; } } inline VOID CdbVariant::operator =(LONG l) { if(l==-1) { vt = VT_ERROR; scode = DISP_E_PARAMNOTFOUND; } else { vt = VT_I4; lVal = l; } } HRESULT CdbWideFromAnsi(LPSTR,unsigned int,BSTR *); class CdbWide { public: CONSTRUCTOR CdbWide(LPSTR pstr,unsigned int cb=0) { CdbWideFromAnsi(pstr,(pstr ? (cb==0 ? strlen(pstr) : cb) : 0),&m_bstr); } DESTRUCTOR ~CdbWide() { SysFreeString(m_bstr); } operator LPWSTR() { return (LPWSTR)m_bstr; } operator LPSTR() { return (LPSTR)m_bstr; } ULONG cBytes() { return SysStringByteLen(m_bstr); } private: BSTR m_bstr; }; class DLLEXPORT CdbOleObject : public CObject { public: CONSTRUCTOR CdbOleObject(VOID); virtual DESTRUCTOR ~CdbOleObject(VOID); WINBOOL Exists(VOID); CdbOleObject &operator = (CdbOleObject &o); operator LPUNKNOWN(){ return GetInterface();} VOID SetInterface(LPUNKNOWN punk,WINBOOL bAddRef=FALSE); VOID SetInterface(REFIID riidClass,REFIID riidInterface); VOID SetInterfaceLic(REFIID riidClass,REFIID riidInterface); LPUNKNOWN GetInterface(WINBOOL bAddRef=FALSE,WINBOOL bThrowException=TRUE) const; virtual VOID OnInterfaceChange(VOID); VOID SetRichErrorInfo(LPOLESTR pstrSource,LPOLESTR pstrDescription,LPOLESTR pstrHelpFile,ULONG ulHelpID) const; protected: WINBOOL StartOLE(VOID); LPUNKNOWN m_punkInterface; }; class DLLEXPORT CdbCollection : public CdbOleObject { public: virtual CdbObject ObItem(LONG i) = 0; virtual CdbObject ObItem(LPCTSTR pstr) = 0; virtual LONG GetCount(VOID) = 0; virtual VOID ObAppend(CdbObject &obj) = 0; virtual VOID Delete(LPCTSTR pstr) = 0; virtual VOID Refresh(VOID) = 0; }; class DLLEXPORT CdbStaticCollection : public CdbCollection { public: CdbObject ObItem(LONG i); CdbObject ObItem(LPCTSTR pstr); LONG GetCount(VOID); VOID ObAppend(CdbObject &obj); VOID Delete(LPCTSTR pstr); VOID Refresh(VOID); }; class DLLEXPORT CdbDynamicCollection : public CdbCollection { public: CdbObject ObItem(LONG i); CdbObject ObItem(LPCTSTR pstr); LONG GetCount(VOID); VOID ObAppend(CdbObject &obj); VOID Delete(LPCTSTR pstr); VOID Refresh(VOID); }; #define DAOMFC_STATIC_COLLECTION_DECL(objColl,objSingle,intSingle) class DLLEXPORT objColl : public CdbStaticCollection { public: objSingle Item(LONG i); objSingle Item(LPCTSTR pstr); objSingle operator[](LONG i); objSingle operator[](LPCTSTR pstr); } #define DAOMFC_DYNAMIC_COLLECTION_DECL(objColl,objSingle,intSingle) class DLLEXPORT objColl : public CdbDynamicCollection { public: objSingle Item(LONG i); objSingle Item(LPCTSTR pstr); VOID Append(objSingle &o); objSingle operator[](LONG i); objSingle operator[](LPCTSTR pstr); } DAOMFC_STATIC_COLLECTION_DECL(CdbErrors,CdbError,DAOError); DAOMFC_STATIC_COLLECTION_DECL(CdbDatabases,CdbDatabase,DAODatabase); DAOMFC_STATIC_COLLECTION_DECL(CdbRecordsets,CdbRecordset,DAORecordset); DAOMFC_STATIC_COLLECTION_DECL(CdbParameters,CdbParameter,DAOParameter); DAOMFC_STATIC_COLLECTION_DECL(CdbDocuments,CdbDocument,DAODocument); DAOMFC_STATIC_COLLECTION_DECL(CdbContainers,CdbContainer,DAOContainer); DAOMFC_DYNAMIC_COLLECTION_DECL(CdbProperties,CdbProperty,DAOProperty); DAOMFC_DYNAMIC_COLLECTION_DECL(CdbFields,CdbField,DAOField); DAOMFC_DYNAMIC_COLLECTION_DECL(CdbQueryDefs,CdbQueryDef,DAOQueryDef); DAOMFC_DYNAMIC_COLLECTION_DECL(CdbTableDefs,CdbTableDef,DAOTableDef); DAOMFC_DYNAMIC_COLLECTION_DECL(CdbIndexes,CdbIndex,DAOIndex); DAOMFC_DYNAMIC_COLLECTION_DECL(CdbRelations,CdbRelation,DAORelation); DAOMFC_DYNAMIC_COLLECTION_DECL(CdbUsers,CdbUser,DAOUser); DAOMFC_DYNAMIC_COLLECTION_DECL(CdbGroups,CdbGroup,DAOGroup); class DLLEXPORT CdbWorkspaces : public CdbDynamicCollection { friend CdbDBEngine; private: DAODBEngine *pDBEng; WINBOOL m_bDontStart; public: CONSTRUCTOR CdbWorkspaces(VOID){pDBEng = NULL;} CdbWorkspace Item(LONG i); CdbWorkspace Item(LPCTSTR pstr); VOID Append(CdbWorkspace &o); CdbWorkspace operator[](LONG i); CdbWorkspace operator[](LPCTSTR pstr); VOID SetDBEngine(DAODBEngine *peng){pDBEng = peng;} VOID GetDelayedInterface(); }; class DLLEXPORT CdbConnections : public CdbStaticCollection { public: CONSTRUCTOR CdbConnections(CdbConnections &Connections); CONSTRUCTOR CdbConnections() { pwrk = NULL; } CdbConnection Item(LONG i); CdbConnection Item(LPCTSTR pstr); CdbConnection operator[](LONG i); CdbConnection operator[](LPCTSTR pstr); CdbConnections &operator = (CdbConnections &o); LONG GetCount(VOID); VOID Refresh(VOID); VOID SetWorkspace(DAOWorkspace *pParent) { pwrk = pParent; } private: VOID CheckInterface(); DAOWorkspace *pwrk; }; class DLLEXPORT CdbObject : public CdbOleObject { public: CONSTRUCTOR CdbObject(VOID); CONSTRUCTOR CdbObject(LPUNKNOWN punk,WINBOOL bAddRef=FALSE); virtual CString GetName(VOID); virtual VOID SetName(LPCTSTR pstr); CdbProperties Properties; }; class DLLEXPORT CdbGetRowsEx : public CdbObject { public: CONSTRUCTOR CdbGetRowsEx(VOID); CONSTRUCTOR CdbGetRowsEx(ICDAORecordset *pGetRows,WINBOOL bAddRef=FALSE); CONSTRUCTOR CdbGetRowsEx(const CdbGetRowsEx &); CdbGetRowsEx &operator =(const CdbGetRowsEx &); VOID OnInterfaceChange(VOID); }; #define DAOVINIT(var) do { (var).vt = VT_ERROR; (var).scode = DISP_E_PARAMNOTFOUND; } while (0) #define STV(pstr) CdbVariant(pstr) #define STB(pstr) V_BSTR(((LPVARIANT)STV(pstr))) #define LTV(l) CdbVariant(l) #define OLTV(l) CdbVariant((l)) #define BTB(b) ((VARIANT_BOOL)(b?-1:0)) #define BTV(b) CdbVariant(BTB(b),TRUE) #define SHTV(s) CdbVariant((SHORT)s) #define VTV(pv) CdbVariant(pv) #define ATV(psa,var) do { if(!psa) { var.vt = VT_ERROR; var.scode = DISP_E_PARAMNOTFOUND; } else { var.vt = VT_ARRAY|VT_UI1; SafeArrayCopy(psa,&var.parray); } } while (0) #define DAOMFC_CALL(hr) do { HRESULT hresult = (hr); if(FAILED(hresult)) { TRACE0("\nDBDAO Call Failed.\n\t"); TRACE2("\nIn file %s on line %d\n",_T("DBDAO.CPP"),__LINE__); TRACE1("hResult = %X\n",hresult); if(GetScode(hresult)==E_OUTOFMEMORY) AfxThrowMemoryException(); else throw CdbException(hresult); } } while (0) #define LPROPGET(intDAO,meth) do { intDAO *p = (intDAO *)GetInterface(); LONG l = 0; DAOMFC_CALL(p->meth(&l)); return l; } while (0) #define LPROPSET(intDAO,meth,l) do { intDAO *p = (intDAO *)GetInterface(); DAOMFC_CALL(p->meth(l)); } while(0) #define WPROPGET(intDAO,meth) do { intDAO *p = (intDAO *)GetInterface(); SHORT s = 0; DAOMFC_CALL(p->meth(&s)); return s; } while (0) #define WPROPSET(intDAO,meth,s) do { intDAO *p = (intDAO *)GetInterface(); DAOMFC_CALL(p->meth(s)); } while(0) #define SPROPGET(intDAO,meth) do { intDAO *p = (intDAO *)GetInterface(); CdbBSTR bstr; DAOMFC_CALL(p->meth(bstr)); return bstr; } while (0) #define SPROPSET(intDAO,meth,s) do { intDAO *p = (intDAO *)GetInterface(); DAOMFC_CALL(p->meth(STB(s))); } while(0) #define DPROPGET(intDAO,meth) do { intDAO *p = (intDAO *)GetInterface(); VARIANT Var; VariantInit(&Var); DAOMFC_CALL(p->meth(&Var)); return Var; } while (0) #define DPROPSET(intDAO,meth,pv) do { intDAO *p = (intDAO *)GetInterface(); DAOMFC_CALL(p->meth(*pv)); } while(0) #define BPROPGET(intDAO,meth) do { intDAO *p = (intDAO *)GetInterface(); VARIANT_BOOL vb = 0; DAOMFC_CALL(p->meth(&vb)); return(WINBOOL)vb; } while (0) #define BPROPSET(intDAO,meth,b) do { intDAO *p = (intDAO *)GetInterface(); DAOMFC_CALL(p->meth(BTB(b))); } while(0) #define VPROPGET(intDAO,meth) do { intDAO *p = (intDAO *)GetInterface(); COleVariant v; VariantInit(&v); DAOMFC_CALL(p->meth(&v)); return &v; } while (0) #define VPROPSET(intDAO,meth,pv) do { intDAO *p = (intDAO *)GetInterface(); DAOMFC_CALL(p->meth(*pv)); } while(0) #define DWPROPGET(intDAO,meth) do { intDAO *p = (intDAO *)GetInterface(); DWORD dw = 0; DAOMFC_CALL(p->meth(&dw)); return dw; } while (0) #define DAOMFC_STATIC_COLLECTION_IMPL(objColl,objSingle,intColl,intSingle) objSingle objColl::Item(LONG i) { return (intSingle *)(ObItem(i).GetInterface(TRUE)); } objSingle objColl::Item(LPCTSTR pstr) { return (intSingle *)(ObItem(pstr).GetInterface(TRUE)); } objSingle objColl::operator[](LONG i) { return (intSingle *)(Item(i).GetInterface(TRUE)); } objSingle objColl::operator[](LPCTSTR pstr) { return (intSingle *)(Item(pstr).GetInterface(TRUE)); } #define DAOMFC_DYNAMIC_COLLECTION_IMPL(objColl,objSingle,intColl,intSingle) objSingle objColl::Item(LONG i) { return (intSingle *)(ObItem(i).GetInterface(TRUE)); } objSingle objColl::Item(LPCTSTR pstr) { return (intSingle *)(ObItem(pstr).GetInterface(TRUE)); } VOID objColl::Append(objSingle &o) { ObAppend(o); } objSingle objColl::operator[](LONG i) { return (intSingle *)(Item(i).GetInterface(TRUE)); } objSingle objColl::operator[](LPCTSTR pstr) { return (intSingle *)(Item(pstr).GetInterface(TRUE)); } DECLARE_INTERFACE_(DAOMFCSCollection,_DAOCollection) { STDMETHOD(get_Item) (VARIANT index,LPUNKNOWN *ppunk); }; DECLARE_INTERFACE_(DAOMFCDCollection,_DAODynaCollection) { STDMETHOD(get_Item) (VARIANT index,LPUNKNOWN *ppunk); }; #endif /* __cplusplus */ #endif