#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "libdshowcapture/dshowcapture.hpp" #include "ffmpeg-decode.h" #include "encode-dstr.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include /* * TODO: * - handle disconnections and reconnections * - if device not present, wait for device to be plugged in */ #undef min #undef max using namespace std; using namespace DShow; /* clang-format off */ /* settings defines that will cause errors if there are typos */ #define VIDEO_DEVICE_ID "video_device_id" #define RES_TYPE "res_type" #define RESOLUTION "resolution" #define FRAME_INTERVAL "frame_interval" #define VIDEO_FORMAT "video_format" #define LAST_VIDEO_DEV_ID "last_video_device_id" #define LAST_RESOLUTION "last_resolution" #define BUFFERING_VAL "buffering" #define FLIP_IMAGE "flip_vertically" #define AUDIO_OUTPUT_MODE "audio_output_mode" #define USE_CUSTOM_AUDIO "use_custom_audio_device" #define AUDIO_DEVICE_ID "audio_device_id" #define COLOR_SPACE "color_space" #define COLOR_RANGE "color_range" #define DEACTIVATE_WNS "deactivate_when_not_showing" #define AUTOROTATION "autorotation" #define HW_DECODE "hw_decode" #define TEXT_INPUT_NAME obs_module_text("VideoCaptureDevice") #define TEXT_DEVICE obs_module_text("Device") #define TEXT_CONFIG_VIDEO obs_module_text("ConfigureVideo") #define TEXT_CONFIG_XBAR obs_module_text("ConfigureCrossbar") #define TEXT_RES_FPS_TYPE obs_module_text("ResFPSType") #define TEXT_CUSTOM_RES obs_module_text("ResFPSType.Custom") #define TEXT_PREFERRED_RES obs_module_text("ResFPSType.DevPreferred") #define TEXT_FPS_MATCHING obs_module_text("FPS.Matching") #define TEXT_FPS_HIGHEST obs_module_text("FPS.Highest") #define TEXT_RESOLUTION obs_module_text("Resolution") #define TEXT_VIDEO_FORMAT obs_module_text("VideoFormat") #define TEXT_FORMAT_UNKNOWN obs_module_text("VideoFormat.Unknown") #define TEXT_BUFFERING obs_module_text("Buffering") #define TEXT_BUFFERING_AUTO obs_module_text("Buffering.AutoDetect") #define TEXT_BUFFERING_ON obs_module_text("Buffering.Enable") #define TEXT_BUFFERING_OFF obs_module_text("Buffering.Disable") #define TEXT_FLIP_IMAGE obs_module_text("FlipVertically") #define TEXT_AUTOROTATION obs_module_text("Autorotation") #define TEXT_HW_DECODE obs_module_text("HardwareDecode") #define TEXT_AUDIO_MODE obs_module_text("AudioOutputMode") #define TEXT_MODE_CAPTURE obs_module_text("AudioOutputMode.Capture") #define TEXT_MODE_DSOUND obs_module_text("AudioOutputMode.DirectSound") #define TEXT_MODE_WAVEOUT obs_module_text("AudioOutputMode.WaveOut") #define TEXT_CUSTOM_AUDIO obs_module_text("UseCustomAudioDevice") #define TEXT_AUDIO_DEVICE obs_module_text("AudioDevice") #define TEXT_ACTIVATE obs_module_text("Activate") #define TEXT_DEACTIVATE obs_module_text("Deactivate") #define TEXT_COLOR_SPACE obs_module_text("ColorSpace") #define TEXT_COLOR_DEFAULT obs_module_text("ColorSpace.Default") #define TEXT_COLOR_709 obs_module_text("ColorSpace.709") #define TEXT_COLOR_601 obs_module_text("ColorSpace.601") #define TEXT_COLOR_2100PQ obs_module_text("ColorSpace.2100PQ") #define TEXT_COLOR_2100HLG obs_module_text("ColorSpace.2100HLG") #define TEXT_COLOR_RANGE obs_module_text("ColorRange") #define TEXT_RANGE_DEFAULT obs_module_text("ColorRange.Default") #define TEXT_RANGE_PARTIAL obs_module_text("ColorRange.Partial") #define TEXT_RANGE_FULL obs_module_text("ColorRange.Full") #define TEXT_DWNS obs_module_text("DeactivateWhenNotShowing") /* clang-format on */ enum ResType { ResType_Preferred, ResType_Custom, }; enum class BufferingType : int64_t { Auto, On, Off, }; void ffmpeg_log(void *bla, int level, const char *msg, va_list args) { DStr str; if (level == AV_LOG_WARNING) { dstr_copy(str, "warning: "); } else if (level == AV_LOG_ERROR) { /* only print first of this message to avoid spam */ static bool suppress_app_field_spam = false; if (strcmp(msg, "unable to decode APP fields: %s\n") == 0) { if (suppress_app_field_spam) return; suppress_app_field_spam = true; } dstr_copy(str, "error: "); } else if (level < AV_LOG_ERROR) { dstr_copy(str, "fatal: "); } else { return; } dstr_cat(str, msg); if (dstr_end(str) == '\n') dstr_resize(str, str->len - 1); blogva(LOG_WARNING, str, args); av_log_default_callback(bla, level, msg, args); } class Decoder { struct ffmpeg_decode decode; public: inline Decoder() { memset(&decode, 0, sizeof(decode)); } inline ~Decoder() { ffmpeg_decode_free(&decode); } inline operator ffmpeg_decode *() { return &decode; } inline ffmpeg_decode *operator->() { return &decode; } }; class CriticalSection { CRITICAL_SECTION mutex; public: inline CriticalSection() { InitializeCriticalSection(&mutex); } inline ~CriticalSection() { DeleteCriticalSection(&mutex); } inline operator CRITICAL_SECTION *() { return &mutex; } }; class CriticalScope { CriticalSection &mutex; CriticalScope() = delete; CriticalScope &operator=(CriticalScope &cs) = delete; public: inline CriticalScope(CriticalSection &mutex_) : mutex(mutex_) { EnterCriticalSection(mutex); } inline ~CriticalScope() { LeaveCriticalSection(mutex); } }; enum class Action { None, Activate, ActivateBlock, Deactivate, Shutdown, ConfigVideo, ConfigAudio, ConfigCrossbar1, ConfigCrossbar2, }; static DWORD CALLBACK DShowThread(LPVOID ptr); struct DShowInput { obs_source_t *source; Device device; bool deactivateWhenNotShowing = false; bool deviceHasAudio = false; bool deviceHasSeparateAudioFilter = false; bool flip = false; bool active = false; bool autorotation = true; bool hw_decode = false; Decoder audio_decoder; Decoder video_decoder; VideoConfig videoConfig; AudioConfig audioConfig; enum video_colorspace cs; obs_source_frame2 frame; obs_source_audio audio; long lastRotation = 0; WinHandle semaphore; WinHandle activated_event; WinHandle thread; CriticalSection mutex; vector actions; inline void QueueAction(Action action) { CriticalScope scope(mutex); actions.push_back(action); ReleaseSemaphore(semaphore, 1, nullptr); } inline void QueueActivate(obs_data_t *settings) { bool block = obs_data_get_bool(settings, "synchronous_activate"); QueueAction(block ? Action::ActivateBlock : Action::Activate); if (block) { obs_data_erase(settings, "synchronous_activate"); WaitForSingleObject(activated_event, INFINITE); } } inline DShowInput(obs_source_t *source_, obs_data_t *settings) : source(source_), device(InitGraph::False) { memset(&audio, 0, sizeof(audio)); memset(&frame, 0, sizeof(frame)); av_log_set_level(AV_LOG_WARNING); av_log_set_callback(ffmpeg_log); semaphore = CreateSemaphore(nullptr, 0, 0x7FFFFFFF, nullptr); if (!semaphore) throw "Failed to create semaphore"; activated_event = CreateEvent(nullptr, false, false, nullptr); if (!activated_event) throw "Failed to create activated_event"; thread = CreateThread(nullptr, 0, DShowThread, this, 0, nullptr); if (!thread) throw "Failed to create thread"; deactivateWhenNotShowing = obs_data_get_bool(settings, DEACTIVATE_WNS); if (obs_data_get_bool(settings, "active")) { bool showing = obs_source_showing(source); if (!deactivateWhenNotShowing || showing) QueueActivate(settings); active = true; } } inline ~DShowInput() { { CriticalScope scope(mutex); actions.resize(1); actions[0] = Action::Shutdown; } ReleaseSemaphore(semaphore, 1, nullptr); WaitForSingleObject(thread, INFINITE); } void OnEncodedVideoData(enum AVCodecID id, unsigned char *data, size_t size, long long ts); void OnEncodedAudioData(enum AVCodecID id, unsigned char *data, size_t size, long long ts); void OnReactivate(); void OnVideoData(const VideoConfig &config, unsigned char *data, size_t size, long long startTime, long long endTime, long rotation); void OnAudioData(const AudioConfig &config, unsigned char *data, size_t size, long long startTime, long long endTime); bool UpdateVideoConfig(obs_data_t *settings); bool UpdateAudioConfig(obs_data_t *settings); void SetActive(bool active); inline enum video_colorspace GetColorSpace(obs_data_t *settings) const; inline enum video_range_type GetColorRange(obs_data_t *settings) const; inline bool Activate(obs_data_t *settings); inline void Deactivate(); inline void SetupBuffering(obs_data_t *settings); void DShowLoop(); }; static DWORD CALLBACK DShowThread(LPVOID ptr) { DShowInput *dshowInput = (DShowInput *)ptr; os_set_thread_name("win-dshow: DShowThread"); CoInitialize(nullptr); dshowInput->DShowLoop(); CoUninitialize(); return 0; } static inline void ProcessMessages() { MSG msg; while (PeekMessage(&msg, nullptr, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE)) { TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); } } /* Always keep directshow in a single thread for a given device */ void DShowInput::DShowLoop() { while (true) { DWORD ret = MsgWaitForMultipleObjects(1, &semaphore, false, INFINITE, QS_ALLINPUT); if (ret == (WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1)) { ProcessMessages(); continue; } else if (ret != WAIT_OBJECT_0) { break; } Action action = Action::None; { CriticalScope scope(mutex); if (actions.size()) { action = actions.front(); actions.erase(actions.begin()); } } switch (action) { case Action::Activate: case Action::ActivateBlock: { bool block = action == Action::ActivateBlock; obs_data_t *settings; settings = obs_source_get_settings(source); if (!Activate(settings)) { obs_source_output_video2(source, nullptr); } if (block) SetEvent(activated_event); obs_data_release(settings); break; } case Action::Deactivate: Deactivate(); break; case Action::Shutdown: device.ShutdownGraph(); return; case Action::ConfigVideo: device.OpenDialog(nullptr, DialogType::ConfigVideo); break; case Action::ConfigAudio: device.OpenDialog(nullptr, DialogType::ConfigAudio); break; case Action::ConfigCrossbar1: device.OpenDialog(nullptr, DialogType::ConfigCrossbar); break; case Action::ConfigCrossbar2: device.OpenDialog(nullptr, DialogType::ConfigCrossbar2); break; case Action::None:; } } } #define FPS_HIGHEST 0LL #define FPS_MATCHING -1LL template static bool between(T &&lower, U &&value, V &&upper) { return value >= lower && value <= upper; } static bool ResolutionAvailable(const VideoInfo &cap, int cx, int cy) { return between(cap.minCX, cx, cap.maxCX) && between(cap.minCY, cy, cap.maxCY); } #define DEVICE_INTERVAL_DIFF_LIMIT 20 static bool FrameRateAvailable(const VideoInfo &cap, long long interval) { return interval == FPS_HIGHEST || interval == FPS_MATCHING || between(cap.minInterval - DEVICE_INTERVAL_DIFF_LIMIT, interval, cap.maxInterval + DEVICE_INTERVAL_DIFF_LIMIT); } static long long FrameRateInterval(const VideoInfo &cap, long long desired_interval) { return desired_interval < cap.minInterval ? cap.minInterval : min(desired_interval, cap.maxInterval); } static inline video_format ConvertVideoFormat(VideoFormat format) { switch (format) { case VideoFormat::ARGB: return VIDEO_FORMAT_BGRA; case VideoFormat::XRGB: return VIDEO_FORMAT_BGRX; case VideoFormat::I420: return VIDEO_FORMAT_I420; case VideoFormat::YV12: return VIDEO_FORMAT_I420; case VideoFormat::NV12: return VIDEO_FORMAT_NV12; case VideoFormat::Y800: return VIDEO_FORMAT_Y800; case VideoFormat::YVYU: return VIDEO_FORMAT_YVYU; case VideoFormat::YUY2: return VIDEO_FORMAT_YUY2; case VideoFormat::UYVY: return VIDEO_FORMAT_UYVY; case VideoFormat::HDYC: return VIDEO_FORMAT_UYVY; case VideoFormat::P010: return VIDEO_FORMAT_P010; default: return VIDEO_FORMAT_NONE; } } static inline audio_format ConvertAudioFormat(AudioFormat format) { switch (format) { case AudioFormat::Wave16bit: return AUDIO_FORMAT_16BIT; case AudioFormat::WaveFloat: return AUDIO_FORMAT_FLOAT; default: return AUDIO_FORMAT_UNKNOWN; } } static inline enum speaker_layout convert_speaker_layout(uint8_t channels) { switch (channels) { case 0: return SPEAKERS_UNKNOWN; case 1: return SPEAKERS_MONO; case 2: return SPEAKERS_STEREO; case 3: return SPEAKERS_2POINT1; case 4: return SPEAKERS_4POINT0; case 5: return SPEAKERS_4POINT1; case 6: return SPEAKERS_5POINT1; case 8: return SPEAKERS_7POINT1; default: return SPEAKERS_UNKNOWN; } } //#define LOG_ENCODED_VIDEO_TS 1 //#define LOG_ENCODED_AUDIO_TS 1 void DShowInput::OnEncodedVideoData(enum AVCodecID id, unsigned char *data, size_t size, long long ts) { /* If format or hw decode changes, recreate the decoder */ if (ffmpeg_decode_valid(video_decoder) && ((video_decoder->codec->id != id) || (video_decoder->hw != hw_decode))) { ffmpeg_decode_free(video_decoder); } if (!ffmpeg_decode_valid(video_decoder)) { if (ffmpeg_decode_init(video_decoder, id, hw_decode) < 0) { blog(LOG_WARNING, "%s: Could not initialize video decoder", obs_source_get_name(source)); return; } } bool got_output; bool success = ffmpeg_decode_video(video_decoder, data, size, &ts, cs, frame.range, &frame, &got_output); if (!success) { blog(LOG_WARNING, "%s: Error decoding video", obs_source_get_name(source)); return; } if (got_output) { frame.timestamp = (uint64_t)ts * 100; if (flip) frame.flip = !frame.flip; #if LOG_ENCODED_VIDEO_TS blog(LOG_DEBUG, "video ts: %llu", frame.timestamp); #endif obs_source_output_video2(source, &frame); } } void DShowInput::OnReactivate() { SetActive(true); } void DShowInput::OnVideoData(const VideoConfig &config, unsigned char *data, size_t size, long long startTime, long long endTime, long rotation) { if (autorotation && rotation != lastRotation) { lastRotation = rotation; obs_source_set_async_rotation(source, rotation); } if (videoConfig.format == VideoFormat::H264) { OnEncodedVideoData(AV_CODEC_ID_H264, data, size, startTime); return; } #ifdef ENABLE_HEVC if (videoConfig.format == VideoFormat::HEVC) { OnEncodedVideoData(AV_CODEC_ID_HEVC, data, size, startTime); return; } #endif if (videoConfig.format == VideoFormat::MJPEG) { OnEncodedVideoData(AV_CODEC_ID_MJPEG, data, size, startTime); return; } const int cx = config.cx; const int cy_abs = config.cy_abs; frame.timestamp = (uint64_t)startTime * 100; frame.width = config.cx; frame.height = cy_abs; frame.format = ConvertVideoFormat(config.format); frame.flip = flip; frame.flags = OBS_SOURCE_FRAME_LINEAR_ALPHA; /* YUV DIBS are always top-down */ if (config.format == VideoFormat::XRGB || config.format == VideoFormat::ARGB) { /* RGB DIBs are bottom-up by default */ if (!config.cy_flip) frame.flip = !frame.flip; } if (videoConfig.format == VideoFormat::XRGB || videoConfig.format == VideoFormat::ARGB) { frame.data[0] = data; frame.linesize[0] = cx * 4; } else if (videoConfig.format == VideoFormat::YVYU || videoConfig.format == VideoFormat::YUY2 || videoConfig.format == VideoFormat::HDYC || videoConfig.format == VideoFormat::UYVY) { frame.data[0] = data; frame.linesize[0] = cx * 2; } else if (videoConfig.format == VideoFormat::I420) { frame.data[0] = data; frame.data[1] = frame.data[0] + (cx * cy_abs); frame.data[2] = frame.data[1] + (cx * cy_abs / 4); frame.linesize[0] = cx; frame.linesize[1] = cx / 2; frame.linesize[2] = cx / 2; } else if (videoConfig.format == VideoFormat::YV12) { frame.data[0] = data; frame.data[2] = frame.data[0] + (cx * cy_abs); frame.data[1] = frame.data[2] + (cx * cy_abs / 4); frame.linesize[0] = cx; frame.linesize[1] = cx / 2; frame.linesize[2] = cx / 2; } else if (videoConfig.format == VideoFormat::NV12) { frame.data[0] = data; frame.data[1] = frame.data[0] + (cx * cy_abs); frame.linesize[0] = cx; frame.linesize[1] = cx; } else if (videoConfig.format == VideoFormat::Y800) { frame.data[0] = data; frame.linesize[0] = cx; } else if (videoConfig.format == VideoFormat::P010) { frame.data[0] = data; frame.data[1] = frame.data[0] + (cx * cy_abs) * 2; frame.linesize[0] = cx * 2; frame.linesize[1] = cx * 2; } else { /* TODO: other formats */ return; } obs_source_output_video2(source, &frame); UNUSED_PARAMETER(endTime); /* it's the enndd tiimmes! */ } void DShowInput::OnEncodedAudioData(enum AVCodecID id, unsigned char *data, size_t size, long long ts) { if (!ffmpeg_decode_valid(audio_decoder)) { if (ffmpeg_decode_init(audio_decoder, id, false) < 0) { blog(LOG_WARNING, "%s: Could not initialize audio decoder", obs_source_get_name(source)); return; } } bool got_output = false; do { bool success = ffmpeg_decode_audio(audio_decoder, data, size, &audio, &got_output); if (!success) { blog(LOG_WARNING, "%s: Error decoding audio", obs_source_get_name(source)); return; } if (got_output) { audio.timestamp = (uint64_t)ts * 100; #if LOG_ENCODED_AUDIO_TS blog(LOG_DEBUG, "audio ts: %llu", audio.timestamp); #endif obs_source_output_audio(source, &audio); } else { break; } ts += int64_t(audio_decoder->frame->nb_samples) * 10000000LL / int64_t(audio_decoder->frame->sample_rate); size = 0; data = nullptr; } while (got_output); } void DShowInput::OnAudioData(const AudioConfig &config, unsigned char *data, size_t size, long long startTime, long long endTime) { size_t block_size; if (config.format == AudioFormat::AAC) { OnEncodedAudioData(AV_CODEC_ID_AAC, data, size, startTime); return; } else if (config.format == AudioFormat::AC3) { OnEncodedAudioData(AV_CODEC_ID_AC3, data, size, startTime); return; } else if (config.format == AudioFormat::MPGA) { OnEncodedAudioData(AV_CODEC_ID_MP2, data, size, startTime); return; } audio.speakers = convert_speaker_layout((uint8_t)config.channels); audio.format = ConvertAudioFormat(config.format); audio.samples_per_sec = (uint32_t)config.sampleRate; audio.data[0] = data; block_size = get_audio_bytes_per_channel(audio.format) * get_audio_channels(audio.speakers); audio.frames = (uint32_t)(size / block_size); audio.timestamp = (uint64_t)startTime * 100; if (audio.format != AUDIO_FORMAT_UNKNOWN) obs_source_output_audio(source, &audio); UNUSED_PARAMETER(endTime); } struct PropertiesData { DShowInput *input; vector devices; vector audioDevices; bool GetDevice(VideoDevice &device, const char *encoded_id) const { DeviceId deviceId; DecodeDeviceId(deviceId, encoded_id); for (const VideoDevice &curDevice : devices) { if (deviceId.name == curDevice.name && deviceId.path == curDevice.path) { device = curDevice; return true; } } return false; } }; static inline bool ConvertRes(int &cx, int &cy, const char *res) { return sscanf(res, "%dx%d", &cx, &cy) == 2; } static inline bool FormatMatches(VideoFormat left, VideoFormat right) { return left == VideoFormat::Any || right == VideoFormat::Any || left == right; } static inline bool ResolutionValid(const string &res, int &cx, int &cy) { if (!res.size()) return false; return ConvertRes(cx, cy, res.c_str()); } static inline bool CapsMatch(const VideoInfo &) { return true; } template static bool CapsMatch(const VideoDevice &dev, F... fs); template static inline bool CapsMatch(const VideoInfo &info, F &&f, Fs... fs) { return f(info) && CapsMatch(info, fs...); } template static bool CapsMatch(const VideoDevice &dev, F... fs) { // no early exit, trigger all side effects. bool match = false; for (const VideoInfo &info : dev.caps) if (CapsMatch(info, fs...)) match = true; return match; } static inline bool MatcherMatchVideoFormat(VideoFormat format, bool &did_match, const VideoInfo &info) { bool match = FormatMatches(format, info.format); did_match = did_match || match; return match; } static inline bool MatcherClosestFrameRateSelector(long long interval, long long &best_match, const VideoInfo &info) { long long current = FrameRateInterval(info, interval); if (llabs(interval - best_match) > llabs(interval - current)) best_match = current; return true; } #if 0 auto ResolutionMatcher = [](int cx, int cy) { return [cx, cy](const VideoInfo &info) { return ResolutionAvailable(info, cx, cy); }; }; auto FrameRateMatcher = [](long long interval) { return [interval](const VideoInfo &info) { return FrameRateAvailable(info, interval); }; }; auto VideoFormatMatcher = [](VideoFormat format, bool &did_match) { return [format, &did_match](const VideoInfo &info) { return MatcherMatchVideoFormat(format, did_match, info); }; }; auto ClosestFrameRateSelector = [](long long interval, long long &best_match) { return [interval, &best_match](const VideoInfo &info) mutable -> bool { MatcherClosestFrameRateSelector(interval, best_match, info); }; } #else #define ResolutionMatcher(cx, cy) \ [cx, cy](const VideoInfo &info) -> bool { \ return ResolutionAvailable(info, cx, cy); \ } #define FrameRateMatcher(interval) \ [interval](const VideoInfo &info) -> bool { \ return FrameRateAvailable(info, interval); \ } #define VideoFormatMatcher(format, did_match) \ [format, &did_match](const VideoInfo &info) mutable -> bool { \ return MatcherMatchVideoFormat(format, did_match, info); \ } #define ClosestFrameRateSelector(interval, best_match) \ [interval, &best_match](const VideoInfo &info) mutable -> bool { \ return MatcherClosestFrameRateSelector(interval, best_match, \ info); \ } #endif static bool ResolutionAvailable(const VideoDevice &dev, int cx, int cy) { return CapsMatch(dev, ResolutionMatcher(cx, cy)); } static bool DetermineResolution(int &cx, int &cy, obs_data_t *settings, VideoDevice &dev) { const char *res = obs_data_get_autoselect_string(settings, RESOLUTION); if (obs_data_has_autoselect_value(settings, RESOLUTION) && ConvertRes(cx, cy, res) && ResolutionAvailable(dev, cx, cy)) return true; res = obs_data_get_string(settings, RESOLUTION); if (ConvertRes(cx, cy, res) && ResolutionAvailable(dev, cx, cy)) return true; res = obs_data_get_string(settings, LAST_RESOLUTION); if (ConvertRes(cx, cy, res) && ResolutionAvailable(dev, cx, cy)) return true; return false; } static long long GetOBSFPS(); static inline bool IsDelayedDevice(const VideoConfig &config) { return config.format > VideoFormat::MJPEG || wstrstri(config.name.c_str(), L"elgato game capture hd") != nullptr || wstrstri(config.name.c_str(), L"stream engine") != nullptr; } static inline bool IsDecoupled(const VideoConfig &config) { return wstrstri(config.name.c_str(), L"GV-USB2") != NULL; } inline void DShowInput::SetupBuffering(obs_data_t *settings) { BufferingType bufType; bool useBuffering; bufType = (BufferingType)obs_data_get_int(settings, BUFFERING_VAL); if (bufType == BufferingType::Auto) useBuffering = IsDelayedDevice(videoConfig); else useBuffering = bufType == BufferingType::On; obs_source_set_async_unbuffered(source, !useBuffering); obs_source_set_async_decoupled(source, IsDecoupled(videoConfig)); } static DStr GetVideoFormatName(VideoFormat format); bool DShowInput::UpdateVideoConfig(obs_data_t *settings) { string video_device_id = obs_data_get_string(settings, VIDEO_DEVICE_ID); deactivateWhenNotShowing = obs_data_get_bool(settings, DEACTIVATE_WNS); flip = obs_data_get_bool(settings, FLIP_IMAGE); autorotation = obs_data_get_bool(settings, AUTOROTATION); hw_decode = obs_data_get_bool(settings, HW_DECODE); DeviceId id; if (!DecodeDeviceId(id, video_device_id.c_str())) { blog(LOG_WARNING, "%s: DecodeDeviceId failed", obs_source_get_name(source)); return false; } PropertiesData data; Device::EnumVideoDevices(data.devices); VideoDevice dev; if (!data.GetDevice(dev, video_device_id.c_str())) { blog(LOG_WARNING, "%s: data.GetDevice failed", obs_source_get_name(source)); return false; } int resType = (int)obs_data_get_int(settings, RES_TYPE); int cx = 0, cy = 0; long long interval = 0; VideoFormat format = VideoFormat::Any; if (resType == ResType_Custom) { bool has_autosel_val; string resolution = obs_data_get_string(settings, RESOLUTION); if (!ResolutionValid(resolution, cx, cy)) { blog(LOG_WARNING, "%s: ResolutionValid failed", obs_source_get_name(source)); return false; } has_autosel_val = obs_data_has_autoselect_value(settings, FRAME_INTERVAL); interval = has_autosel_val ? obs_data_get_autoselect_int(settings, FRAME_INTERVAL) : obs_data_get_int(settings, FRAME_INTERVAL); if (interval == FPS_MATCHING) interval = GetOBSFPS(); format = (VideoFormat)obs_data_get_int(settings, VIDEO_FORMAT); long long best_interval = numeric_limits::max(); bool video_format_match = false; bool caps_match = CapsMatch( dev, ResolutionMatcher(cx, cy), VideoFormatMatcher(format, video_format_match), ClosestFrameRateSelector(interval, best_interval), FrameRateMatcher(interval)); if (!caps_match && !video_format_match) { blog(LOG_WARNING, "%s: Video format match failed", obs_source_get_name(source)); return false; } interval = best_interval; } videoConfig.name = id.name; videoConfig.path = id.path; videoConfig.useDefaultConfig = resType == ResType_Preferred; videoConfig.cx = cx; videoConfig.cy_abs = abs(cy); videoConfig.cy_flip = cy < 0; videoConfig.frameInterval = interval; videoConfig.internalFormat = format; deviceHasAudio = dev.audioAttached; deviceHasSeparateAudioFilter = dev.separateAudioFilter; videoConfig.callback = std::bind(&DShowInput::OnVideoData, this, placeholders::_1, placeholders::_2, placeholders::_3, placeholders::_4, placeholders::_5, placeholders::_6); videoConfig.reactivateCallback = std::bind(&DShowInput::OnReactivate, this); videoConfig.format = videoConfig.internalFormat; if (!device.SetVideoConfig(&videoConfig)) { blog(LOG_WARNING, "%s: device.SetVideoConfig failed", obs_source_get_name(source)); return false; } DStr formatName = GetVideoFormatName(videoConfig.internalFormat); double fps = 0.0; if (videoConfig.frameInterval) fps = 10000000.0 / double(videoConfig.frameInterval); BPtr name_utf8; BPtr path_utf8; os_wcs_to_utf8_ptr(videoConfig.name.c_str(), videoConfig.name.size(), &name_utf8); os_wcs_to_utf8_ptr(videoConfig.path.c_str(), videoConfig.path.size(), &path_utf8); SetupBuffering(settings); blog(LOG_INFO, "---------------------------------"); blog(LOG_INFO, "[DShow Device: '%s'] settings updated: \n" "\tvideo device: %s\n" "\tvideo path: %s\n" "\tresolution: %dx%d\n" "\tflip: %d\n" "\tfps: %0.2f (interval: %lld)\n" "\tformat: %s\n" "\tbuffering: %s\n" "\thardware decode: %s", obs_source_get_name(source), (const char *)name_utf8, (const char *)path_utf8, videoConfig.cx, videoConfig.cy_abs, (int)videoConfig.cy_flip, fps, videoConfig.frameInterval, formatName->array, obs_source_async_unbuffered(source) ? "disabled" : "enabled", hw_decode ? "enabled" : "disabled"); return true; } bool DShowInput::UpdateAudioConfig(obs_data_t *settings) { string audio_device_id = obs_data_get_string(settings, AUDIO_DEVICE_ID); bool useCustomAudio = obs_data_get_bool(settings, USE_CUSTOM_AUDIO); if (useCustomAudio) { DeviceId id; if (!DecodeDeviceId(id, audio_device_id.c_str())) { obs_source_set_audio_active(source, false); return false; } audioConfig.name = id.name; audioConfig.path = id.path; } else if (!deviceHasAudio) { obs_source_set_audio_active(source, false); return true; } audioConfig.useVideoDevice = !useCustomAudio && !deviceHasSeparateAudioFilter; audioConfig.useSeparateAudioFilter = deviceHasSeparateAudioFilter; audioConfig.callback = std::bind(&DShowInput::OnAudioData, this, placeholders::_1, placeholders::_2, placeholders::_3, placeholders::_4, placeholders::_5); audioConfig.mode = (AudioMode)obs_data_get_int(settings, AUDIO_OUTPUT_MODE); bool success = device.SetAudioConfig(&audioConfig); if (!success) { obs_source_set_audio_active(source, false); return false; } obs_source_set_audio_active(source, true); BPtr name_utf8; os_wcs_to_utf8_ptr(audioConfig.name.c_str(), audioConfig.name.size(), &name_utf8); blog(LOG_INFO, "\tusing video device audio: %s", audioConfig.useVideoDevice ? "yes" : "no"); if (!audioConfig.useVideoDevice) { if (audioConfig.useSeparateAudioFilter) blog(LOG_INFO, "\tseparate audio filter"); else blog(LOG_INFO, "\taudio device: %s", (const char *)name_utf8); } const char *mode = ""; switch (audioConfig.mode) { case AudioMode::Capture: mode = "Capture"; break; case AudioMode::DirectSound: mode = "DirectSound"; break; case AudioMode::WaveOut: mode = "WaveOut"; break; } blog(LOG_INFO, "\tsample rate: %d\n" "\tchannels: %d\n" "\taudio type: %s", audioConfig.sampleRate, audioConfig.channels, mode); return true; } void DShowInput::SetActive(bool active_) { obs_data_t *settings = obs_source_get_settings(source); QueueAction(active_ ? Action::Activate : Action::Deactivate); obs_data_set_bool(settings, "active", active_); active = active_; obs_data_release(settings); } inline enum video_colorspace DShowInput::GetColorSpace(obs_data_t *settings) const { const char *space = obs_data_get_string(settings, COLOR_SPACE); if (astrcmpi(space, "709") == 0) return VIDEO_CS_709; if (astrcmpi(space, "601") == 0) return VIDEO_CS_601; if (astrcmpi(space, "2100PQ") == 0) return VIDEO_CS_2100_PQ; if (astrcmpi(space, "2100HLG") == 0) return VIDEO_CS_2100_HLG; if (videoConfig.format == VideoFormat::P010) return VIDEO_CS_2100_PQ; return VIDEO_CS_DEFAULT; } inline enum video_range_type DShowInput::GetColorRange(obs_data_t *settings) const { const char *range = obs_data_get_string(settings, COLOR_RANGE); if (astrcmpi(range, "full") == 0) return VIDEO_RANGE_FULL; if (astrcmpi(range, "partial") == 0) return VIDEO_RANGE_PARTIAL; return VIDEO_RANGE_DEFAULT; } inline bool DShowInput::Activate(obs_data_t *settings) { if (!device.ResetGraph()) { obs_source_set_audio_active(source, false); return false; } if (!UpdateVideoConfig(settings)) { blog(LOG_WARNING, "%s: Video configuration failed", obs_source_get_name(source)); obs_source_set_audio_active(source, false); return false; } if (!UpdateAudioConfig(settings)) blog(LOG_WARNING, "%s: Audio configuration failed, ignoring " "audio", obs_source_get_name(source)); if (!device.ConnectFilters()) return false; if (device.Start() != Result::Success) return false; cs = GetColorSpace(settings); const enum video_range_type range = GetColorRange(settings); enum video_trc trc = VIDEO_TRC_DEFAULT; switch (cs) { case VIDEO_CS_DEFAULT: case VIDEO_CS_601: case VIDEO_CS_709: case VIDEO_CS_SRGB: trc = VIDEO_TRC_SRGB; break; case VIDEO_CS_2100_PQ: trc = VIDEO_TRC_PQ; break; case VIDEO_CS_2100_HLG: trc = VIDEO_TRC_HLG; } frame.range = range; frame.trc = trc; bool success = video_format_get_parameters_for_format( cs, range, ConvertVideoFormat(videoConfig.format), frame.color_matrix, frame.color_range_min, frame.color_range_max); if (!success) { blog(LOG_ERROR, "Failed to get video format parameters for " "video format %u", cs); } return true; } inline void DShowInput::Deactivate() { device.ResetGraph(); obs_source_output_video2(source, nullptr); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static const char *GetDShowInputName(void *) { return TEXT_INPUT_NAME; } static void proc_activate(void *data, calldata_t *cd) { bool activate = calldata_bool(cd, "active"); DShowInput *input = reinterpret_cast(data); input->SetActive(activate); } static void *CreateDShowInput(obs_data_t *settings, obs_source_t *source) { DShowInput *dshow = nullptr; try { dshow = new DShowInput(source, settings); proc_handler_t *ph = obs_source_get_proc_handler(source); proc_handler_add(ph, "void activate(bool active)", proc_activate, dshow); } catch (const char *error) { blog(LOG_ERROR, "Could not create device '%s': %s", obs_source_get_name(source), error); } return dshow; } static void DestroyDShowInput(void *data) { delete reinterpret_cast(data); } static void UpdateDShowInput(void *data, obs_data_t *settings) { DShowInput *input = reinterpret_cast(data); if (input->active) input->QueueActivate(settings); } static void GetDShowDefaults(obs_data_t *settings) { obs_data_set_default_int(settings, FRAME_INTERVAL, FPS_MATCHING); obs_data_set_default_int(settings, RES_TYPE, ResType_Preferred); obs_data_set_default_int(settings, VIDEO_FORMAT, (int)VideoFormat::Any); obs_data_set_default_bool(settings, "active", true); obs_data_set_default_string(settings, COLOR_SPACE, "default"); obs_data_set_default_string(settings, COLOR_RANGE, "default"); obs_data_set_default_int(settings, AUDIO_OUTPUT_MODE, (int)AudioMode::Capture); obs_data_set_default_bool(settings, AUTOROTATION, true); obs_data_set_default_bool(settings, HW_DECODE, false); } struct Resolution { int cx, cy; inline Resolution(int cx, int cy) : cx(cx), cy(cy) {} }; static void InsertResolution(vector &resolutions, int cx, int cy) { int bestCY = 0; size_t idx = 0; for (; idx < resolutions.size(); idx++) { const Resolution &res = resolutions[idx]; if (res.cx > cx) break; if (res.cx == cx) { if (res.cy == cy) return; if (!bestCY) bestCY = res.cy; else if (res.cy > bestCY) break; } } resolutions.insert(resolutions.begin() + idx, Resolution(cx, cy)); } static inline void AddCap(vector &resolutions, const VideoInfo &cap) { InsertResolution(resolutions, cap.minCX, cap.minCY); InsertResolution(resolutions, cap.maxCX, cap.maxCY); } #define MAKE_DSHOW_FPS(fps) (10000000LL / (fps)) #define MAKE_DSHOW_FRACTIONAL_FPS(den, num) ((num) * 10000000LL / (den)) static long long GetOBSFPS() { obs_video_info ovi; if (!obs_get_video_info(&ovi)) return 0; return MAKE_DSHOW_FRACTIONAL_FPS(ovi.fps_num, ovi.fps_den); } struct FPSFormat { const char *text; long long interval; }; static const FPSFormat validFPSFormats[] = { {"360", MAKE_DSHOW_FPS(360)}, {"240", MAKE_DSHOW_FPS(240)}, {"144", MAKE_DSHOW_FPS(144)}, {"120", MAKE_DSHOW_FPS(120)}, {"119.88 NTSC", MAKE_DSHOW_FRACTIONAL_FPS(120000, 1001)}, {"100", MAKE_DSHOW_FPS(100)}, {"60", MAKE_DSHOW_FPS(60)}, {"59.94 NTSC", MAKE_DSHOW_FRACTIONAL_FPS(60000, 1001)}, {"50", MAKE_DSHOW_FPS(50)}, {"48 film", MAKE_DSHOW_FRACTIONAL_FPS(48000, 1001)}, {"40", MAKE_DSHOW_FPS(40)}, {"30", MAKE_DSHOW_FPS(30)}, {"29.97 NTSC", MAKE_DSHOW_FRACTIONAL_FPS(30000, 1001)}, {"25", MAKE_DSHOW_FPS(25)}, {"24 film", MAKE_DSHOW_FRACTIONAL_FPS(24000, 1001)}, {"20", MAKE_DSHOW_FPS(20)}, {"15", MAKE_DSHOW_FPS(15)}, {"10", MAKE_DSHOW_FPS(10)}, {"5", MAKE_DSHOW_FPS(5)}, {"4", MAKE_DSHOW_FPS(4)}, {"3", MAKE_DSHOW_FPS(3)}, {"2", MAKE_DSHOW_FPS(2)}, {"1", MAKE_DSHOW_FPS(1)}, }; static bool DeviceIntervalChanged(obs_properties_t *props, obs_property_t *p, obs_data_t *settings); static bool TryResolution(const VideoDevice &dev, const string &res) { int cx, cy; if (!ConvertRes(cx, cy, res.c_str())) return false; return ResolutionAvailable(dev, cx, cy); } static bool SetResolution(obs_properties_t *props, obs_data_t *settings, const string &res, bool autoselect = false) { if (autoselect) obs_data_set_autoselect_string(settings, RESOLUTION, res.c_str()); else obs_data_unset_autoselect_value(settings, RESOLUTION); DeviceIntervalChanged(props, obs_properties_get(props, FRAME_INTERVAL), settings); if (!autoselect) obs_data_set_string(settings, LAST_RESOLUTION, res.c_str()); return true; } static bool DeviceResolutionChanged(obs_properties_t *props, obs_property_t *p, obs_data_t *settings) { UNUSED_PARAMETER(p); PropertiesData *data = (PropertiesData *)obs_properties_get_param(props); const char *id; VideoDevice device; id = obs_data_get_string(settings, VIDEO_DEVICE_ID); string res = obs_data_get_string(settings, RESOLUTION); string last_res = obs_data_get_string(settings, LAST_RESOLUTION); if (!data->GetDevice(device, id)) return false; if (TryResolution(device, res)) return SetResolution(props, settings, res); if (TryResolution(device, last_res)) return SetResolution(props, settings, last_res, true); return false; } struct VideoFormatName { VideoFormat format; const char *name; }; static const VideoFormatName videoFormatNames[] = { /* autoselect format*/ {VideoFormat::Any, "VideoFormat.Any"}, /* raw formats */ {VideoFormat::ARGB, "ARGB"}, {VideoFormat::XRGB, "XRGB"}, /* planar YUV formats */ {VideoFormat::I420, "I420"}, {VideoFormat::NV12, "NV12"}, {VideoFormat::YV12, "YV12"}, {VideoFormat::Y800, "Y800"}, {VideoFormat::P010, "P010"}, /* packed YUV formats */ {VideoFormat::YVYU, "YVYU"}, {VideoFormat::YUY2, "YUY2"}, {VideoFormat::UYVY, "UYVY"}, {VideoFormat::HDYC, "HDYC"}, /* encoded formats */ {VideoFormat::MJPEG, "MJPEG"}, {VideoFormat::H264, "H264"}, #ifdef ENABLE_HEVC {VideoFormat::HEVC, "HEVC"}, #endif }; static bool ResTypeChanged(obs_properties_t *props, obs_property_t *p, obs_data_t *settings); static size_t AddDevice(obs_property_t *device_list, const string &id) { DStr name, path; if (!DecodeDeviceDStr(name, path, id.c_str())) return numeric_limits::max(); return obs_property_list_add_string(device_list, name, id.c_str()); } static bool UpdateDeviceList(obs_property_t *list, const string &id) { size_t size = obs_property_list_item_count(list); bool found = false; bool disabled_unknown_found = false; for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++) { if (obs_property_list_item_string(list, i) == id) { found = true; continue; } if (obs_property_list_item_disabled(list, i)) disabled_unknown_found = true; } if (!found && !disabled_unknown_found) { size_t idx = AddDevice(list, id); obs_property_list_item_disable(list, idx, true); return true; } if (found && !disabled_unknown_found) return false; for (size_t i = 0; i < size;) { if (obs_property_list_item_disabled(list, i)) { obs_property_list_item_remove(list, i); continue; } i += 1; } return true; } static bool DeviceSelectionChanged(obs_properties_t *props, obs_property_t *p, obs_data_t *settings) { PropertiesData *data = (PropertiesData *)obs_properties_get_param(props); VideoDevice device; string id = obs_data_get_string(settings, VIDEO_DEVICE_ID); string old_id = obs_data_get_string(settings, LAST_VIDEO_DEV_ID); bool device_list_updated = UpdateDeviceList(p, id); if (!data->GetDevice(device, id.c_str())) return !device_list_updated; vector resolutions; for (const VideoInfo &cap : device.caps) AddCap(resolutions, cap); p = obs_properties_get(props, RESOLUTION); obs_property_list_clear(p); for (size_t idx = resolutions.size(); idx > 0; idx--) { const Resolution &res = resolutions[idx - 1]; string strRes; strRes += to_string(res.cx); strRes += "x"; strRes += to_string(res.cy); obs_property_list_add_string(p, strRes.c_str(), strRes.c_str()); } /* only refresh properties if device legitimately changed */ if (!id.size() || !old_id.size() || id != old_id) { p = obs_properties_get(props, RES_TYPE); ResTypeChanged(props, p, settings); obs_data_set_string(settings, LAST_VIDEO_DEV_ID, id.c_str()); } return true; } static bool VideoConfigClicked(obs_properties_t *props, obs_property_t *p, void *data) { DShowInput *input = reinterpret_cast(data); input->QueueAction(Action::ConfigVideo); UNUSED_PARAMETER(props); UNUSED_PARAMETER(p); return false; } /*static bool AudioConfigClicked(obs_properties_t *props, obs_property_t *p, void *data) { DShowInput *input = reinterpret_cast(data); input->QueueAction(Action::ConfigAudio); UNUSED_PARAMETER(props); UNUSED_PARAMETER(p); return false; }*/ static bool CrossbarConfigClicked(obs_properties_t *props, obs_property_t *p, void *data) { DShowInput *input = reinterpret_cast(data); input->QueueAction(Action::ConfigCrossbar1); UNUSED_PARAMETER(props); UNUSED_PARAMETER(p); return false; } /*static bool Crossbar2ConfigClicked(obs_properties_t *props, obs_property_t *p, void *data) { DShowInput *input = reinterpret_cast(data); input->QueueAction(Action::ConfigCrossbar2); UNUSED_PARAMETER(props); UNUSED_PARAMETER(p); return false; }*/ static bool AddDevice(obs_property_t *device_list, const VideoDevice &device) { DStr name, path, device_id; dstr_from_wcs(name, device.name.c_str()); dstr_from_wcs(path, device.path.c_str()); encode_dstr(path); dstr_copy_dstr(device_id, name); encode_dstr(device_id); dstr_cat(device_id, ":"); dstr_cat_dstr(device_id, path); obs_property_list_add_string(device_list, name, device_id); return true; } static bool AddAudioDevice(obs_property_t *device_list, const AudioDevice &device) { DStr name, path, device_id; dstr_from_wcs(name, device.name.c_str()); dstr_from_wcs(path, device.path.c_str()); encode_dstr(path); dstr_copy_dstr(device_id, name); encode_dstr(device_id); dstr_cat(device_id, ":"); dstr_cat_dstr(device_id, path); obs_property_list_add_string(device_list, name, device_id); return true; } static void PropertiesDataDestroy(void *data) { delete reinterpret_cast(data); } static bool ResTypeChanged(obs_properties_t *props, obs_property_t *p, obs_data_t *settings) { int val = (int)obs_data_get_int(settings, RES_TYPE); bool enabled = (val != ResType_Preferred); p = obs_properties_get(props, RESOLUTION); obs_property_set_enabled(p, enabled); p = obs_properties_get(props, FRAME_INTERVAL); obs_property_set_enabled(p, enabled); p = obs_properties_get(props, VIDEO_FORMAT); obs_property_set_enabled(p, enabled); if (val == ResType_Custom) { p = obs_properties_get(props, RESOLUTION); DeviceResolutionChanged(props, p, settings); } else { obs_data_unset_autoselect_value(settings, FRAME_INTERVAL); } return true; } static DStr GetFPSName(long long interval) { DStr name; if (interval == FPS_MATCHING) { dstr_cat(name, TEXT_FPS_MATCHING); return name; } if (interval == FPS_HIGHEST) { dstr_cat(name, TEXT_FPS_HIGHEST); return name; } for (const FPSFormat &format : validFPSFormats) { if (format.interval != interval) continue; dstr_cat(name, format.text); return name; } dstr_cat(name, to_string(10000000. / interval).c_str()); return name; } static void UpdateFPS(VideoDevice &device, VideoFormat format, long long interval, int cx, int cy, obs_properties_t *props) { obs_property_t *list = obs_properties_get(props, FRAME_INTERVAL); obs_property_list_clear(list); obs_property_list_add_int(list, TEXT_FPS_MATCHING, FPS_MATCHING); obs_property_list_add_int(list, TEXT_FPS_HIGHEST, FPS_HIGHEST); bool interval_added = interval == FPS_HIGHEST || interval == FPS_MATCHING; for (const FPSFormat &fps_format : validFPSFormats) { bool video_format_match = false; long long format_interval = fps_format.interval; bool available = CapsMatch( device, ResolutionMatcher(cx, cy), VideoFormatMatcher(format, video_format_match), FrameRateMatcher(format_interval)); if (!available && interval != fps_format.interval) continue; if (interval == fps_format.interval) interval_added = true; size_t idx = obs_property_list_add_int(list, fps_format.text, fps_format.interval); obs_property_list_item_disable(list, idx, !available); } if (interval_added) return; size_t idx = obs_property_list_add_int(list, GetFPSName(interval), interval); obs_property_list_item_disable(list, idx, true); } static DStr GetVideoFormatName(VideoFormat format) { DStr name; for (const VideoFormatName &format_ : videoFormatNames) { if (format_.format == format) { dstr_cat(name, obs_module_text(format_.name)); return name; } } dstr_cat(name, TEXT_FORMAT_UNKNOWN); dstr_replace(name, "%1", std::to_string((long long)format).c_str()); return name; } static void UpdateVideoFormats(VideoDevice &device, VideoFormat format_, int cx, int cy, long long interval, obs_properties_t *props) { set formats = {VideoFormat::Any}; auto format_gatherer = [&formats](const VideoInfo &info) mutable -> bool { formats.insert(info.format); return false; }; CapsMatch(device, ResolutionMatcher(cx, cy), FrameRateMatcher(interval), format_gatherer); obs_property_t *list = obs_properties_get(props, VIDEO_FORMAT); obs_property_list_clear(list); bool format_added = false; for (const VideoFormatName &format : videoFormatNames) { bool available = formats.find(format.format) != end(formats); if (!available && format.format != format_) continue; if (format.format == format_) format_added = true; size_t idx = obs_property_list_add_int( list, obs_module_text(format.name), (long long)format.format); obs_property_list_item_disable(list, idx, !available); } if (format_added) return; size_t idx = obs_property_list_add_int( list, GetVideoFormatName(format_), (long long)format_); obs_property_list_item_disable(list, idx, true); } static bool UpdateFPS(long long interval, obs_property_t *list) { size_t size = obs_property_list_item_count(list); DStr name; for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++) { if (obs_property_list_item_int(list, i) != interval) continue; obs_property_list_item_disable(list, i, true); if (size == 1) return false; dstr_cat(name, obs_property_list_item_name(list, i)); break; } obs_property_list_clear(list); if (!name->len) name = GetFPSName(interval); obs_property_list_add_int(list, name, interval); obs_property_list_item_disable(list, 0, true); return true; } static bool DeviceIntervalChanged(obs_properties_t *props, obs_property_t *p, obs_data_t *settings) { long long val = obs_data_get_int(settings, FRAME_INTERVAL); PropertiesData *data = (PropertiesData *)obs_properties_get_param(props); const char *id = obs_data_get_string(settings, VIDEO_DEVICE_ID); VideoDevice device; if (!data->GetDevice(device, id)) return UpdateFPS(val, p); int cx = 0, cy = 0; if (!DetermineResolution(cx, cy, settings, device)) { UpdateVideoFormats(device, VideoFormat::Any, 0, 0, 0, props); UpdateFPS(device, VideoFormat::Any, 0, 0, 0, props); return true; } int resType = (int)obs_data_get_int(settings, RES_TYPE); if (resType != ResType_Custom) return true; if (val == FPS_MATCHING) val = GetOBSFPS(); VideoFormat format = (VideoFormat)obs_data_get_int(settings, VIDEO_FORMAT); bool video_format_matches = false; long long best_interval = numeric_limits::max(); bool frameRateSupported = CapsMatch(device, ResolutionMatcher(cx, cy), VideoFormatMatcher(format, video_format_matches), ClosestFrameRateSelector(val, best_interval), FrameRateMatcher(val)); if (video_format_matches && !frameRateSupported && best_interval != val) { long long listed_val = 0; for (const FPSFormat &format : validFPSFormats) { long long diff = llabs(format.interval - best_interval); if (diff < DEVICE_INTERVAL_DIFF_LIMIT) { listed_val = format.interval; break; } } if (listed_val != val) { obs_data_set_autoselect_int(settings, FRAME_INTERVAL, listed_val); val = listed_val; } } else { obs_data_unset_autoselect_value(settings, FRAME_INTERVAL); } UpdateVideoFormats(device, format, cx, cy, val, props); UpdateFPS(device, format, val, cx, cy, props); return true; } static bool UpdateVideoFormats(VideoFormat format, obs_property_t *list) { size_t size = obs_property_list_item_count(list); DStr name; for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++) { if ((VideoFormat)obs_property_list_item_int(list, i) != format) continue; if (size == 1) return false; dstr_cat(name, obs_property_list_item_name(list, i)); break; } obs_property_list_clear(list); if (!name->len) name = GetVideoFormatName(format); obs_property_list_add_int(list, name, (long long)format); obs_property_list_item_disable(list, 0, true); return true; } static bool VideoFormatChanged(obs_properties_t *props, obs_property_t *p, obs_data_t *settings) { PropertiesData *data = (PropertiesData *)obs_properties_get_param(props); const char *id = obs_data_get_string(settings, VIDEO_DEVICE_ID); VideoDevice device; VideoFormat curFormat = (VideoFormat)obs_data_get_int(settings, VIDEO_FORMAT); if (!data->GetDevice(device, id)) return UpdateVideoFormats(curFormat, p); int cx, cy; if (!DetermineResolution(cx, cy, settings, device)) { UpdateVideoFormats(device, VideoFormat::Any, cx, cy, 0, props); UpdateFPS(device, VideoFormat::Any, 0, 0, 0, props); return true; } long long interval = obs_data_get_int(settings, FRAME_INTERVAL); UpdateVideoFormats(device, curFormat, cx, cy, interval, props); UpdateFPS(device, curFormat, interval, cx, cy, props); return true; } static bool CustomAudioClicked(obs_properties_t *props, obs_property_t *p, obs_data_t *settings) { bool useCustomAudio = obs_data_get_bool(settings, USE_CUSTOM_AUDIO); p = obs_properties_get(props, AUDIO_DEVICE_ID); obs_property_set_visible(p, useCustomAudio); return true; } static bool ActivateClicked(obs_properties_t *, obs_property_t *p, void *data) { DShowInput *input = reinterpret_cast(data); if (input->active) { input->SetActive(false); obs_property_set_description(p, TEXT_ACTIVATE); } else { input->SetActive(true); obs_property_set_description(p, TEXT_DEACTIVATE); } return true; } static obs_properties_t *GetDShowProperties(void *obj) { DShowInput *input = reinterpret_cast(obj); obs_properties_t *ppts = obs_properties_create(); PropertiesData *data = new PropertiesData; data->input = input; obs_properties_set_param(ppts, data, PropertiesDataDestroy); obs_property_t *p = obs_properties_add_list(ppts, VIDEO_DEVICE_ID, TEXT_DEVICE, OBS_COMBO_TYPE_LIST, OBS_COMBO_FORMAT_STRING); obs_property_set_modified_callback(p, DeviceSelectionChanged); Device::EnumVideoDevices(data->devices); for (const VideoDevice &device : data->devices) AddDevice(p, device); const char *activateText = TEXT_ACTIVATE; if (input) { if (input->active) activateText = TEXT_DEACTIVATE; } obs_properties_add_button(ppts, "activate", activateText, ActivateClicked); obs_properties_add_button(ppts, "video_config", TEXT_CONFIG_VIDEO, VideoConfigClicked); obs_properties_add_button(ppts, "xbar_config", TEXT_CONFIG_XBAR, CrossbarConfigClicked); obs_properties_add_bool(ppts, DEACTIVATE_WNS, TEXT_DWNS); /* ------------------------------------- */ /* video settings */ p = obs_properties_add_list(ppts, RES_TYPE, TEXT_RES_FPS_TYPE, OBS_COMBO_TYPE_LIST, OBS_COMBO_FORMAT_INT); obs_property_set_modified_callback(p, ResTypeChanged); obs_property_list_add_int(p, TEXT_PREFERRED_RES, ResType_Preferred); obs_property_list_add_int(p, TEXT_CUSTOM_RES, ResType_Custom); p = obs_properties_add_list(ppts, RESOLUTION, TEXT_RESOLUTION, OBS_COMBO_TYPE_EDITABLE, OBS_COMBO_FORMAT_STRING); obs_property_set_modified_callback(p, DeviceResolutionChanged); p = obs_properties_add_list(ppts, FRAME_INTERVAL, "FPS", OBS_COMBO_TYPE_LIST, OBS_COMBO_FORMAT_INT); obs_property_set_modified_callback(p, DeviceIntervalChanged); p = obs_properties_add_list(ppts, VIDEO_FORMAT, TEXT_VIDEO_FORMAT, OBS_COMBO_TYPE_LIST, OBS_COMBO_FORMAT_INT); obs_property_set_modified_callback(p, VideoFormatChanged); p = obs_properties_add_list(ppts, COLOR_SPACE, TEXT_COLOR_SPACE, OBS_COMBO_TYPE_LIST, OBS_COMBO_FORMAT_STRING); obs_property_list_add_string(p, TEXT_COLOR_DEFAULT, "default"); obs_property_list_add_string(p, TEXT_COLOR_709, "709"); obs_property_list_add_string(p, TEXT_COLOR_601, "601"); obs_property_list_add_string(p, TEXT_COLOR_2100PQ, "2100PQ"); obs_property_list_add_string(p, TEXT_COLOR_2100HLG, "2100HLG"); p = obs_properties_add_list(ppts, COLOR_RANGE, TEXT_COLOR_RANGE, OBS_COMBO_TYPE_LIST, OBS_COMBO_FORMAT_STRING); obs_property_list_add_string(p, TEXT_RANGE_DEFAULT, "default"); obs_property_list_add_string(p, TEXT_RANGE_PARTIAL, "partial"); obs_property_list_add_string(p, TEXT_RANGE_FULL, "full"); p = obs_properties_add_list(ppts, BUFFERING_VAL, TEXT_BUFFERING, OBS_COMBO_TYPE_LIST, OBS_COMBO_FORMAT_INT); obs_property_list_add_int(p, TEXT_BUFFERING_AUTO, (int64_t)BufferingType::Auto); obs_property_list_add_int(p, TEXT_BUFFERING_ON, (int64_t)BufferingType::On); obs_property_list_add_int(p, TEXT_BUFFERING_OFF, (int64_t)BufferingType::Off); obs_property_set_long_description(p, obs_module_text("Buffering.ToolTip")); obs_properties_add_bool(ppts, FLIP_IMAGE, TEXT_FLIP_IMAGE); obs_properties_add_bool(ppts, AUTOROTATION, TEXT_AUTOROTATION); obs_properties_add_bool(ppts, HW_DECODE, TEXT_HW_DECODE); /* ------------------------------------- */ /* audio settings */ Device::EnumAudioDevices(data->audioDevices); p = obs_properties_add_list(ppts, AUDIO_OUTPUT_MODE, TEXT_AUDIO_MODE, OBS_COMBO_TYPE_LIST, OBS_COMBO_FORMAT_INT); obs_property_list_add_int(p, TEXT_MODE_CAPTURE, (int64_t)AudioMode::Capture); obs_property_list_add_int(p, TEXT_MODE_DSOUND, (int64_t)AudioMode::DirectSound); obs_property_list_add_int(p, TEXT_MODE_WAVEOUT, (int64_t)AudioMode::WaveOut); if (!data->audioDevices.size()) return ppts; p = obs_properties_add_bool(ppts, USE_CUSTOM_AUDIO, TEXT_CUSTOM_AUDIO); obs_property_set_modified_callback(p, CustomAudioClicked); p = obs_properties_add_list(ppts, AUDIO_DEVICE_ID, TEXT_AUDIO_DEVICE, OBS_COMBO_TYPE_LIST, OBS_COMBO_FORMAT_STRING); for (const AudioDevice &device : data->audioDevices) AddAudioDevice(p, device); return ppts; } void DShowModuleLogCallback(LogType type, const wchar_t *msg, void *param) { int obs_type = LOG_DEBUG; switch (type) { case LogType::Error: obs_type = LOG_ERROR; break; case LogType::Warning: obs_type = LOG_WARNING; break; case LogType::Info: obs_type = LOG_INFO; break; case LogType::Debug: obs_type = LOG_DEBUG; break; } DStr dmsg; dstr_from_wcs(dmsg, msg); blog(obs_type, "DShow: %s", dmsg->array); UNUSED_PARAMETER(param); } static void HideDShowInput(void *data) { DShowInput *input = reinterpret_cast(data); if (input->deactivateWhenNotShowing && input->active) input->QueueAction(Action::Deactivate); } static void ShowDShowInput(void *data) { DShowInput *input = reinterpret_cast(data); if (input->deactivateWhenNotShowing && input->active) input->QueueAction(Action::Activate); } void RegisterDShowSource() { SetLogCallback(DShowModuleLogCallback, nullptr); obs_source_info info = {}; info.id = "dshow_input"; info.type = OBS_SOURCE_TYPE_INPUT; info.output_flags = OBS_SOURCE_VIDEO | OBS_SOURCE_AUDIO | OBS_SOURCE_ASYNC | OBS_SOURCE_DO_NOT_DUPLICATE; info.show = ShowDShowInput; info.hide = HideDShowInput; info.get_name = GetDShowInputName; info.create = CreateDShowInput; info.destroy = DestroyDShowInput; info.update = UpdateDShowInput; info.get_defaults = GetDShowDefaults; info.get_properties = GetDShowProperties; info.icon_type = OBS_ICON_TYPE_CAMERA; obs_register_source(&info); }