/* Copyright (c) 2011, The Mineserver Project All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of the The Mineserver Project nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include #include #ifdef WIN32 #include #else #include #include #include #include #include #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "chat.h" #include "config.h" #include "constants.h" #include "furnaceManager.h" #include "inventory.h" #include "logger.h" #include "map.h" #include "mineserver.h" #include "nbt.h" #include "packets.h" #include "physics.h" #include "plugin.h" #include "sockets.h" #include "tools.h" #include "user.h" #include "blocks/basic.h" #include "blocks/default.h" #include "blocks/note.h" #include "items/itembasic.h" #include "mob.h" #ifdef WIN32 #define M_PI 3.141592653589793238462643 #endif #define DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(x) ((x) / 180.0 * M_PI) #define RADIANS_TO_DEGREES(x) ((x) / M_PI * 180.0) void PacketHandler::init() { packets[PACKET_KEEP_ALIVE] = Packets(0, &PacketHandler::keep_alive); packets[PACKET_LOGIN_REQUEST] = Packets(PACKET_VARIABLE_LEN, &PacketHandler::login_request); packets[PACKET_HANDSHAKE] = Packets(PACKET_VARIABLE_LEN, &PacketHandler::handshake); packets[PACKET_CHAT_MESSAGE] = Packets(PACKET_VARIABLE_LEN, &PacketHandler::chat_message); packets[PACKET_USE_ENTITY] = Packets(9, &PacketHandler::use_entity); packets[PACKET_PLAYER] = Packets(1, &PacketHandler::player); packets[PACKET_PLAYER_POSITION] = Packets(33, &PacketHandler::player_position); packets[PACKET_PLAYER_LOOK] = Packets(9, &PacketHandler::player_look); packets[PACKET_PLAYER_POSITION_AND_LOOK] = Packets(41, &PacketHandler::player_position_and_look); packets[PACKET_PLAYER_DIGGING] = Packets(11, &PacketHandler::player_digging); packets[PACKET_PLAYER_BLOCK_PLACEMENT] = Packets(PACKET_VARIABLE_LEN, &PacketHandler::player_block_placement); packets[PACKET_HOLDING_CHANGE] = Packets(2, &PacketHandler::holding_change); packets[PACKET_ARM_ANIMATION] = Packets(5, &PacketHandler::arm_animation); packets[PACKET_PICKUP_SPAWN] = Packets(22, &PacketHandler::pickup_spawn); packets[PACKET_DISCONNECT] = Packets(PACKET_VARIABLE_LEN, &PacketHandler::disconnect); packets[PACKET_RESPAWN] = Packets(0, &PacketHandler::respawn); packets[PACKET_INVENTORY_CHANGE] = Packets(PACKET_VARIABLE_LEN, &PacketHandler::inventory_change); packets[PACKET_INVENTORY_CLOSE] = Packets(1, &PacketHandler::inventory_close); packets[PACKET_SIGN] = Packets(PACKET_VARIABLE_LEN, &PacketHandler::change_sign); packets[PACKET_TRANSACTION] = Packets(4, &PacketHandler::inventory_transaction); packets[PACKET_ENTITY_CROUCH] = Packets(5, &PacketHandler::entity_crouch); packets[PACKET_WEATHER] = Packets(18, &PacketHandler::unhadledPacket); packets[PACKET_INCREMENT_STATISTICS] = Packets(6, &PacketHandler::unhadledPacket); } int PacketHandler::unhadledPacket(User* user) { user->buffer.removePacket(); return PACKET_OK; } int PacketHandler::entity_crouch(User* user) { int32_t EID; int8_t action; user->buffer >> EID >> action; //ToDo: inform other players //LOG2(INFO, "Entity action: EID: " + dtos(EID) +" Action: " +dtos(action)); user->buffer.removePacket(); return PACKET_OK; } int PacketHandler::change_sign(User* user) { if (!user->buffer.haveData(16)) { return PACKET_NEED_MORE_DATA; } int32_t x, z; int16_t y; std::string strings1, strings2, strings3, strings4; user->buffer >> x >> y >> z; if (!user->buffer.haveData(8)) { return PACKET_NEED_MORE_DATA; } user->buffer >> strings1; if (!user->buffer.haveData(6)) { return PACKET_NEED_MORE_DATA; } user->buffer >> strings2; if (!user->buffer.haveData(4)) { return PACKET_NEED_MORE_DATA; } user->buffer >> strings3; if (!user->buffer.haveData(2)) { return PACKET_NEED_MORE_DATA; } user->buffer >> strings4; //ToDo: Save signs! signData* newSign = new signData; newSign->x = x; newSign->y = y; newSign->z = z; newSign->text1 = strings1; newSign->text2 = strings2; newSign->text3 = strings3; newSign->text4 = strings4; sChunk* chunk = Mineserver::get()->map(user->pos.map)->chunks.getChunk(blockToChunk(x), blockToChunk(z)); if (chunk != NULL) { //Check if this sign data already exists and remove for (uint32_t i = 0; i < chunk->signs.size(); i++) { if (chunk->signs[i]->x == x && chunk->signs[i]->y == y && chunk->signs[i]->z == z) { //Erase existing data delete chunk->signs[i]; chunk->signs.erase(chunk->signs.begin() + i); break; } } chunk->signs.push_back(newSign); //Send sign packet to everyone Packet pkt; pkt << (int8_t)PACKET_SIGN << x << y << z; pkt << strings1 << strings2 << strings3 << strings4; user->sendAll((uint8_t*)pkt.getWrite(), pkt.getWriteLen()); } LOG2(INFO, "Sign: " + strings1 + strings2 + strings3 + strings4); //No need to do anything user->buffer.removePacket(); return PACKET_OK; } int PacketHandler::inventory_close(User* user) { int8_t windowID; user->buffer >> windowID; Mineserver::get()->inventory()->windowClose(user, windowID); user->buffer.removePacket(); return PACKET_OK; } int PacketHandler::inventory_transaction(User* user) { int8_t windowID; int16_t action; int8_t accepted; user->buffer >> windowID >> action >> accepted; //No need to do anything user->buffer.removePacket(); return PACKET_OK; } // int PacketHandler::inventory_change(User* user) { if (!user->buffer.haveData(10)) { return PACKET_NEED_MORE_DATA; } int8_t windowID = 0; int16_t slot = 0; int8_t rightClick = 0; int16_t actionNumber = 0; int8_t shift = 0; int16_t itemID = 0; int8_t itemCount = 0; int16_t itemUses = 0; user->buffer >> windowID >> slot >> rightClick >> actionNumber >> shift >> itemID; if (itemID != -1) { if (!user->buffer.haveData(2)) { return PACKET_NEED_MORE_DATA; } user->buffer >> itemCount >> itemUses; } Mineserver::get()->inventory()->windowClick(user, windowID, slot, rightClick, actionNumber, itemID, itemCount, itemUses); //No need to do anything user->buffer.removePacket(); return PACKET_OK; } // Keep Alive (http://mc.kev009.com/wiki/Protocol#Keep_Alive_.280x00.29) int PacketHandler::keep_alive(User* user) { //No need to do anything user->buffer.removePacket(); return PACKET_OK; } //Source: http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/Connecting_a_socket_in_C int socket_connect(char* host, int port) { struct hostent* hp; struct sockaddr_in addr; int on = 1, sock; if ((hp = gethostbyname(host)) == NULL) { return 0; } memmove(&addr.sin_addr, hp->h_addr, hp->h_length); addr.sin_port = htons(port); addr.sin_family = AF_INET; sock = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP); struct timeval tv; tv.tv_sec = 2; setsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, (const char*)&tv, sizeof(struct timeval)); setsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDTIMEO, (const char*)&tv, sizeof(struct timeval)); setsockopt(sock, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, (const char*)&on, sizeof(int)); if (sock == -1) { return 0; } if (connect(sock, (struct sockaddr*)&addr, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)) == -1) { return 0; } return sock; } // Login request (http://mc.kev009.com/wiki/Protocol#Login_Request_.280x01.29) int PacketHandler::login_request(User* user) { //Check that we have enough data in the buffer if (!user->buffer.haveData(18)) { return PACKET_NEED_MORE_DATA; } int32_t version; std::string player; int64_t mapseed; int8_t dimension; user->buffer >> version >> player >> mapseed >> dimension; //if (!user->buffer) //{ // return PACKET_NEED_MORE_DATA; //} user->buffer.removePacket(); while (User::byNick(player) != NULL) { player.append("_"); } LOG(INFO, "Packets", "Player " + dtos(user->UID) + " login v." + dtos(version) + " : " + player /*+ ":" + passwd*/); user->nick = player; // If version is not 2 or 3 if (version != PROTOCOL_VERSION) { user->kick(Mineserver::get()->config()->sData("strings.wrong_protocol")); return PACKET_OK; } // If userlimit is reached if ((int)User::all().size() > Mineserver::get()->config()->iData("system.user_limit")) { user->kick(Mineserver::get()->config()->sData("strings.server_full")); return PACKET_OK; } //Check if we're to do user validation if (Mineserver::get()->config()->bData("system.user_validation") == true) { std::string url = "/game/checkserver.jsp?user=" + player + "&serverId=" + hash(player); LOG(INFO, "Packets", "Validating " + player + " against minecraft.net: "); std::string http_request = "GET " + url + " HTTP/1.1\r\n" + "Host: www.minecraft.net\r\n" + "Connection: close\r\n\r\n"; int fd = socket_connect((char*)"", 80); if (fd) { #ifdef WIN32 send(fd, http_request.c_str(), http_request.length(), NULL); #else write(fd, http_request.c_str(), http_request.length()); #endif #define BUFFER_SIZE 1024 char* buffer = new char[BUFFER_SIZE]; std::string stringbuffer; #ifdef WIN32 while (int received = recv(fd, buffer, BUFFER_SIZE - 1, NULL) != 0) { #else while (read(fd, buffer, BUFFER_SIZE - 1) != 0) { #endif stringbuffer += std::string(buffer); } delete [] buffer; #ifdef WIN32 closesocket(fd); #else close(fd); #endif bool allow_access = false; //No response data, timeout if (stringbuffer.size() == 0 && Mineserver::get()->config()->bData("system.allow_connect_on_auth_timeout")) { LOG(INFO, "Packets", " Auth skipped on timeout "); allow_access = true; } if (allow_access || (stringbuffer.size() >= 3 && stringbuffer.find("\r\n\r\nYES", 0) != std::string::npos)) { LOG(INFO, "Packets", " Verified!"); char* kickMessage = NULL; if ((static_cast*>(Mineserver::get()->plugin()->getHook("PlayerLoginPre")))->doUntilFalse(player.c_str(), &kickMessage)) { user->kick(std::string(kickMessage)); } else { user->sendLoginInfo(); (static_cast*>(Mineserver::get()->plugin()->getHook("PlayerLoginPost")))->doAll(player.c_str()); } } else { LOG(INFO, "Packets", " Failed" + stringbuffer.substr(stringbuffer.size() - 3)); user->kick("Failed to verify username!"); } } else { LOG(INFO, "Packets", " Failed"); user->kick("Failed to verify username!"); } return PACKET_OK; } char* kickMessage = NULL; if ((static_cast*>(Mineserver::get()->plugin()->getHook("PlayerLoginPre")))->doUntilFalse(player.c_str(), &kickMessage)) { user->kick(std::string(kickMessage)); } else { user->sendLoginInfo(); (static_cast*>(Mineserver::get()->plugin()->getHook("PlayerLoginPost")))->doAll(player.c_str()); } return PACKET_OK; } int PacketHandler::handshake(User* user) { if (!user->buffer.haveData(3)) { return PACKET_NEED_MORE_DATA; } std::string player; user->buffer >> player; // Check for data if (!user->buffer) { return PACKET_NEED_MORE_DATA; } // Remove package from buffer user->buffer.removePacket(); // Check whether we're to validate against minecraft.net if (Mineserver::get()->config()->bData("system.user_validation") == true) { // Send the unique hash for this player to prompt the client to go to minecraft.net to validate LOG(INFO, "Packets", "Handshake: Giving player " + player + " their minecraft.net hash of: " + hash(player)); user->buffer << (int8_t)PACKET_HANDSHAKE << hash(player); } else { // Send "no validation or password needed" validation LOG(INFO, "Packets", "Handshake: No validation required for player " + player + "."); user->buffer << (int8_t)PACKET_HANDSHAKE << std::wstring(L"-"); } // TODO: Add support for prompting user for Server password (once client supports it) return PACKET_OK; } int PacketHandler::chat_message(User* user) { // Wait for length-short. HEHE if (!user->buffer.haveData(2)) { return PACKET_NEED_MORE_DATA; } std::string msg; user->buffer >> msg; if (!user->buffer) { return PACKET_NEED_MORE_DATA; } user->buffer.removePacket(); Mineserver::get()->chat()->handleMsg(user, msg); return PACKET_OK; } int PacketHandler::player(User* user) { //OnGround packet int8_t onground; user->buffer >> onground; if (!user->buffer) { return PACKET_NEED_MORE_DATA; } user->buffer.removePacket(); return PACKET_OK; } int PacketHandler::player_position(User* user) { double x, y, stance, z; int8_t onground; user->buffer >> x >> y >> stance >> z >> onground; if (!user->buffer) { return PACKET_NEED_MORE_DATA; } user->updatePos(x, y, z, stance); user->buffer.removePacket(); return PACKET_OK; } int PacketHandler::player_look(User* user) { float yaw, pitch; int8_t onground; user->buffer >> yaw >> pitch >> onground; if (!user->buffer) { return PACKET_NEED_MORE_DATA; } user->updateLook(yaw, pitch); user->buffer.removePacket(); return PACKET_OK; } int PacketHandler::player_position_and_look(User* user) { double x, y, stance, z; float yaw, pitch; int8_t onground; user->buffer >> x >> y >> stance >> z >> yaw >> pitch >> onground; if (!user->buffer) { return PACKET_NEED_MORE_DATA; } //Update user data user->updatePos(x, y, z, stance); user->updateLook(yaw, pitch); user->buffer.removePacket(); return PACKET_OK; } int PacketHandler::player_digging(User* user) { int8_t status; int32_t x; int8_t y; int32_t z; int8_t direction; uint8_t block; uint8_t meta; BlockBasic* blockcb; BlockDefault blockD; user->buffer >> status >> x >> y >> z >> direction; if (!user->buffer) { return PACKET_NEED_MORE_DATA; } user->buffer.removePacket(); if (!Mineserver::get()->map(user->pos.map)->getBlock(x, y, z, &block, &meta)) { blockD.revertBlock(user, x, y, z, user->pos.map); return PACKET_OK; } // Blocks that break with first hit if (status == BLOCK_STATUS_STARTED_DIGGING && (block == BLOCK_SNOW || block == BLOCK_REED || block == BLOCK_TORCH || block == BLOCK_TNT || block == BLOCK_REDSTONE_WIRE || block == BLOCK_RED_ROSE || block == BLOCK_YELLOW_FLOWER || block == BLOCK_BROWN_MUSHROOM || block == BLOCK_RED_MUSHROOM || block == BLOCK_REDSTONE_TORCH_OFF || block == BLOCK_REDSTONE_TORCH_ON)) { status = BLOCK_STATUS_BLOCK_BROKEN; } switch (status) { case BLOCK_STATUS_STARTED_DIGGING: { (static_cast*>(Mineserver::get()->plugin()->getHook("PlayerDiggingStarted")))->doAll(user->nick.c_str(), x, y, z, direction); for (uint32_t i = 0 ; i < Mineserver::get()->plugin()->getBlockCB().size(); i++) { blockcb = Mineserver::get()->plugin()->getBlockCB()[i]; if (blockcb != NULL && blockcb->affectedBlock(block)) { blockcb->onStartedDigging(user, status, x, y, z, user->pos.map, direction); } } break; } case BLOCK_STATUS_DIGGING: { (static_cast*>(Mineserver::get()->plugin()->getHook("PlayerDigging")))->doAll(user->nick.c_str(), x, y, z, direction); (static_cast*>(Mineserver::get()->plugin()->getHook("PlayerDigging")))->doAll(user->nick.c_str(), x, y, z); for (uint32_t i = 0 ; i < Mineserver::get()->plugin()->getBlockCB().size(); i++) { blockcb = Mineserver::get()->plugin()->getBlockCB()[i]; if (blockcb != NULL && blockcb->affectedBlock(block)) { blockcb->onDigging(user, status, x, y, z, user->pos.map, direction); } } break; } /* case BLOCK_STATUS_STOPPED_DIGGING: { (static_cast*>(Mineserver::get()->plugin()->getHook("PlayerDiggingStopped")))->doAll(user->nick.c_str(), x, y, z, direction); for(uint32_t i =0 ; iplugin()->getBlockCB().size(); i++) { blockcb = Mineserver::get()->plugin()->getBlockCB()[i]; if(blockcb!=NULL && blockcb->affectedBlock(block)) { blockcb->onStoppedDigging(user,status, x,y,z,user->pos.map,direction); } } break; }*/ case BLOCK_STATUS_BLOCK_BROKEN: { //Player tool usage calculation etc bool rightUse; int16_t itemSlot = user->currentItemSlot() + 36; int16_t itemHealth = Mineserver::get()->inventory()->itemHealth(user->inv[itemSlot].getType(), block, rightUse); if (itemHealth > 0) { user->inv[itemSlot].incHealth(); if (!rightUse) { user->inv[itemSlot].incHealth(); } if (itemHealth <= user->inv[itemSlot].getHealth()) { user->inv[itemSlot].decCount(); if (user->inv[itemSlot].getCount() == 0) { user->inv[itemSlot].setHealth(0); user->inv[itemSlot].setType(-1); } } Mineserver::get()->inventory()->setSlot(user, WINDOW_PLAYER, itemSlot, user->inv[itemSlot].getType(), user->inv[itemSlot].getCount(), user->inv[itemSlot].getHealth()); } if ((static_cast*>(Mineserver::get()->plugin()->getHook("BlockBreakPre")))->doUntilFalse(user->nick.c_str(), x, y, z)) { blockD.revertBlock(user, x, y, z, user->pos.map); return PACKET_OK; } (static_cast*>(Mineserver::get()->plugin()->getHook("BlockBreakPost")))->doAll(user->nick.c_str(), x, y, z); for (uint32_t i = 0 ; i < Mineserver::get()->plugin()->getBlockCB().size(); i++) { blockcb = Mineserver::get()->plugin()->getBlockCB()[i]; if (blockcb != NULL && blockcb->affectedBlock(block)) { if (blockcb->onBroken(user, status, x, y, z, user->pos.map, direction)) { // Do not break return PACKET_OK; } else { break; } } } /* notify neighbour blocks of the broken block */ status = block; if (Mineserver::get()->map(user->pos.map)->getBlock(x + 1, y, z, &block, &meta) && block != BLOCK_AIR) { (static_cast*>(Mineserver::get()->plugin()->getHook("BlockNeighbourBreak")))->doAll(user->nick.c_str(), x + 1, y, z, x, y, z); for (uint32_t i = 0 ; i < Mineserver::get()->plugin()->getBlockCB().size(); i++) { blockcb = Mineserver::get()->plugin()->getBlockCB()[i]; if (blockcb != NULL && (blockcb->affectedBlock(status) || blockcb->affectedBlock(block))) { blockcb->onNeighbourBroken(user, status, x + 1, y, z, user->pos.map, BLOCK_SOUTH); } } } if (Mineserver::get()->map(user->pos.map)->getBlock(x - 1, y, z, &block, &meta) && block != BLOCK_AIR) { (static_cast*>(Mineserver::get()->plugin()->getHook("BlockNeighbourBreak")))->doAll(user->nick.c_str(), x - 1, y, z, x, y, z); for (uint32_t i = 0 ; i < Mineserver::get()->plugin()->getBlockCB().size(); i++) { blockcb = Mineserver::get()->plugin()->getBlockCB()[i]; if (blockcb != NULL && (blockcb->affectedBlock(status) || blockcb->affectedBlock(block))) { blockcb->onNeighbourBroken(user, status, x - 1, y, z, user->pos.map, BLOCK_NORTH); } } } if (Mineserver::get()->map(user->pos.map)->getBlock(x, y + 1, z, &block, &meta) && block != BLOCK_AIR) { (static_cast*>(Mineserver::get()->plugin()->getHook("BlockNeighbourBreak")))->doAll(user->nick.c_str(), x, y + 1, z, x, y, z); for (uint32_t i = 0 ; i < Mineserver::get()->plugin()->getBlockCB().size(); i++) { blockcb = Mineserver::get()->plugin()->getBlockCB()[i]; if (blockcb != NULL && (blockcb->affectedBlock(status) || blockcb->affectedBlock(block))) { blockcb->onNeighbourBroken(user, status, x, y + 1, z, user->pos.map, BLOCK_TOP); } } } if (Mineserver::get()->map(user->pos.map)->getBlock(x, y - 1, z, &block, &meta) && block != BLOCK_AIR) { (static_cast*>(Mineserver::get()->plugin()->getHook("BlockNeighbourBreak")))->doAll(user->nick.c_str(), x, y - 1, z, x, y, z); for (uint32_t i = 0 ; i < Mineserver::get()->plugin()->getBlockCB().size(); i++) { blockcb = Mineserver::get()->plugin()->getBlockCB()[i]; if (blockcb != NULL && (blockcb->affectedBlock(status) || blockcb->affectedBlock(block))) { blockcb->onNeighbourBroken(user, status, x, y - 1, z, user->pos.map, BLOCK_BOTTOM); } } } if (Mineserver::get()->map(user->pos.map)->getBlock(x, y, z + 1, &block, &meta) && block != BLOCK_AIR) { (static_cast*>(Mineserver::get()->plugin()->getHook("BlockNeighbourBreak")))->doAll(user->nick.c_str(), x, y, z + 1, x, y, z); for (uint32_t i = 0 ; i < Mineserver::get()->plugin()->getBlockCB().size(); i++) { blockcb = Mineserver::get()->plugin()->getBlockCB()[i]; if (blockcb != NULL && (blockcb->affectedBlock(status) || blockcb->affectedBlock(block))) { blockcb->onNeighbourBroken(user, status, x, y, z + 1, user->pos.map, BLOCK_WEST); } } } if (Mineserver::get()->map(user->pos.map)->getBlock(x, y, z - 1, &block, &meta) && block != BLOCK_AIR) { (static_cast*>(Mineserver::get()->plugin()->getHook("BlockNeighbourBreak")))->doAll(user->nick.c_str(), x, y, z - 1, x, y, z); for (uint32_t i = 0 ; i < Mineserver::get()->plugin()->getBlockCB().size(); i++) { blockcb = Mineserver::get()->plugin()->getBlockCB()[i]; if (blockcb != NULL && (blockcb->affectedBlock(status) || blockcb->affectedBlock(block))) { blockcb->onNeighbourBroken(user, status, x, y, z - 1, user->pos.map, BLOCK_EAST); } } } break; } case BLOCK_STATUS_PICKUP_SPAWN: { //ToDo: handle #define itemSlot (36+user->currentItemSlot()) if (user->inv[itemSlot].getType() > 0) { Mineserver::get()->map(user->pos.map)->createPickupSpawn(user->pos.x, user->pos.y, user->pos.z, user->inv[itemSlot].getType(), 1, user->inv[itemSlot].getHealth(), user); user->inv[itemSlot].decCount(); } break; #undef itemSlot } } return PACKET_OK; } int PacketHandler::player_block_placement(User* user) { if (!user->buffer.haveData(12)) { return PACKET_NEED_MORE_DATA; } int8_t y = 0, direction = 0; int16_t newblock = 0; int32_t x, z = 0; /* replacement of block */ uint8_t oldblock = 0; uint8_t metadata = 0; /* neighbour blocks */ uint8_t block = 0; uint8_t meta = 0; int8_t count = 0; int16_t health = 0; BlockBasic* blockcb; BlockDefault blockD; user->buffer >> x >> y >> z >> direction >> newblock; if (newblock >= 0) { if (!user->buffer.haveData(2)) { return PACKET_NEED_MORE_DATA; } user->buffer >> count >> health; } user->buffer.removePacket(); ItemBasic* itemcb; if (x == -1 && y == -1 && z == -1) { // Right clicked without pointing at a tile Item* item = &(user->inv[user->curItem + 36]); if ((static_cast*>(Mineserver::get()->plugin()->getHook("ItemRightClickPre")))->doUntilFalse(user->nick.c_str(), x, y, z, item->getType(), direction)) { return PACKET_OK; } for (uint32_t i = 0 ; i < Mineserver::get()->plugin()->getItemCB().size(); i++) { itemcb = Mineserver::get()->plugin()->getItemCB()[i]; if (itemcb != NULL && itemcb->affectedItem(newblock)) { itemcb->onRightClick(user, item); } } return PACKET_OK; } if (!Mineserver::get()->map(user->pos.map)->getBlock(x, y, z, &oldblock, &metadata)) { blockD.revertBlock(user, x, y, z, user->pos.map); return PACKET_OK; } /* Protocol docs say this should be what interacting is. */ if (oldblock != BLOCK_AIR) { (static_cast*>(Mineserver::get()->plugin()->getHook("PlayerBlockInteract")))->doAll(user->nick.c_str(), x, y, z); for (uint32_t i = 0 ; i < Mineserver::get()->plugin()->getBlockCB().size(); i++) { blockcb = Mineserver::get()->plugin()->getBlockCB()[i]; if (blockcb != NULL && blockcb->affectedBlock(oldblock)) { //This should actually make the boolean do something. Maybe. if (blockcb->onInteract(user, x, y, z, user->pos.map)) { blockD.revertBlock(user, x, y, z, user->pos.map); return PACKET_OK; } else { break; } } } } bool foundFromInventory = false; #define INV_TASKBAR_START 36 if (user->inv[INV_TASKBAR_START + user->currentItemSlot()].getType() == newblock && newblock != -1) { foundFromInventory = true; } #undef INV_TASKBAR_START // TODO: Handle processing of if (direction == -1 || !foundFromInventory) { blockD.revertBlock(user, x, y, z, user->pos.map); return PACKET_OK; } // Minecart testing!! if (newblock == ITEM_MINECART && Mineserver::get()->map(user->pos.map)->getBlock(x, y, z, &oldblock, &metadata)) { if (oldblock != BLOCK_MINECART_TRACKS) { return PACKET_OK; } LOG(INFO, "Packets", "Spawn minecart"); int32_t EID = Mineserver::generateEID(); Packet pkt; // MINECART pkt << PACKET_ADD_OBJECT << (int32_t)EID << (int8_t)10 << (int32_t)(x * 32 + 16) << (int32_t)(y * 32) << (int32_t)(z * 32 + 16); user->sendAll((uint8_t*)pkt.getWrite(), pkt.getWriteLen()); } if (newblock == -1 && newblock != ITEM_SIGN) { #ifdef DEBUG LOG(DEBUG, "Packets", "ignoring: " + dtos(newblock)); #endif return PACKET_OK; } if (y < 0) { return PACKET_OK; } #ifdef DEBUG LOG(DEBUG, "Packets", "Block_placement: " + dtos(newblock) + " (" + dtos(x) + "," + dtos((int)y) + "," + dtos(z) + ") dir: " + dtos((int)direction)); #endif if (direction) { direction = 6 - direction; } //if (Mineserver::get()->map()->getBlock(x, y, z, &oldblock, &metadata)) { uint8_t oldblocktop; uint8_t metadatatop; int8_t check_y = y; int32_t check_x = x; int32_t check_z = z; /* client doesn't give us the correct block for lava and water, check block above */ switch (direction) { case BLOCK_BOTTOM: check_y--; break; case BLOCK_TOP: check_y++; break; case BLOCK_NORTH: check_x++; break; case BLOCK_SOUTH: check_x--; break; case BLOCK_EAST: check_z++; break; case BLOCK_WEST: check_z--; break; default: break; } if (Mineserver::get()->map(user->pos.map)->getBlock(check_x, check_y, check_z, &oldblocktop, &metadatatop) && (oldblocktop == BLOCK_LAVA || oldblocktop == BLOCK_STATIONARY_LAVA || oldblocktop == BLOCK_WATER || oldblocktop == BLOCK_STATIONARY_WATER)) { /* block above needs replacing rather then the block sent by the client */ // TODO: Does this require some form of recursion for multiple water/lava blocks? for (uint32_t i = 0 ; i < Mineserver::get()->plugin()->getBlockCB().size(); i++) { blockcb = Mineserver::get()->plugin()->getBlockCB()[i]; if (blockcb != NULL && blockcb->affectedBlock(newblock)) { blockcb->onReplace(user, newblock, check_x, check_y, check_z, user->pos.map, direction); } } if ((static_cast*>(Mineserver::get()->plugin()->getHook("BlockReplacePre")))->doUntilFalse(user->nick.c_str(), check_x, check_y, check_z, oldblock, newblock)) { blockD.revertBlock(user, x, y, z, user->pos.map); return PACKET_OK; } (static_cast*>(Mineserver::get()->plugin()->getHook("BlockReplacePost")))->doAll(user->nick.c_str(), check_x, check_y, check_z, oldblock, newblock); } else { /* for(int i =0 ; iplugin()->getBlockCB().size(); i++) { blockcb = Mineserver::get()->plugin()->getBlockCB()[i]; if(blockcb!=NULL && blockcb->affectedBlock(newblock)) { blockcb->onReplace(user, newblock,check_x,check_y,check_z,user->pos.map,direction); } }*/ if ((static_cast*>(Mineserver::get()->plugin()->getHook("BlockReplacePre")))->doUntilFalse(user->nick.c_str(), x, y, z, oldblock, newblock)) { blockD.revertBlock(user, x, y, z, user->pos.map); return PACKET_OK; } (static_cast*>(Mineserver::get()->plugin()->getHook("BlockReplacePost")))->doAll(user->nick.c_str(), x, y, z, oldblock, newblock); } if ((static_cast*>(Mineserver::get()->plugin()->getHook("BlockPlacePre")))->doUntilFalse(user->nick.c_str(), x, y, z, newblock, direction)) { blockD.revertBlock(user, x, y, z, user->pos.map); return PACKET_OK; } /* We pass the newblock to the newblock's onPlace callback because the callback doesn't know what type of block we're placing. Instead the callback's job is to describe the behaviour when placing the block down, not to place any specifically block itself. */ for (uint32_t i = 0 ; i < Mineserver::get()->plugin()->getBlockCB().size(); i++) { blockcb = Mineserver::get()->plugin()->getBlockCB()[i]; if (blockcb != NULL && blockcb->affectedBlock(newblock)) { if (blockcb->onPlace(user, newblock, x, y, z, user->pos.map, direction)) { return PACKET_OK; } else { break; } } } (static_cast*>(Mineserver::get()->plugin()->getHook("BlockPlacePost")))->doAll(user->nick.c_str(), x, y, z, newblock, direction); /* notify neighbour blocks of the placed block */ if (Mineserver::get()->map(user->pos.map)->getBlock(x + 1, y, z, &block, &meta) && block != BLOCK_AIR) { for (uint32_t i = 0 ; i < Mineserver::get()->plugin()->getBlockCB().size(); i++) { blockcb = Mineserver::get()->plugin()->getBlockCB()[i]; if (blockcb != NULL && blockcb->affectedBlock(newblock)) { blockcb->onNeighbourPlace(user, newblock, x + 1, y, z, user->pos.map, direction); } } (static_cast*>(Mineserver::get()->plugin()->getHook("BlockNeighbourPlace")))->doAll(user->nick.c_str(), x + 1, y, z); } if (Mineserver::get()->map(user->pos.map)->getBlock(x - 1, y, z, &block, &meta) && block != BLOCK_AIR) { for (uint32_t i = 0 ; i < Mineserver::get()->plugin()->getBlockCB().size(); i++) { blockcb = Mineserver::get()->plugin()->getBlockCB()[i]; if (blockcb != NULL && blockcb->affectedBlock(newblock)) { blockcb->onNeighbourPlace(user, newblock, x - 1, y, z, user->pos.map, direction); } } (static_cast*>(Mineserver::get()->plugin()->getHook("BlockNeighbourPlace")))->doAll(user->nick.c_str(), x - 1, y, z); } if (Mineserver::get()->map(user->pos.map)->getBlock(x, y + 1, z, &block, &meta) && block != BLOCK_AIR) { for (uint32_t i = 0 ; i < Mineserver::get()->plugin()->getBlockCB().size(); i++) { blockcb = Mineserver::get()->plugin()->getBlockCB()[i]; if (blockcb != NULL && blockcb->affectedBlock(newblock)) { blockcb->onNeighbourPlace(user, newblock, x, y + 1, z, user->pos.map, direction); } } (static_cast*>(Mineserver::get()->plugin()->getHook("BlockNeighbourPlace")))->doAll(user->nick.c_str(), x, y + 1, z); } if (Mineserver::get()->map(user->pos.map)->getBlock(x, y - 1, z, &block, &meta) && block != BLOCK_AIR) { for (uint32_t i = 0 ; i < Mineserver::get()->plugin()->getBlockCB().size(); i++) { blockcb = Mineserver::get()->plugin()->getBlockCB()[i]; if (blockcb != NULL && blockcb->affectedBlock(newblock)) { blockcb->onNeighbourPlace(user, newblock, x, y - 1, z, user->pos.map, direction); } } (static_cast*>(Mineserver::get()->plugin()->getHook("BlockNeighbourPlace")))->doAll(user->nick.c_str(), x, y - 1, z); } if (Mineserver::get()->map(user->pos.map)->getBlock(x, y, z + 1, &block, &meta) && block != BLOCK_AIR) { for (uint32_t i = 0 ; i < Mineserver::get()->plugin()->getBlockCB().size(); i++) { blockcb = Mineserver::get()->plugin()->getBlockCB()[i]; if (blockcb != NULL && blockcb->affectedBlock(newblock)) { blockcb->onNeighbourPlace(user, newblock, x, y, z + 1, user->pos.map, direction); } } (static_cast*>(Mineserver::get()->plugin()->getHook("BlockNeighbourPlace")))->doAll(user->nick.c_str(), x, y, z + 1); } if (Mineserver::get()->map(user->pos.map)->getBlock(x, y, z - 1, &block, &meta) && block != BLOCK_AIR) { for (uint32_t i = 0 ; i < Mineserver::get()->plugin()->getBlockCB().size(); i++) { blockcb = Mineserver::get()->plugin()->getBlockCB()[i]; if (blockcb != NULL && blockcb->affectedBlock(newblock)) { blockcb->onNeighbourPlace(user, newblock, x, y, z - 1, user->pos.map, direction); } } (static_cast*>(Mineserver::get()->plugin()->getHook("BlockNeighbourPlace")))->doAll(user->nick.c_str(), x, y, z - 1); } } // Now we're sure we're using it, lets remove from inventory! #define INV_TASKBAR_START 36 if (user->inv[INV_TASKBAR_START + user->currentItemSlot()].getType() == newblock && newblock != -1) { //if(newblock<256) { // It's a block user->inv[INV_TASKBAR_START + user->currentItemSlot()].decCount(); } } #undef INV_TASKBAR_START /* TODO: Should be removed from here. Only needed for liquid related blocks? */ Mineserver::get()->physics(user->pos.map)->checkSurrounding(vec(x, y, z)); return PACKET_OK; } int PacketHandler::holding_change(User* user) { int16_t itemSlot; user->buffer >> itemSlot; if (!user->buffer) { return PACKET_NEED_MORE_DATA; } user->buffer.removePacket(); user->curItem = itemSlot; //Send holding change to others Packet pkt; pkt << (int8_t)PACKET_ENTITY_EQUIPMENT << (int32_t)user->UID << (int16_t)0 << (int16_t)user->inv[itemSlot + 36].getType() << (int16_t)user->inv[itemSlot + 36].getHealth(); user->sendOthers((uint8_t*)pkt.getWrite(), pkt.getWriteLen()); // Set current itemID to user user->setCurrentItemSlot(itemSlot); return PACKET_OK; } int PacketHandler::arm_animation(User* user) { int32_t userID; int8_t animType; user->buffer >> userID >> animType; if (!user->buffer) { return PACKET_NEED_MORE_DATA; } user->buffer.removePacket(); Packet pkt; pkt << (int8_t)PACKET_ARM_ANIMATION << (int32_t)user->UID << animType; user->sendOthers((uint8_t*)pkt.getWrite(), pkt.getWriteLen()); (static_cast*>(Mineserver::get()->plugin()->getHook("PlayerArmSwing")))->doAll(user->nick.c_str()); return PACKET_OK; } int PacketHandler::pickup_spawn(User* user) { //uint32_t curpos = 4; //warning: unused variable ‘curpos’ spawnedItem item; item.health = 0; int8_t yaw, pitch, roll; user->buffer >> (int32_t&)item.EID; user->buffer >> (int16_t&)item.item >> (int8_t&)item.count >> (int16_t&)item.health; user->buffer >> (int32_t&)item.pos.x() >> (int32_t&)item.pos.y() >> (int32_t&)item.pos.z(); user->buffer >> yaw >> pitch >> roll; if (!user->buffer) { return PACKET_NEED_MORE_DATA; } user->buffer.removePacket(); item.EID = Mineserver::generateEID(); item.spawnedBy = user->UID; item.spawnedAt = time(NULL); // Modify the position of the dropped item so that it appears in front of user instead of under user int distanceToThrow = 64; float angle = DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(user->pos.yaw + 45); // For some reason, yaw seems to be off to the left by 45 degrees from where you're actually looking? int x = int(cos(angle) * distanceToThrow - sin(angle) * distanceToThrow); int z = int(sin(angle) * distanceToThrow + cos(angle) * distanceToThrow); item.pos += vec(x, 0, z); Mineserver::get()->map(user->pos.map)->sendPickupSpawn(item); return PACKET_OK; } int PacketHandler::disconnect(User* user) { if (!user->buffer.haveData(2)) { return PACKET_NEED_MORE_DATA; } std::string msg; user->buffer >> msg; if (!user->buffer) { return PACKET_NEED_MORE_DATA; } user->buffer.removePacket(); LOG(INFO, "Packets", "Disconnect: " + msg); return PACKET_OK; } int PacketHandler::use_entity(User* user) { int32_t userID, target; int8_t targetType; user->buffer >> userID >> target >> targetType; if (!user->buffer) { return PACKET_NEED_MORE_DATA; } user->buffer.removePacket(); if (targetType != 1) { Packet pkt; //Attach if (user->attachedTo == 0) { pkt << PACKET_ATTACH_ENTITY << (int32_t)user->UID << (int32_t)target; user->attachedTo = target; } //Detach else { pkt << PACKET_ATTACH_ENTITY << (int32_t)user->UID << (int32_t) - 1; user->attachedTo = 0; } user->sendAll((uint8_t*)pkt.getWrite(), pkt.getWriteLen()); return PACKET_OK; } if (Mineserver::get()->m_pvp_enabled) { //This is used when punching users, mobs or other entities for (uint32_t i = 0; i < User::all().size(); i++) { if (User::all()[i]->UID == (uint32_t)target) { User::all()[i]->health--; User::all()[i]->sethealth(User::all()[i]->health); if (User::all()[i]->health <= 0) { Packet pkt; pkt << PACKET_DEATH_ANIMATION << (int32_t)User::all()[i]->UID << (int8_t)3; User::all()[i]->sendOthers((uint8_t*)pkt.getWrite(), pkt.getWriteLen()); } break; } } } for (size_t i = 0; i < Mineserver::get()->mobs()->getMobCount(); i++) { if (Mineserver::get()->mobs()->getMobByID(i)->UID == (uint32_t)target) { //int h = Mineserver::get()->mobs()->getMobByID(i)->health - 1; //Mineserver::get()->mobs()->getMobByID(i)->sethealth(h); (static_cast*>(Mineserver::get()->plugin()->getHook("gotAttacked")))->doAll(user->nick.c_str(),(int32_t)Mineserver::get()->mobs()->getMobByTarget(target)); //make a callback break; } } return PACKET_OK; } int PacketHandler::respawn(User* user) { user->dropInventory(); user->respawn(); user->buffer.removePacket(); return PACKET_OK; } // Shift operators for Packet class Packet& Packet::operator<<(int8_t val) { m_writeBuffer.push_back(val); return *this; } Packet& Packet::operator>>(int8_t& val) { if (haveData(1)) { val = *reinterpret_cast(&m_readBuffer[m_readPos]); m_readPos += 1; } return *this; } Packet& Packet::operator<<(int16_t val) { uint16_t nval = htons(val); addToWrite(&nval, 2); return *this; } Packet& Packet::operator>>(int16_t& val) { if (haveData(2)) { val = ntohs(*reinterpret_cast(&m_readBuffer[m_readPos])); m_readPos += 2; } return *this; } Packet& Packet::operator<<(int32_t val) { uint32_t nval = htonl(val); addToWrite(&nval, 4); return *this; } Packet& Packet::operator>>(int32_t& val) { if (haveData(4)) { val = ntohl(*reinterpret_cast(&m_readBuffer[m_readPos])); m_readPos += 4; } return *this; } Packet& Packet::operator<<(int64_t val) { uint64_t nval = ntohll(val); addToWrite(&nval, 8); return *this; } Packet& Packet::operator>>(int64_t& val) { if (haveData(8)) { memcpy(&val, &m_readBuffer[m_readPos], 8); val = ntohll(val); m_readPos += 8; } return *this; } Packet& Packet::operator<<(float val) { uint32_t nval; memcpy(&nval, &val , 4); nval = htonl(nval); addToWrite(&nval, 4); return *this; } Packet& Packet::operator>>(float& val) { if (haveData(4)) { int32_t ival = ntohl(*reinterpret_cast(&m_readBuffer[m_readPos])); memcpy(&val, &ival, 4); m_readPos += 4; } return *this; } Packet& Packet::operator<<(double val) { uint64_t nval; memcpy(&nval, &val, 8); nval = ntohll(nval); addToWrite(&nval, 8); return *this; } Packet& Packet::operator>>(double& val) { if (haveData(8)) { uint64_t ival; memcpy(&ival, &m_readBuffer[m_readPos], 8); ival = ntohll(ival); memcpy((void*)&val, (void*)&ival, 8); m_readPos += 8; } return *this; } Packet& Packet::operator<<(const std::wstring& str) { const std::wstring& outBuffer = hsttonst(str);// bytes need to be flipped! uint16_t lenval = htons(str.size()); addToWrite(&lenval, 2); addToWrite(&str[0], str.size()*2); return *this; } Packet& Packet::operator>>(std::wstring& str) { uint16_t lenval; if (haveData(2)) { lenval = ntohs(*reinterpret_cast(&m_readBuffer[m_readPos])); m_readPos += 2; if (lenval && haveData(lenval*2)) { str.assign((wchar_t*)&m_readBuffer[m_readPos], lenval); str = nsttohst(str); // bytes need to be flipped! m_readPos += lenval*2; } } return *this; } Packet& Packet::operator<<(const std::string& str) { std::wstring ws = stows(str); (*this)<>(std::string& str) { std::wstring ws; (*this) >> ws; str = wstos(ws); return *this; } void Packet::writeString(const std::string& str) { uint16_t lenval = htons(str.size()); addToWrite(&lenval, 2); addToWrite(&str[0], str.size()); } std::string& Packet::readString() { std::string str; uint16_t lenval; if (haveData(2)) { lenval = ntohs(*reinterpret_cast(&m_readBuffer[m_readPos])); m_readPos += 2; if (lenval && haveData(lenval)) { str.assign((char*)&m_readBuffer[m_readPos], lenval); m_readPos += lenval; } } return str; } void Packet::operator<<(Packet& other) { int dataSize = other.getWriteLen(); if (dataSize == 0) { return; } BufferVector::size_type start = m_writeBuffer.size(); m_writeBuffer.resize(start + dataSize); memcpy(&m_writeBuffer[start], other.getWrite(), dataSize); }