/* SDL - Simple DirectMedia Layer Copyright (C) 1997-2009 Sam Lantinga This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA Sam Lantinga slouken@devolution.com */ /* SDL_epocevents.cpp Handle the event stream, converting Epoc events into SDL events Epoc version by Hannu Viitala (hannu.j.viitala@mbnet.fi) */ #include #undef NULL extern "C" { //#define DEBUG_TRACE_ENABLED #include "SDL_error.h" #include "SDL_video.h" #include "SDL_keysym.h" #include "SDL_keyboard.h" #include "SDL_events_c.h" #include "SDL_timer.h" }; /* extern "C" */ #include "SDL_epocvideo.h" #include "SDL_epocevents_c.h" #include #include #include extern "C" { /* The translation tables from a console scancode to a SDL keysym */ static SDLKey keymap[MAX_SCANCODE]; static SDL_keysym *TranslateKey(_THIS, int scancode, SDL_keysym *keysym); void DisableKeyBlocking(_THIS); }; /* extern "C" */ TBool isCursorVisible = EFalse; int EPOC_HandleWsEvent(_THIS, const TWsEvent& aWsEvent) { int posted = 0; SDL_keysym keysym; // SDL_TRACE1("hws %d", aWsEvent.Type()); switch (aWsEvent.Type()) { case EEventPointer: /* Mouse pointer events */ { const TPointerCursorMode mode = Private->EPOC_WsSession.PointerCursorMode(); if(mode == EPointerCursorNone) { return 0; //TODO: Find out why events are get despite of cursor should be off } const TPointerEvent* pointerEvent = aWsEvent.Pointer(); TPoint mousePos = pointerEvent->iPosition; /*!! TODO Pointer do not yet work properly //SDL_TRACE1("SDL: EPOC_HandleWsEvent, pointerEvent->iType=%d", pointerEvent->iType); //!! if (Private->EPOC_ShrinkedHeight) { mousePos.iY <<= 1; // Scale y coordinate to shrinked screen height } if (Private->EPOC_ShrinkedWidth) { mousePos.iX <<= 1; // Scale x coordinate to shrinked screen width } */ posted += SDL_PrivateMouseMotion(0, 0, mousePos.iX, mousePos.iY); /* Absolute position on screen */ switch (pointerEvent->iType) { case TPointerEvent::EButton1Down: posted += SDL_PrivateMouseButton(SDL_PRESSED, SDL_BUTTON_LEFT, 0, 0); break; case TPointerEvent::EButton1Up: posted += SDL_PrivateMouseButton(SDL_RELEASED, SDL_BUTTON_LEFT, 0, 0); break; case TPointerEvent::EButton2Down: posted += SDL_PrivateMouseButton(SDL_PRESSED, SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT, 0, 0); break; case TPointerEvent::EButton2Up: posted += SDL_PrivateMouseButton(SDL_RELEASED, SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT, 0, 0); break; case TPointerEvent::EButton3Down: posted += SDL_PrivateMouseButton(SDL_PRESSED, SDL_BUTTON_MIDDLE, 0, 0); break; case TPointerEvent::EButton3Up: posted += SDL_PrivateMouseButton(SDL_RELEASED, SDL_BUTTON_MIDDLE, 0, 0); break; } // switch break; } case EEventKeyDown: /* Key events */ { #ifdef SYMBIAN_CRYSTAL // special case: 9300/9500 rocker down, simulate left mouse button if (aWsEvent.Key()->iScanCode == EStdKeyDeviceA) { const TPointerCursorMode mode = Private->EPOC_WsSession.PointerCursorMode(); if(mode != EPointerCursorNone) posted += SDL_PrivateMouseButton(SDL_PRESSED, SDL_BUTTON_LEFT, 0, 0); } #endif (void*)TranslateKey(_this, aWsEvent.Key()->iScanCode, &keysym); #ifndef DISABLE_JOYSTICK /* Special handling */ switch((int)keysym.sym) { case SDLK_CAPSLOCK: if (!isCursorVisible) { /* Enable virtual cursor */ HAL::Set(HAL::EMouseState, HAL::EMouseState_Visible); } else { /* Disable virtual cursor */ HAL::Set(HAL::EMouseState, HAL::EMouseState_Invisible); } isCursorVisible = !isCursorVisible; break; } #endif posted += SDL_PrivateKeyboard(SDL_PRESSED, &keysym); break; } case EEventKeyUp: /* Key events */ { #ifdef SYMBIAN_CRYSTAL // special case: 9300/9500 rocker up, simulate left mouse button if (aWsEvent.Key()->iScanCode == EStdKeyDeviceA) { posted += SDL_PrivateMouseButton(SDL_RELEASED, SDL_BUTTON_LEFT, 0, 0); } #endif posted += SDL_PrivateKeyboard(SDL_RELEASED, TranslateKey(_this, aWsEvent.Key()->iScanCode, &keysym)); break; } case EEventFocusGained: /* SDL window got focus */ { Private->EPOC_IsWindowFocused = ETrue; posted += SDL_PrivateAppActive(1, SDL_APPINPUTFOCUS|SDL_APPMOUSEFOCUS); /* Draw window background and screen buffer */ DisableKeyBlocking(_this); //Markus: guess why:-) RedrawWindowL(_this); break; } case EEventFocusLost: /* SDL window lost focus */ { /* CFbsBitmap* bmp = new (ELeave) CFbsBitmap(); bmp->Create(Private->EPOC_ScreenSize, Private->EPOC_DisplayMode); Private->EPOC_WsScreen->CopyScreenToBitmap(bmp); Private->EPOC_WindowGc->Activate(Private->EPOC_WsWindow); Private->EPOC_WsWindow.BeginRedraw(TRect(Private->EPOC_WsWindow.Size())); Private->EPOC_WindowGc->BitBlt(TPoint(0, 0), bmp); Private->EPOC_WsWindow.EndRedraw(); Private->EPOC_WindowGc->Deactivate(); bmp->Save(_L("C:\\scr.mbm")); delete bmp; */ Private->EPOC_IsWindowFocused = EFalse; posted += SDL_PrivateAppActive(0, SDL_APPINPUTFOCUS|SDL_APPMOUSEFOCUS); RWsSession s; s.Connect(); RWindowGroup g(s); g.Construct(TUint32(&g), EFalse); g.EnableReceiptOfFocus(EFalse); RWindow w(s); w.Construct(g, TUint32(&w)); w.SetExtent(TPoint(0, 0), Private->EPOC_WsWindow.Size()); w.SetOrdinalPosition(0); w.Activate(); w.Close(); g.Close(); s.Close(); /* Private->EPOC_WsSession.SetWindowGroupOrdinalPosition(Private->EPOC_WsWindowGroupID, -1); SDL_Delay(500); TInt focus = -1; while(focus < 0) { const TInt curr = Private->EPOC_WsSession.GetFocusWindowGroup(); if(curr != Private->EPOC_WsWindowGroupID) focus = curr; else SDL_Delay(500); } if(1 < Private->EPOC_WsSession.GetWindowGroupOrdinalPriority(Private->EPOC_WsWindowGroupID)) { Private->EPOC_WsSession.SetWindowGroupOrdinalPosition(focus, -1); SDL_Delay(500); Private->EPOC_WsSession.SetWindowGroupOrdinalPosition(focus, 0); } */ /*//and the request redraw TRawEvent redrawEvent; redrawEvent.Set(TRawEvent::ERedraw); Private->EPOC_WsSession.SimulateRawEvent(redrawEvent); Private->EPOC_WsSession.Flush();*/ #if 0 //!! Not used // Wait and eat events until focus is gained again while (ETrue) { Private->EPOC_WsSession.EventReady(&Private->EPOC_WsEventStatus); User::WaitForRequest(Private->EPOC_WsEventStatus); Private->EPOC_WsSession.GetEvent(Private->EPOC_WsEvent); TInt eventType = Private->EPOC_WsEvent.Type(); Private->EPOC_WsEventStatus = KRequestPending; //Private->EPOC_WsSession.EventReady(&Private->EPOC_WsEventStatus); if (eventType == EEventFocusGained) { RedrawWindowL(_this); break; } } #endif break; } case EEventModifiersChanged: { TModifiersChangedEvent* modEvent = aWsEvent.ModifiersChanged(); TUint modstate = KMOD_NONE; if (modEvent->iModifiers == EModifierLeftShift) modstate |= KMOD_LSHIFT; if (modEvent->iModifiers == EModifierRightShift) modstate |= KMOD_RSHIFT; if (modEvent->iModifiers == EModifierLeftCtrl) modstate |= KMOD_LCTRL; if (modEvent->iModifiers == EModifierRightCtrl) modstate |= KMOD_RCTRL; if (modEvent->iModifiers == EModifierLeftAlt) modstate |= KMOD_LALT; if (modEvent->iModifiers == EModifierRightAlt) modstate |= KMOD_RALT; if (modEvent->iModifiers == EModifierLeftFunc) modstate |= KMOD_LMETA; if (modEvent->iModifiers == EModifierRightFunc) modstate |= KMOD_RMETA; if (modEvent->iModifiers == EModifierCapsLock) modstate |= KMOD_CAPS; SDL_SetModState(STATIC_CAST(SDLMod,(modstate | KMOD_LSHIFT))); break; } default: break; } return posted; } extern "C" { void EPOC_PumpEvents(_THIS) { int posted = 0; // !! Do we need this? //Private->EPOC_WsSession.EventReady(&Private->EPOC_WsEventStatus); while (Private->EPOC_WsEventStatus != KRequestPending) { Private->EPOC_WsSession.GetEvent(Private->EPOC_WsEvent); posted = EPOC_HandleWsEvent(_this, Private->EPOC_WsEvent); Private->EPOC_WsEventStatus = KRequestPending; Private->EPOC_WsSession.EventReady(&Private->EPOC_WsEventStatus); } } _LIT(KMapFileName, "C:\\sdl_info\\sdlkeymap.cfg"); LOCAL_C void ReadL(RFs& aFs, RArray& aArray) { TInt drive = -1; TFileName name(KMapFileName); for(TInt i = 'z'; drive < 0 && i >= 'a'; i--) { name[0] = (TUint16)i; if(BaflUtils::FileExists(aFs, name)) drive = i; } if(drive < 0) return; CLineReader* reader = CLineReader::NewLC(aFs, name); while(reader->NextL()) { TPtrC ln = reader->Current(); TLex line(ln); TInt n = 0; for(;;) { const TPtrC token = line.NextToken(); if(token.Length() == 0) break; if((n & 1) != 0) { TInt value; TLex lex(token); User::LeaveIfError(lex.Val(value)); User::LeaveIfError(aArray.Append(value)); } n++; } } CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); } void EPOC_InitOSKeymap(_THIS) { int i; /* Initialize the key translation table */ for ( i=0; i array; TRAPD(err, ReadL(fs, array)); if(err == KErrNone && array.Count() > 0) { SDLKey temp[MAX_SCANCODE]; Mem::Copy(temp, keymap, MAX_SCANCODE * sizeof(SDLKey)); for(TInt k = 0; k < array.Count(); k+= 2) { const TInt oldval = array[k]; const TInt newval = array[k + 1]; if(oldval >= 0 && oldval < MAX_SCANCODE && newval >= 0 && newval < MAX_SCANCODE) { keymap[oldval] = temp[newval]; } } } array.Close(); } fs.Close(); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* !!TODO EStdKeyNumLock=0x1b, EStdKeyScrollLock=0x1c, EStdKeyNkpForwardSlash=0x84, EStdKeyNkpAsterisk=0x85, EStdKeyNkpMinus=0x86, EStdKeyNkpPlus=0x87, EStdKeyNkpEnter=0x88, EStdKeyNkp1=0x89, EStdKeyNkp2=0x8a, EStdKeyNkp3=0x8b, EStdKeyNkp4=0x8c, EStdKeyNkp5=0x8d, EStdKeyNkp6=0x8e, EStdKeyNkp7=0x8f, EStdKeyNkp8=0x90, EStdKeyNkp9=0x91, EStdKeyNkp0=0x92, EStdKeyNkpFullStop=0x93, EStdKeyMenu=0x94, EStdKeyBacklightOn=0x95, EStdKeyBacklightOff=0x96, EStdKeyBacklightToggle=0x97, EStdKeyIncContrast=0x98, EStdKeyDecContrast=0x99, EStdKeySliderDown=0x9a, EStdKeySliderUp=0x9b, EStdKeyDictaphonePlay=0x9c, EStdKeyDictaphoneStop=0x9d, EStdKeyDictaphoneRecord=0x9e, EStdKeyHelp=0x9f, EStdKeyOff=0xa0, EStdKeyDial=0xa1, EStdKeyIncVolume=0xa2, EStdKeyDecVolume=0xa3, EStdKeyDevice0=0xa4, EStdKeyDevice1=0xa5, EStdKeyDevice2=0xa6, EStdKeyDevice3=0xa7, EStdKeyDevice4=0xa8, EStdKeyDevice5=0xa9, EStdKeyDevice6=0xaa, EStdKeyDevice7=0xab, EStdKeyDevice8=0xac, EStdKeyDevice9=0xad, EStdKeyDeviceA=0xae, EStdKeyDeviceB=0xaf, EStdKeyDeviceC=0xb0, EStdKeyDeviceD=0xb1, EStdKeyDeviceE=0xb2, EStdKeyDeviceF=0xb3, EStdKeyApplication0=0xb4, EStdKeyApplication1=0xb5, EStdKeyApplication2=0xb6, EStdKeyApplication3=0xb7, EStdKeyApplication4=0xb8, EStdKeyApplication5=0xb9, EStdKeyApplication6=0xba, EStdKeyApplication7=0xbb, EStdKeyApplication8=0xbc, EStdKeyApplication9=0xbd, EStdKeyApplicationA=0xbe, EStdKeyApplicationB=0xbf, EStdKeyApplicationC=0xc0, EStdKeyApplicationD=0xc1, EStdKeyApplicationE=0xc2, EStdKeyApplicationF=0xc3, EStdKeyYes=0xc4, EStdKeyNo=0xc5, EStdKeyIncBrightness=0xc6, EStdKeyDecBrightness=0xc7, EStdKeyCaseOpen=0xc8, EStdKeyCaseClose=0xc9 */ } static SDL_keysym *TranslateKey(_THIS, int scancode, SDL_keysym *keysym) { // char debug[256]; //SDL_TRACE1("SDL: TranslateKey, scancode=%d", scancode); //!! /* Set the keysym information */ keysym->scancode = scancode; if ((scancode >= MAX_SCANCODE) && ((scancode - ENonCharacterKeyBase + 0x0081) >= MAX_SCANCODE)) { SDL_SetError("Too big scancode"); keysym->scancode = SDLK_UNKNOWN; keysym->mod = KMOD_NONE; return keysym; } keysym->mod = SDL_GetModState(); /* Handle function keys: F1, F2, F3 ... */ if (keysym->mod & KMOD_META) { if (scancode >= 'A' && scancode < ('A' + 24)) { /* first 32 alphabet keys */ switch(scancode) { case 'Q': scancode = EStdKeyF1; break; case 'W': scancode = EStdKeyF2; break; case 'E': scancode = EStdKeyF3; break; case 'R': scancode = EStdKeyF4; break; case 'T': scancode = EStdKeyF5; break; case 'Y': scancode = EStdKeyF6; break; case 'U': scancode = EStdKeyF7; break; case 'I': scancode = EStdKeyF8; break; case 'A': scancode = EStdKeyF9; break; case 'S': scancode = EStdKeyF10; break; case 'D': scancode = EStdKeyF11; break; case 'F': scancode = EStdKeyF12; break; } keysym->sym = keymap[scancode]; } } if (scancode >= ENonCharacterKeyBase) { // Non character keys keysym->sym = keymap[scancode - ENonCharacterKeyBase + 0x0081]; // !!hard coded } else { keysym->sym = keymap[scancode]; } /* Remap the arrow keys if the device is rotated */ if (Private->EPOC_ScreenOrientation == CFbsBitGc::EGraphicsOrientationRotated270) { switch(keysym->sym) { case SDLK_UP: keysym->sym = SDLK_LEFT; break; case SDLK_DOWN: keysym->sym = SDLK_RIGHT; break; case SDLK_LEFT: keysym->sym = SDLK_DOWN; break; case SDLK_RIGHT:keysym->sym = SDLK_UP; break; } } /* If UNICODE is on, get the UNICODE value for the key */ keysym->unicode = 0; #if 0 // !!TODO:unicode if ( SDL_TranslateUNICODE ) { /* Populate the unicode field with the ASCII value */ keysym->unicode = scancode; } #endif //!! //sprintf(debug, "SDL: TranslateKey: keysym->scancode=%d, keysym->sym=%d, keysym->mod=%d", // keysym->scancode, keysym->sym, keysym->mod); //SDL_TRACE(debug); //!! return(keysym); } }; /* extern "C" */