/* SDL - Simple DirectMedia Layer Copyright (C) 1997-2009 Sam Lantinga This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA Sam Lantinga slouken@libsdl.org */ #include "SDL_config.h" #include #include #include #include "SDL_stdinc.h" #include "SDL_fbvideo.h" #include "SDL_fbelo.h" /* calibration default values values are read from the following environment variables: SDL_ELO_MIN_X SDL_ELO_MAX_X SDL_ELO_MIN_Y SDL_ELO_MAX_Y */ static int ELO_MIN_X = 400; static int ELO_MAX_X = 3670; static int ELO_MIN_Y = 500; static int ELO_MAX_Y = 3540; #define ELO_SNAP_SIZE 6 #define ELO_TOUCH_BYTE 'T' #define ELO_ID 'I' #define ELO_MODE 'M' #define ELO_PARAMETER 'P' #define ELO_REPORT 'B' #define ELO_ACK 'A' #define ELO_INIT_CHECKSUM 0xAA #define ELO_BTN_PRESS 0x01 #define ELO_STREAM 0x02 #define ELO_BTN_RELEASE 0x04 #define ELO_TOUCH_MODE 0x01 #define ELO_STREAM_MODE 0x02 #define ELO_UNTOUCH_MODE 0x04 #define ELO_RANGE_CHECK_MODE 0x40 #define ELO_TRIM_MODE 0x02 #define ELO_CALIB_MODE 0x04 #define ELO_SCALING_MODE 0x08 #define ELO_TRACKING_MODE 0x40 #define ELO_SERIAL_MASK 0xF8 #define ELO_SERIAL_IO '0' #define ELO_MAX_TRIALS 3 #define ELO_MAX_WAIT 100000 #define ELO_UNTOUCH_DELAY 5 #define ELO_REPORT_DELAY 1 /* eloParsePacket */ int eloParsePacket(unsigned char* mousebuf, int* dx, int* dy, int* button_state) { static int elo_button = 0; static int last_x = 0; static int last_y = 0; int x,y; /* Check if we have a touch packet */ if (mousebuf[1] != ELO_TOUCH_BYTE) { return 0; } x = ((mousebuf[4] << 8) | mousebuf[3]); y = ((mousebuf[6] << 8) | mousebuf[5]); if((SDL_abs(x - last_x) > ELO_SNAP_SIZE) || (SDL_abs(y - last_y) > ELO_SNAP_SIZE)) { *dx = ((mousebuf[4] << 8) | mousebuf[3]); *dy = ((mousebuf[6] << 8) | mousebuf[5]); } else { *dx = last_x; *dy = last_y; } last_x = *dx; last_y = *dy; if ( (mousebuf[2] & 0x07) == ELO_BTN_PRESS ) { elo_button = 1; } if ( (mousebuf[2] & 0x07) == ELO_BTN_RELEASE ) { elo_button = 0; } *button_state = elo_button; return 1; } /* Convert the raw coordinates from the ELO controller to a screen position. */ void eloConvertXY(_THIS, int *dx, int *dy) { int input_x = *dx; int input_y = *dy; int width = ELO_MAX_X - ELO_MIN_X; int height = ELO_MAX_Y - ELO_MIN_Y; *dx = ((int)cache_vinfo.xres - ((int)cache_vinfo.xres * (input_x - ELO_MIN_X)) / width); *dy = (cache_vinfo.yres * (input_y - ELO_MIN_Y)) / height; } /* eloGetPacket */ int eloGetPacket(unsigned char* buffer, int* buffer_p, int* checksum, int fd) { int num_bytes; int ok; if(fd == 0) { num_bytes = ELO_PACKET_SIZE; } else { num_bytes = read(fd, (char *) (buffer + *buffer_p), ELO_PACKET_SIZE - *buffer_p); } if (num_bytes < 0) { #ifdef DEBUG_MOUSE fprintf(stderr, "System error while reading from Elographics touchscreen.\n"); #endif return 0; } while (num_bytes) { if ((*buffer_p == 0) && (buffer[0] != ELO_START_BYTE)) { SDL_memcpy(&buffer[0], &buffer[1], num_bytes-1); } else { if (*buffer_p < ELO_PACKET_SIZE-1) { *checksum = *checksum + buffer[*buffer_p]; *checksum = *checksum % 256; } (*buffer_p)++; } num_bytes--; } if (*buffer_p == ELO_PACKET_SIZE) { ok = (*checksum == buffer[ELO_PACKET_SIZE-1]); *checksum = ELO_INIT_CHECKSUM; *buffer_p = 0; if (!ok) { return 0; } return 1; } else { return 0; } } /* eloSendPacket */ int eloSendPacket(unsigned char* packet, int fd) { int i, result; int sum = ELO_INIT_CHECKSUM; packet[0] = ELO_START_BYTE; for (i = 0; i < ELO_PACKET_SIZE-1; i++) { sum += packet[i]; sum &= 0xFF; } packet[ELO_PACKET_SIZE-1] = sum; result = write(fd, packet, ELO_PACKET_SIZE); if (result != ELO_PACKET_SIZE) { #ifdef DEBUG_MOUSE printf("System error while sending to Elographics touchscreen.\n"); #endif return 0; } else { return 1; } } /* eloWaitForInput */ int eloWaitForInput(int fd, int timeout) { fd_set readfds; struct timeval to; int r; FD_ZERO(&readfds); FD_SET(fd, &readfds); to.tv_sec = 0; to.tv_usec = timeout; r = select(FD_SETSIZE, &readfds, NULL, NULL, &to); return r; } /* eloWaitReply */ int eloWaitReply(unsigned char type, unsigned char *reply, int fd) { int ok; int i, result; int reply_p = 0; int sum = ELO_INIT_CHECKSUM; i = ELO_MAX_TRIALS; do { ok = 0; result = eloWaitForInput(fd, ELO_MAX_WAIT); if (result > 0) { ok = eloGetPacket(reply, &reply_p, &sum, fd); if (ok && reply[1] != type && type != ELO_PARAMETER) { #ifdef DEBUG_MOUSE fprintf(stderr, "Wrong reply received\n"); #endif ok = 0; } } else { #ifdef DEBUG_MOUSE fprintf(stderr, "No input!\n"); #endif } if (result == 0) { i--; } } while(!ok && (i>0)); return ok; } /* eloWaitAck */ int eloWaitAck(int fd) { unsigned char packet[ELO_PACKET_SIZE]; int i, nb_errors; if (eloWaitReply(ELO_ACK, packet, fd)) { for (i = 0, nb_errors = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (packet[2 + i] != '0') { nb_errors++; } } if (nb_errors != 0) { #ifdef DEBUG_MOUSE fprintf(stderr, "Elographics acknowledge packet reports %d errors\n", nb_errors); #endif } return 1; } else { return 0; } } /* eloSendQuery -- */ int eloSendQuery(unsigned char *request, unsigned char* reply, int fd) { int ok; if (eloSendPacket(request, fd)) { ok = eloWaitReply(toupper(request[1]), reply, fd); if (ok) { ok = eloWaitAck(fd); } return ok; } else { return 0; } } /* eloSendControl */ int eloSendControl(unsigned char* control, int fd) { if (eloSendPacket(control, fd)) { return eloWaitAck(fd); } else { return 0; } } /* eloInitController */ int eloInitController(int fd) { unsigned char req[ELO_PACKET_SIZE]; unsigned char reply[ELO_PACKET_SIZE]; const char *buffer = NULL; int result = 0; struct termios mouse_termios; /* try to read the calibration values */ buffer = SDL_getenv("SDL_ELO_MIN_X"); if(buffer) { ELO_MIN_X = SDL_atoi(buffer); } buffer = SDL_getenv("SDL_ELO_MAX_X"); if(buffer) { ELO_MAX_X = SDL_atoi(buffer); } buffer = SDL_getenv("SDL_ELO_MIN_Y"); if(buffer) { ELO_MIN_Y = SDL_atoi(buffer); } buffer = SDL_getenv("SDL_ELO_MAX_Y"); if(buffer) { ELO_MAX_Y = SDL_atoi(buffer); } #ifdef DEBUG_MOUSE fprintf( stderr, "ELO calibration values:\nmin_x: %i\nmax_x: %i\nmin_y: %i\nmax_y: %i\n", ELO_MIN_X, ELO_MAX_X, ELO_MIN_Y, ELO_MAX_Y); #endif /* set comm params */ SDL_memset(&mouse_termios, 0, sizeof(mouse_termios)); mouse_termios.c_cflag = B9600 | CS8 | CREAD | CLOCAL; mouse_termios.c_cc[VMIN] = 1; result = tcsetattr(fd, TCSANOW, &mouse_termios); if (result < 0) { #ifdef DEBUG_MOUSE fprintf( stderr, "Unable to configure Elographics touchscreen port\n"); #endif return 0; } SDL_memset(req, 0, ELO_PACKET_SIZE); req[1] = tolower(ELO_PARAMETER); if (!eloSendQuery(req, reply, fd)) { #ifdef DEBUG_MOUSE fprintf( stderr, "Not at the specified rate or model 2310, will continue\n"); #endif } SDL_memset(req, 0, ELO_PACKET_SIZE); req[1] = tolower(ELO_ID); if (eloSendQuery(req, reply, fd)) { #ifdef DEBUG_MOUSE fprintf(stderr, "Ok, controller configured!\n"); #endif } else { #ifdef DEBUG_MOUSE fprintf( stderr, "Unable to ask Elographics touchscreen identification\n"); #endif return 0; } SDL_memset(req, 0, ELO_PACKET_SIZE); req[1] = ELO_MODE; req[3] = ELO_TOUCH_MODE | ELO_STREAM_MODE | ELO_UNTOUCH_MODE; req[4] = ELO_TRACKING_MODE; if (!eloSendControl(req, fd)) { #ifdef DEBUG_MOUSE fprintf( stderr, "Unable to change Elographics touchscreen operating mode\n"); #endif return 0; } SDL_memset(req, 0, ELO_PACKET_SIZE); req[1] = ELO_REPORT; req[2] = ELO_UNTOUCH_DELAY; req[3] = ELO_REPORT_DELAY; if (!eloSendControl(req, fd)) { #ifdef DEBUG_MOUSE fprintf( stderr, "Unable to change Elographics touchscreen reports timings\n"); #endif return 0; } return 1; } int eloReadPosition(_THIS, int fd, int* x, int* y, int* button_state, int* realx, int* realy) { unsigned char buffer[ELO_PACKET_SIZE]; int pointer = 0; int checksum = ELO_INIT_CHECKSUM; while(pointer < ELO_PACKET_SIZE) { if(eloGetPacket(buffer, &pointer, &checksum, fd)) { break; } } if(!eloParsePacket(buffer, realx, realy, button_state)) { return 0; } *x = *realx; *y = *realy; eloConvertXY(this, x, y); return 1; }