#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "inject-library.h" #include "compat-helpers.h" #include "graphics-hook-info.h" #include "graphics-hook-ver.h" #include "cursor-capture.h" #include "app-helpers.h" #include "audio-helpers.h" #include "nt-stuff.h" #define do_log(level, format, ...) \ blog(level, "[game-capture: '%s'] " format, \ obs_source_get_name(gc->source), ##__VA_ARGS__) #define warn(format, ...) do_log(LOG_WARNING, format, ##__VA_ARGS__) #define info(format, ...) do_log(LOG_INFO, format, ##__VA_ARGS__) #define debug(format, ...) do_log(LOG_DEBUG, format, ##__VA_ARGS__) /* clang-format off */ #define SETTING_MODE "capture_mode" #define SETTING_CAPTURE_WINDOW "window" #define SETTING_WINDOW_PRIORITY "priority" #define SETTING_COMPATIBILITY "sli_compatibility" #define SETTING_CURSOR "capture_cursor" #define SETTING_TRANSPARENCY "allow_transparency" #define SETTING_PREMULTIPLIED_ALPHA "premultiplied_alpha" #define SETTING_LIMIT_FRAMERATE "limit_framerate" #define SETTING_CAPTURE_OVERLAYS "capture_overlays" #define SETTING_ANTI_CHEAT_HOOK "anti_cheat_hook" #define SETTING_HOOK_RATE "hook_rate" #define SETTING_RGBA10A2_SPACE "rgb10a2_space" #define SETTINGS_COMPAT_INFO "compat_info" /* deprecated */ #define SETTING_ANY_FULLSCREEN "capture_any_fullscreen" #define SETTING_MODE_ANY "any_fullscreen" #define SETTING_MODE_WINDOW "window" #define SETTING_MODE_HOTKEY "hotkey" #define HOTKEY_START "hotkey_start" #define HOTKEY_STOP "hotkey_stop" #define TEXT_MODE obs_module_text("Mode") #define TEXT_GAME_CAPTURE obs_module_text("GameCapture") #define TEXT_ANY_FULLSCREEN obs_module_text("GameCapture.AnyFullscreen") #define TEXT_SLI_COMPATIBILITY obs_module_text("SLIFix") #define TEXT_ALLOW_TRANSPARENCY obs_module_text("AllowTransparency") #define TEXT_PREMULTIPLIED_ALPHA obs_module_text("PremultipliedAlpha") #define TEXT_WINDOW obs_module_text("WindowCapture.Window") #define TEXT_MATCH_PRIORITY obs_module_text("WindowCapture.Priority") #define TEXT_MATCH_TITLE obs_module_text("WindowCapture.Priority.Title") #define TEXT_MATCH_CLASS obs_module_text("WindowCapture.Priority.Class") #define TEXT_MATCH_EXE obs_module_text("WindowCapture.Priority.Exe") #define TEXT_CAPTURE_CURSOR obs_module_text("CaptureCursor") #define TEXT_LIMIT_FRAMERATE obs_module_text("GameCapture.LimitFramerate") #define TEXT_CAPTURE_OVERLAYS obs_module_text("GameCapture.CaptureOverlays") #define TEXT_ANTI_CHEAT_HOOK obs_module_text("GameCapture.AntiCheatHook") #define TEXT_HOOK_RATE obs_module_text("GameCapture.HookRate") #define TEXT_HOOK_RATE_SLOW obs_module_text("GameCapture.HookRate.Slow") #define TEXT_HOOK_RATE_NORMAL obs_module_text("GameCapture.HookRate.Normal") #define TEXT_HOOK_RATE_FAST obs_module_text("GameCapture.HookRate.Fast") #define TEXT_HOOK_RATE_FASTEST obs_module_text("GameCapture.HookRate.Fastest") #define TEXT_RGBA10A2_SPACE obs_module_text("GameCapture.Rgb10a2Space") #define TEXT_RGBA10A2_SPACE_SRGB obs_module_text("GameCapture.Rgb10a2Space.Srgb") #define TEXT_RGBA10A2_SPACE_2100PQ obs_module_text("GameCapture.Rgb10a2Space.2100PQ") #define TEXT_MODE_ANY TEXT_ANY_FULLSCREEN #define TEXT_MODE_WINDOW obs_module_text("GameCapture.CaptureWindow") #define TEXT_MODE_HOTKEY obs_module_text("GameCapture.UseHotkey") #define TEXT_HOTKEY_START obs_module_text("GameCapture.HotkeyStart") #define TEXT_HOTKEY_STOP obs_module_text("GameCapture.HotkeyStop") /* clang-format on */ #define DEFAULT_RETRY_INTERVAL 2.0f #define ERROR_RETRY_INTERVAL 4.0f enum capture_mode { CAPTURE_MODE_ANY, CAPTURE_MODE_WINDOW, CAPTURE_MODE_HOTKEY }; enum hook_rate { HOOK_RATE_SLOW, HOOK_RATE_NORMAL, HOOK_RATE_FAST, HOOK_RATE_FASTEST }; #define RGBA10A2_SPACE_SRGB "srgb" #define RGBA10A2_SPACE_2100PQ "2100pq" struct game_capture_config { char *title; char *class; char *executable; enum window_priority priority; enum capture_mode mode; bool cursor; bool force_shmem; bool allow_transparency; bool premultiplied_alpha; bool limit_framerate; bool capture_overlays; bool anticheat_hook; enum hook_rate hook_rate; bool is_10a2_2100pq; bool capture_audio; }; typedef DPI_AWARENESS_CONTEXT(WINAPI *PFN_SetThreadDpiAwarenessContext)( DPI_AWARENESS_CONTEXT); typedef DPI_AWARENESS_CONTEXT(WINAPI *PFN_GetThreadDpiAwarenessContext)(VOID); typedef DPI_AWARENESS_CONTEXT(WINAPI *PFN_GetWindowDpiAwarenessContext)(HWND); struct game_capture { obs_source_t *source; obs_source_t *audio_source; struct cursor_data cursor_data; HANDLE injector_process; uint32_t cx; uint32_t cy; uint32_t pitch; DWORD process_id; DWORD thread_id; HWND next_window; HWND window; float retry_time; float fps_reset_time; float retry_interval; struct dstr title; struct dstr class; struct dstr executable; enum window_priority priority; obs_hotkey_pair_id hotkey_pair; volatile long hotkey_window; volatile bool deactivate_hook; volatile bool activate_hook_now; bool wait_for_target_startup; bool showing; bool active; bool capturing; bool activate_hook; bool process_is_64bit; bool error_acquiring; bool dwm_capture; bool initial_config; bool convert_16bit; bool is_app; bool cursor_hidden; struct game_capture_config config; ipc_pipe_server_t pipe; gs_texture_t *texture; gs_texture_t *extra_texture; gs_texrender_t *extra_texrender; bool is_10a2_2100pq; bool linear_sample; struct hook_info *global_hook_info; HANDLE keepalive_mutex; HANDLE hook_init; HANDLE hook_restart; HANDLE hook_stop; HANDLE hook_ready; HANDLE hook_exit; HANDLE hook_data_map; HANDLE global_hook_info_map; HANDLE target_process; HANDLE texture_mutexes[2]; wchar_t *app_sid; int retrying; float cursor_check_time; union { struct { struct shmem_data *shmem_data; uint8_t *texture_buffers[2]; }; struct shtex_data *shtex_data; void *data; }; void (*copy_texture)(struct game_capture *); PFN_SetThreadDpiAwarenessContext set_thread_dpi_awareness_context; PFN_GetThreadDpiAwarenessContext get_thread_dpi_awareness_context; PFN_GetWindowDpiAwarenessContext get_window_dpi_awareness_context; }; struct graphics_offsets offsets32 = {0}; struct graphics_offsets offsets64 = {0}; static inline bool use_anticheat(struct game_capture *gc) { return gc->config.anticheat_hook && !gc->is_app; } static inline HANDLE open_mutex_plus_id(struct game_capture *gc, const wchar_t *name, DWORD id) { wchar_t new_name[64]; _snwprintf(new_name, 64, L"%s%lu", name, id); return gc->is_app ? open_app_mutex(gc->app_sid, new_name) : open_mutex(new_name); } static inline HANDLE open_mutex_gc(struct game_capture *gc, const wchar_t *name) { return open_mutex_plus_id(gc, name, gc->process_id); } static inline HANDLE open_event_plus_id(struct game_capture *gc, const wchar_t *name, DWORD id) { wchar_t new_name[64]; _snwprintf(new_name, 64, L"%s%lu", name, id); return gc->is_app ? open_app_event(gc->app_sid, new_name) : open_event(new_name); } static inline HANDLE open_event_gc(struct game_capture *gc, const wchar_t *name) { return open_event_plus_id(gc, name, gc->process_id); } static inline HANDLE open_map_plus_id(struct game_capture *gc, const wchar_t *name, DWORD id) { wchar_t new_name[64]; swprintf(new_name, 64, L"%s%lu", name, id); debug("map id: %S", new_name); return gc->is_app ? open_app_map(gc->app_sid, new_name) : OpenFileMappingW(GC_MAPPING_FLAGS, false, new_name); } static inline HANDLE open_hook_info(struct game_capture *gc) { return open_map_plus_id(gc, SHMEM_HOOK_INFO, gc->process_id); } static inline enum gs_color_format convert_format(uint32_t format) { switch (format) { case DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM: return GS_RGBA; case DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8X8_UNORM: return GS_BGRX; case DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM: return GS_BGRA; case DXGI_FORMAT_R10G10B10A2_UNORM: return GS_R10G10B10A2; case DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_UNORM: return GS_RGBA16; case DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_FLOAT: return GS_RGBA16F; case DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32B32A32_FLOAT: return GS_RGBA32F; } return GS_UNKNOWN; } static void close_handle(HANDLE *p_handle) { HANDLE handle = *p_handle; if (handle) { if (handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) CloseHandle(handle); *p_handle = NULL; } } static inline HMODULE kernel32(void) { static HMODULE kernel32_handle = NULL; if (!kernel32_handle) kernel32_handle = GetModuleHandleW(L"kernel32"); return kernel32_handle; } static inline HANDLE open_process(DWORD desired_access, bool inherit_handle, DWORD process_id) { typedef HANDLE(WINAPI * PFN_OpenProcess)(DWORD, BOOL, DWORD); static PFN_OpenProcess open_process_proc = NULL; if (!open_process_proc) open_process_proc = (PFN_OpenProcess)ms_get_obfuscated_func( kernel32(), "NuagUykjcxr", 0x1B694B59451ULL); return open_process_proc(desired_access, inherit_handle, process_id); } static inline float hook_rate_to_float(enum hook_rate rate) { switch (rate) { case HOOK_RATE_SLOW: return 2.0f; case HOOK_RATE_FAST: return 0.5f; case HOOK_RATE_FASTEST: return 0.1f; case HOOK_RATE_NORMAL: /* FALLTHROUGH */ default: return 1.0f; } } static void stop_capture(struct game_capture *gc) { ipc_pipe_server_free(&gc->pipe); if (gc->hook_stop) { SetEvent(gc->hook_stop); } if (gc->global_hook_info) { UnmapViewOfFile(gc->global_hook_info); gc->global_hook_info = NULL; } if (gc->data) { UnmapViewOfFile(gc->data); gc->data = NULL; } if (gc->app_sid) { LocalFree(gc->app_sid); gc->app_sid = NULL; } close_handle(&gc->hook_restart); close_handle(&gc->hook_stop); close_handle(&gc->hook_ready); close_handle(&gc->hook_exit); close_handle(&gc->hook_init); close_handle(&gc->hook_data_map); close_handle(&gc->keepalive_mutex); close_handle(&gc->global_hook_info_map); close_handle(&gc->target_process); close_handle(&gc->texture_mutexes[0]); close_handle(&gc->texture_mutexes[1]); obs_enter_graphics(); gs_texrender_destroy(gc->extra_texrender); gc->extra_texrender = NULL; gs_texture_destroy(gc->extra_texture); gc->extra_texture = NULL; gs_texture_destroy(gc->texture); gc->texture = NULL; obs_leave_graphics(); if (gc->active) info("capture stopped"); // if it was previously capturing, send an unhooked signal if (gc->capturing) { signal_handler_t *sh = obs_source_get_signal_handler(gc->source); calldata_t data = {0}; calldata_set_ptr(&data, "source", gc->source); signal_handler_signal(sh, "unhooked", &data); calldata_free(&data); // Also update audio source to stop capturing if (gc->audio_source) reconfigure_audio_source(gc->audio_source, NULL); } gc->copy_texture = NULL; gc->wait_for_target_startup = false; gc->active = false; gc->capturing = false; if (gc->retrying) gc->retrying--; } static inline void free_config(struct game_capture_config *config) { bfree(config->title); bfree(config->class); bfree(config->executable); memset(config, 0, sizeof(*config)); } static void game_capture_destroy(void *data) { struct game_capture *gc = data; stop_capture(gc); if (gc->audio_source) destroy_audio_source(gc->source, &gc->audio_source); signal_handler_t *sh = obs_source_get_signal_handler(gc->source); signal_handler_disconnect(sh, "rename", rename_audio_source, &gc->audio_source); if (gc->hotkey_pair) obs_hotkey_pair_unregister(gc->hotkey_pair); obs_enter_graphics(); cursor_data_free(&gc->cursor_data); obs_leave_graphics(); dstr_free(&gc->title); dstr_free(&gc->class); dstr_free(&gc->executable); free_config(&gc->config); bfree(gc); } static inline bool using_older_non_mode_format(obs_data_t *settings) { return obs_data_has_user_value(settings, SETTING_ANY_FULLSCREEN) && !obs_data_has_user_value(settings, SETTING_MODE); } static inline void get_config(struct game_capture_config *cfg, obs_data_t *settings, const char *window) { const char *mode_str = NULL; ms_build_window_strings(window, &cfg->class, &cfg->title, &cfg->executable); if (using_older_non_mode_format(settings)) { bool any = obs_data_get_bool(settings, SETTING_ANY_FULLSCREEN); mode_str = any ? SETTING_MODE_ANY : SETTING_MODE_WINDOW; } else { mode_str = obs_data_get_string(settings, SETTING_MODE); } if (mode_str && strcmp(mode_str, SETTING_MODE_WINDOW) == 0) cfg->mode = CAPTURE_MODE_WINDOW; else if (mode_str && strcmp(mode_str, SETTING_MODE_HOTKEY) == 0) cfg->mode = CAPTURE_MODE_HOTKEY; else cfg->mode = CAPTURE_MODE_ANY; cfg->priority = (enum window_priority)obs_data_get_int( settings, SETTING_WINDOW_PRIORITY); cfg->force_shmem = obs_data_get_bool(settings, SETTING_COMPATIBILITY); cfg->cursor = obs_data_get_bool(settings, SETTING_CURSOR); cfg->allow_transparency = obs_data_get_bool(settings, SETTING_TRANSPARENCY); cfg->premultiplied_alpha = obs_data_get_bool(settings, SETTING_PREMULTIPLIED_ALPHA); cfg->limit_framerate = obs_data_get_bool(settings, SETTING_LIMIT_FRAMERATE); cfg->capture_overlays = obs_data_get_bool(settings, SETTING_CAPTURE_OVERLAYS); cfg->anticheat_hook = obs_data_get_bool(settings, SETTING_ANTI_CHEAT_HOOK); cfg->hook_rate = (enum hook_rate)obs_data_get_int(settings, SETTING_HOOK_RATE); cfg->is_10a2_2100pq = strcmp(obs_data_get_string(settings, SETTING_RGBA10A2_SPACE), "2100pq") == 0; cfg->capture_audio = obs_data_get_bool(settings, SETTING_CAPTURE_AUDIO); } static inline int s_cmp(const char *str1, const char *str2) { if (!str1 || !str2) return -1; return strcmp(str1, str2); } static inline bool capture_needs_reset(struct game_capture_config *cfg1, struct game_capture_config *cfg2) { if (cfg1->mode != cfg2->mode) { return true; } else if (cfg1->mode == CAPTURE_MODE_WINDOW && (s_cmp(cfg1->class, cfg2->class) != 0 || s_cmp(cfg1->title, cfg2->title) != 0 || s_cmp(cfg1->executable, cfg2->executable) != 0 || cfg1->priority != cfg2->priority)) { return true; } else if (cfg1->force_shmem != cfg2->force_shmem) { return true; } else if (cfg1->limit_framerate != cfg2->limit_framerate) { return true; } else if (cfg1->capture_overlays != cfg2->capture_overlays) { return true; } return false; } static bool hotkey_start(void *data, obs_hotkey_pair_id id, obs_hotkey_t *hotkey, bool pressed) { UNUSED_PARAMETER(id); UNUSED_PARAMETER(hotkey); struct game_capture *gc = data; if (pressed && gc->config.mode == CAPTURE_MODE_HOTKEY) { info("Activate hotkey pressed"); os_atomic_set_long(&gc->hotkey_window, (long)(uintptr_t)GetForegroundWindow()); os_atomic_set_bool(&gc->deactivate_hook, true); os_atomic_set_bool(&gc->activate_hook_now, true); } return true; } static bool hotkey_stop(void *data, obs_hotkey_pair_id id, obs_hotkey_t *hotkey, bool pressed) { UNUSED_PARAMETER(id); UNUSED_PARAMETER(hotkey); struct game_capture *gc = data; if (pressed && gc->config.mode == CAPTURE_MODE_HOTKEY) { info("Deactivate hotkey pressed"); os_atomic_set_bool(&gc->deactivate_hook, true); } return true; } static void game_capture_get_hooked(void *data, calldata_t *cd) { struct game_capture *gc = data; if (!gc) return; calldata_set_bool(cd, "hooked", gc->capturing); if (gc->capturing) { calldata_set_string(cd, "title", gc->title.array); calldata_set_string(cd, "class", gc->class.array); calldata_set_string(cd, "executable", gc->executable.array); } else { calldata_set_string(cd, "title", ""); calldata_set_string(cd, "class", ""); calldata_set_string(cd, "executable", ""); } } static void game_capture_update(void *data, obs_data_t *settings) { struct game_capture *gc = data; struct game_capture_config cfg; bool reset_capture = false; const char *window = obs_data_get_string(settings, SETTING_CAPTURE_WINDOW); get_config(&cfg, settings, window); reset_capture = capture_needs_reset(&cfg, &gc->config); gc->error_acquiring = false; if (cfg.mode == CAPTURE_MODE_HOTKEY && gc->config.mode != CAPTURE_MODE_HOTKEY) { gc->activate_hook = false; } else { gc->activate_hook = !!window && !!*window; } free_config(&gc->config); gc->config = cfg; gc->retry_interval = DEFAULT_RETRY_INTERVAL * hook_rate_to_float(gc->config.hook_rate); gc->wait_for_target_startup = false; gc->is_10a2_2100pq = gc->config.is_10a2_2100pq; dstr_free(&gc->title); dstr_free(&gc->class); dstr_free(&gc->executable); if (cfg.mode == CAPTURE_MODE_WINDOW) { dstr_copy(&gc->title, gc->config.title); dstr_copy(&gc->class, gc->config.class); dstr_copy(&gc->executable, gc->config.executable); gc->priority = gc->config.priority; } if (!gc->initial_config) { if (reset_capture) { stop_capture(gc); } } else { gc->initial_config = false; } /* Linked audio capture source stuff */ setup_audio_source(gc->source, &gc->audio_source, cfg.mode == CAPTURE_MODE_WINDOW ? window : NULL, cfg.capture_audio, cfg.priority); } extern void wait_for_hook_initialization(void); static void *game_capture_create(obs_data_t *settings, obs_source_t *source) { struct game_capture *gc = bzalloc(sizeof(*gc)); wait_for_hook_initialization(); gc->source = source; gc->initial_config = true; gc->retry_interval = DEFAULT_RETRY_INTERVAL * hook_rate_to_float(gc->config.hook_rate); gc->hotkey_pair = obs_hotkey_pair_register_source( gc->source, HOTKEY_START, TEXT_HOTKEY_START, HOTKEY_STOP, TEXT_HOTKEY_STOP, hotkey_start, hotkey_stop, gc, gc); const HMODULE hModuleUser32 = GetModuleHandle(L"User32.dll"); if (hModuleUser32) { PFN_SetThreadDpiAwarenessContext set_thread_dpi_awareness_context = (PFN_SetThreadDpiAwarenessContext)GetProcAddress( hModuleUser32, "SetThreadDpiAwarenessContext"); PFN_GetThreadDpiAwarenessContext get_thread_dpi_awareness_context = (PFN_GetThreadDpiAwarenessContext)GetProcAddress( hModuleUser32, "GetThreadDpiAwarenessContext"); PFN_GetWindowDpiAwarenessContext get_window_dpi_awareness_context = (PFN_GetWindowDpiAwarenessContext)GetProcAddress( hModuleUser32, "GetWindowDpiAwarenessContext"); if (set_thread_dpi_awareness_context && get_thread_dpi_awareness_context && get_window_dpi_awareness_context) { gc->set_thread_dpi_awareness_context = set_thread_dpi_awareness_context; gc->get_thread_dpi_awareness_context = get_thread_dpi_awareness_context; gc->get_window_dpi_awareness_context = get_window_dpi_awareness_context; } } signal_handler_t *sh = obs_source_get_signal_handler(source); signal_handler_add(sh, "void unhooked(ptr source)"); signal_handler_add( sh, "void hooked(ptr source, string title, string class, string executable)"); proc_handler_t *ph = obs_source_get_proc_handler(source); proc_handler_add( ph, "void get_hooked(out bool hooked, out string title, out string class, out string executable)", game_capture_get_hooked, gc); signal_handler_connect(sh, "rename", rename_audio_source, &gc->audio_source); game_capture_update(gc, settings); return gc; } #define STOP_BEING_BAD \ " This is most likely due to security software. Please make sure " \ "that the OBS installation folder is excluded/ignored in the " \ "settings of the security software you are using." static bool check_file_integrity(struct game_capture *gc, const char *file, const char *name) { DWORD error; HANDLE handle; wchar_t *w_file = NULL; if (!file || !*file) { warn("Game capture %s not found." STOP_BEING_BAD, name); return false; } if (!os_utf8_to_wcs_ptr(file, 0, &w_file)) { warn("Could not convert file name to wide string"); return false; } handle = CreateFileW(w_file, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_EXECUTE, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL); bfree(w_file); if (handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { CloseHandle(handle); return true; } error = GetLastError(); if (error == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) { warn("Game capture file '%s' not found." STOP_BEING_BAD, file); } else if (error == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED) { warn("Game capture file '%s' could not be loaded." STOP_BEING_BAD, file); } else { warn("Game capture file '%s' could not be loaded: %lu." STOP_BEING_BAD, file, error); } return false; } static inline bool is_64bit_windows(void) { #ifdef _WIN64 return true; #else BOOL x86 = false; bool success = !!IsWow64Process(GetCurrentProcess(), &x86); return success && !!x86; #endif } static inline bool is_64bit_process(HANDLE process) { BOOL x86 = true; if (is_64bit_windows()) { bool success = !!IsWow64Process(process, &x86); if (!success) { return false; } } return !x86; } static inline bool open_target_process(struct game_capture *gc) { gc->target_process = open_process( PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION | SYNCHRONIZE, false, gc->process_id); if (!gc->target_process) { warn("could not open process: %s", gc->config.executable); return false; } gc->process_is_64bit = is_64bit_process(gc->target_process); gc->is_app = is_app(gc->target_process); if (gc->is_app) { gc->app_sid = get_app_sid(gc->target_process); } return true; } static inline bool init_keepalive(struct game_capture *gc) { wchar_t new_name[64]; swprintf(new_name, 64, WINDOW_HOOK_KEEPALIVE L"%lu", gc->process_id); gc->keepalive_mutex = gc->is_app ? create_app_mutex(gc->app_sid, new_name) : CreateMutexW(NULL, false, new_name); if (!gc->keepalive_mutex) { warn("Failed to create keepalive mutex: %lu", GetLastError()); return false; } return true; } static inline bool init_texture_mutexes(struct game_capture *gc) { gc->texture_mutexes[0] = open_mutex_gc(gc, MUTEX_TEXTURE1); gc->texture_mutexes[1] = open_mutex_gc(gc, MUTEX_TEXTURE2); if (!gc->texture_mutexes[0] || !gc->texture_mutexes[1]) { DWORD error = GetLastError(); if (error == 2) { if (!gc->retrying) { gc->retrying = 2; info("hook not loaded yet, retrying.."); } } else { warn("failed to open texture mutexes: %lu", GetLastError()); } return false; } return true; } /* if there's already a hook in the process, then signal and start */ static inline bool attempt_existing_hook(struct game_capture *gc) { gc->hook_restart = open_event_gc(gc, EVENT_CAPTURE_RESTART); if (gc->hook_restart) { debug("existing hook found, signaling process: %s", gc->config.executable); SetEvent(gc->hook_restart); return true; } return false; } static inline void reset_frame_interval(struct game_capture *gc) { struct obs_video_info ovi; uint64_t interval = 0; if (obs_get_video_info(&ovi)) { interval = util_mul_div64(ovi.fps_den, 1000000000ULL, ovi.fps_num); /* Always limit capture framerate to some extent. If a game * running at 900 FPS is being captured without some sort of * limited capture interval, it will dramatically reduce * performance. */ if (!gc->config.limit_framerate) interval /= 2; } gc->global_hook_info->frame_interval = interval; } static inline bool init_hook_info(struct game_capture *gc) { gc->global_hook_info_map = open_hook_info(gc); if (!gc->global_hook_info_map) { warn("init_hook_info: get_hook_info failed: %lu", GetLastError()); return false; } gc->global_hook_info = MapViewOfFile(gc->global_hook_info_map, FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS, 0, 0, sizeof(*gc->global_hook_info)); if (!gc->global_hook_info) { warn("init_hook_info: failed to map data view: %lu", GetLastError()); return false; } if (gc->config.force_shmem) { warn("init_hook_info: user is forcing shared memory " "(multi-adapter compatibility mode)"); } gc->global_hook_info->offsets = gc->process_is_64bit ? offsets64 : offsets32; gc->global_hook_info->capture_overlay = gc->config.capture_overlays; gc->global_hook_info->force_shmem = gc->config.force_shmem; gc->global_hook_info->UNUSED_use_scale = false; gc->global_hook_info->allow_srgb_alias = true; reset_frame_interval(gc); obs_enter_graphics(); if (!gs_shared_texture_available()) { warn("init_hook_info: shared texture capture unavailable"); gc->global_hook_info->force_shmem = true; } obs_leave_graphics(); return true; } static void pipe_log(void *param, uint8_t *data, size_t size) { struct game_capture *gc = param; if (data && size) info("%s", data); } static inline bool init_pipe(struct game_capture *gc) { char name[64]; snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "%s%lu", PIPE_NAME, gc->process_id); if (!ipc_pipe_server_start(&gc->pipe, name, pipe_log, gc)) { warn("init_pipe: failed to start pipe"); return false; } return true; } static inline int inject_library(HANDLE process, const wchar_t *dll) { return inject_library_obf(process, dll, "D|hkqkW`kl{k\\osofj", 0xa178ef3655e5ade7, "[uawaRzbhh{tIdkj~~", 0x561478dbd824387c, "[fr}pboIe`dlN}", 0x395bfbc9833590fd, "\\`zs}gmOzhhBq", 0x12897dd89168789a, "GbfkDaezbp~X", 0x76aff7238788f7db); } static inline bool hook_direct(struct game_capture *gc, const char *hook_path_rel) { wchar_t hook_path_abs_w[MAX_PATH]; wchar_t *hook_path_rel_w; wchar_t *path_ret; HANDLE process; int ret; os_utf8_to_wcs_ptr(hook_path_rel, 0, &hook_path_rel_w); if (!hook_path_rel_w) { warn("hook_direct: could not convert string"); return false; } path_ret = _wfullpath(hook_path_abs_w, hook_path_rel_w, MAX_PATH); bfree(hook_path_rel_w); if (path_ret == NULL) { warn("hook_direct: could not make absolute path"); return false; } process = open_process(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, false, gc->process_id); if (!process) { warn("hook_direct: could not open process: %s (%lu)", gc->config.executable, GetLastError()); return false; } ret = inject_library(process, hook_path_abs_w); CloseHandle(process); if (ret != 0) { warn("hook_direct: inject failed: %d", ret); return false; } return true; } static inline bool create_inject_process(struct game_capture *gc, const char *inject_path, const char *hook_dll) { wchar_t *command_line_w = malloc(4096 * sizeof(wchar_t)); wchar_t *inject_path_w; wchar_t *hook_dll_w; bool anti_cheat = use_anticheat(gc); PROCESS_INFORMATION pi = {0}; STARTUPINFO si = {0}; bool success = false; os_utf8_to_wcs_ptr(inject_path, 0, &inject_path_w); os_utf8_to_wcs_ptr(hook_dll, 0, &hook_dll_w); si.cb = sizeof(si); swprintf(command_line_w, 4096, L"\"%s\" \"%s\" %lu %lu", inject_path_w, hook_dll_w, (unsigned long)anti_cheat, anti_cheat ? gc->thread_id : gc->process_id); success = !!CreateProcessW(inject_path_w, command_line_w, NULL, NULL, false, CREATE_NO_WINDOW, NULL, NULL, &si, &pi); if (success) { CloseHandle(pi.hThread); gc->injector_process = pi.hProcess; } else { warn("Failed to create inject helper process: %lu", GetLastError()); } free(command_line_w); bfree(inject_path_w); bfree(hook_dll_w); return success; } extern char *get_hook_path(bool b64); static inline bool inject_hook(struct game_capture *gc) { bool matching_architecture; bool success = false; char *inject_path; char *hook_path; if (gc->process_is_64bit) { inject_path = obs_module_file("inject-helper64.exe"); } else { inject_path = obs_module_file("inject-helper32.exe"); } hook_path = get_hook_path(gc->process_is_64bit); if (!check_file_integrity(gc, inject_path, "inject helper")) { goto cleanup; } if (!check_file_integrity(gc, hook_path, "graphics hook")) { goto cleanup; } #ifdef _WIN64 matching_architecture = gc->process_is_64bit; #else matching_architecture = !gc->process_is_64bit; #endif if (matching_architecture && !use_anticheat(gc)) { info("using direct hook"); success = hook_direct(gc, hook_path); } else { info("using helper (%s hook)", use_anticheat(gc) ? "compatibility" : "direct"); success = create_inject_process(gc, inject_path, hook_path); } cleanup: bfree(inject_path); bfree(hook_path); return success; } static const char *blacklisted_exes[] = { "explorer", "steam", "battle.net", "galaxyclient", "skype", "uplay", "origin", "devenv", "taskmgr", "chrome", "discord", "firefox", "systemsettings", "applicationframehost", "cmd", "shellexperiencehost", "winstore.app", "searchui", "lockapp", "windowsinternal.composableshell.experiences.textinput.inputapp", NULL, }; static bool is_blacklisted_exe(const char *exe) { char cur_exe[MAX_PATH]; if (!exe) return false; for (const char **vals = blacklisted_exes; *vals; vals++) { strcpy(cur_exe, *vals); strcat(cur_exe, ".exe"); if (strcmpi(cur_exe, exe) == 0) return true; } return false; } static bool target_suspended(struct game_capture *gc) { return thread_is_suspended(gc->process_id, gc->thread_id); } static bool init_events(struct game_capture *gc); static bool init_hook(struct game_capture *gc) { struct dstr exe = {0}; bool blacklisted_process = false; if (gc->config.mode == CAPTURE_MODE_ANY) { if (ms_get_window_exe(&exe, gc->next_window)) { info("attempting to hook fullscreen process: %s", exe.array); } } else { if (ms_get_window_exe(&exe, gc->next_window)) { info("attempting to hook process: %s", exe.array); } } blacklisted_process = is_blacklisted_exe(exe.array); if (blacklisted_process) info("cannot capture %s due to being blacklisted", exe.array); dstr_free(&exe); if (blacklisted_process) { return false; } if (target_suspended(gc)) { return false; } if (!open_target_process(gc)) { return false; } if (!init_keepalive(gc)) { return false; } if (!init_pipe(gc)) { return false; } if (!attempt_existing_hook(gc)) { if (!inject_hook(gc)) { return false; } } if (!init_texture_mutexes(gc)) { return false; } if (!init_hook_info(gc)) { return false; } if (!init_events(gc)) { return false; } SetEvent(gc->hook_init); gc->window = gc->next_window; gc->next_window = NULL; gc->active = true; gc->retrying = 0; return true; } static void setup_window(struct game_capture *gc, HWND window) { HANDLE hook_restart; HANDLE process; GetWindowThreadProcessId(window, &gc->process_id); if (gc->process_id) { process = open_process(PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION, false, gc->process_id); if (process) { gc->is_app = is_app(process); if (gc->is_app) { gc->app_sid = get_app_sid(process); } CloseHandle(process); } } /* do not wait if we're re-hooking a process */ hook_restart = open_event_gc(gc, EVENT_CAPTURE_RESTART); if (hook_restart) { gc->wait_for_target_startup = false; CloseHandle(hook_restart); } /* otherwise if it's an unhooked process, always wait a bit for the * target process to start up before starting the hook process; * sometimes they have important modules to load first or other hooks * (such as steam) need a little bit of time to load. ultimately this * helps prevent crashes */ if (gc->wait_for_target_startup) { gc->retry_interval = 3.0f * hook_rate_to_float(gc->config.hook_rate); gc->wait_for_target_startup = false; } else { gc->next_window = window; } } static void get_fullscreen_window(struct game_capture *gc) { HWND window = GetForegroundWindow(); MONITORINFO mi = {0}; HMONITOR monitor; DWORD styles; RECT rect; gc->next_window = NULL; if (!window) { return; } if (!GetWindowRect(window, &rect)) { return; } /* ignore regular maximized windows */ styles = (DWORD)GetWindowLongPtr(window, GWL_STYLE); if ((styles & WS_MAXIMIZE) != 0 && (styles & WS_BORDER) != 0) { return; } monitor = MonitorFromRect(&rect, MONITOR_DEFAULTTONEAREST); if (!monitor) { return; } mi.cbSize = sizeof(mi); if (!GetMonitorInfo(monitor, &mi)) { return; } if (rect.left == mi.rcMonitor.left && rect.right == mi.rcMonitor.right && rect.bottom == mi.rcMonitor.bottom && rect.top == mi.rcMonitor.top) { setup_window(gc, window); } else { gc->wait_for_target_startup = true; } } static void get_selected_window(struct game_capture *gc) { HWND window; if (dstr_cmpi(&gc->class, "dwm") == 0) { wchar_t class_w[512]; os_utf8_to_wcs(gc->class.array, 0, class_w, 512); window = FindWindowW(class_w, NULL); } else { window = ms_find_window(INCLUDE_MINIMIZED, gc->priority, gc->class.array, gc->title.array, gc->executable.array); } if (window) { setup_window(gc, window); } else { gc->wait_for_target_startup = true; } } static void try_hook(struct game_capture *gc) { if (gc->config.mode == CAPTURE_MODE_ANY) { get_fullscreen_window(gc); } else { get_selected_window(gc); } if (gc->next_window) { gc->thread_id = GetWindowThreadProcessId(gc->next_window, &gc->process_id); // Make sure we never try to hook ourselves (projector) if (gc->process_id == GetCurrentProcessId()) return; if (!gc->thread_id && gc->process_id) return; if (!gc->process_id) { warn("error acquiring, failed to get window " "thread/process ids: %lu", GetLastError()); gc->error_acquiring = true; return; } if (!init_hook(gc)) { stop_capture(gc); } } else { gc->active = false; } } static inline bool init_events(struct game_capture *gc) { if (!gc->hook_restart) { gc->hook_restart = open_event_gc(gc, EVENT_CAPTURE_RESTART); if (!gc->hook_restart) { warn("init_events: failed to get hook_restart " "event: %lu", GetLastError()); return false; } } if (!gc->hook_stop) { gc->hook_stop = open_event_gc(gc, EVENT_CAPTURE_STOP); if (!gc->hook_stop) { warn("init_events: failed to get hook_stop event: %lu", GetLastError()); return false; } } if (!gc->hook_init) { gc->hook_init = open_event_gc(gc, EVENT_HOOK_INIT); if (!gc->hook_init) { warn("init_events: failed to get hook_init event: %lu", GetLastError()); return false; } } if (!gc->hook_ready) { gc->hook_ready = open_event_gc(gc, EVENT_HOOK_READY); if (!gc->hook_ready) { warn("init_events: failed to get hook_ready event: %lu", GetLastError()); return false; } } if (!gc->hook_exit) { gc->hook_exit = open_event_gc(gc, EVENT_HOOK_EXIT); if (!gc->hook_exit) { warn("init_events: failed to get hook_exit event: %lu", GetLastError()); return false; } } return true; } enum capture_result { CAPTURE_FAIL, CAPTURE_RETRY, CAPTURE_SUCCESS }; static inline bool init_data_map(struct game_capture *gc, HWND window) { wchar_t name[64]; swprintf(name, 64, SHMEM_TEXTURE "_%" PRIu64 "_", (uint64_t)(uintptr_t)window); gc->hook_data_map = open_map_plus_id(gc, name, gc->global_hook_info->map_id); return !!gc->hook_data_map; } static inline enum capture_result init_capture_data(struct game_capture *gc) { gc->cx = gc->global_hook_info->cx; gc->cy = gc->global_hook_info->cy; gc->pitch = gc->global_hook_info->pitch; if (gc->data) { UnmapViewOfFile(gc->data); gc->data = NULL; } CloseHandle(gc->hook_data_map); DWORD error = 0; if (!init_data_map(gc, gc->window)) { HWND retry_hwnd = (HWND)(uintptr_t)gc->global_hook_info->window; error = GetLastError(); /* if there's an error, just override. some windows don't play * nice. */ if (init_data_map(gc, retry_hwnd)) { error = 0; } } if (!gc->hook_data_map) { if (error == 2) { return CAPTURE_RETRY; } else { warn("init_capture_data: failed to open file " "mapping: %lu", error); } return CAPTURE_FAIL; } gc->data = MapViewOfFile(gc->hook_data_map, FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS, 0, 0, gc->global_hook_info->map_size); if (!gc->data) { warn("init_capture_data: failed to map data view: %lu", GetLastError()); return CAPTURE_FAIL; } return CAPTURE_SUCCESS; } static inline uint32_t convert_5_to_8bit(uint16_t val) { return (uint32_t)((double)(val & 0x1F) * (255.0 / 31.0)); } static inline uint32_t convert_6_to_8bit(uint16_t val) { return (uint32_t)((double)(val & 0x3F) * (255.0 / 63.0)); } static void copy_b5g6r5_tex(struct game_capture *gc, int cur_texture, uint8_t *data, uint32_t pitch) { uint8_t *input = gc->texture_buffers[cur_texture]; uint32_t gc_cx = gc->cx; uint32_t gc_cy = gc->cy; uint32_t gc_pitch = gc->pitch; for (size_t y = 0; y < gc_cy; y++) { uint8_t *row = input + (gc_pitch * y); uint8_t *out = data + (pitch * y); for (size_t x = 0; x < gc_cx; x += 8) { __m128i pixels_blue, pixels_green, pixels_red; __m128i pixels_result; __m128i *pixels_dest; __m128i *pixels_src = (__m128i *)(row + x * sizeof(uint16_t)); __m128i pixels = _mm_load_si128(pixels_src); __m128i zero = _mm_setzero_si128(); __m128i pixels_low = _mm_unpacklo_epi16(pixels, zero); __m128i pixels_high = _mm_unpackhi_epi16(pixels, zero); __m128i blue_channel_mask = _mm_set1_epi32(0x0000001F); __m128i blue_offset = _mm_set1_epi32(0x00000003); __m128i green_channel_mask = _mm_set1_epi32(0x000007E0); __m128i green_offset = _mm_set1_epi32(0x00000008); __m128i red_channel_mask = _mm_set1_epi32(0x0000F800); __m128i red_offset = _mm_set1_epi32(0x00000300); pixels_blue = _mm_and_si128(pixels_low, blue_channel_mask); pixels_blue = _mm_slli_epi32(pixels_blue, 3); pixels_blue = _mm_add_epi32(pixels_blue, blue_offset); pixels_green = _mm_and_si128(pixels_low, green_channel_mask); pixels_green = _mm_add_epi32(pixels_green, green_offset); pixels_green = _mm_slli_epi32(pixels_green, 5); pixels_red = _mm_and_si128(pixels_low, red_channel_mask); pixels_red = _mm_add_epi32(pixels_red, red_offset); pixels_red = _mm_slli_epi32(pixels_red, 8); pixels_result = _mm_set1_epi32(0xFF000000); pixels_result = _mm_or_si128(pixels_result, pixels_blue); pixels_result = _mm_or_si128(pixels_result, pixels_green); pixels_result = _mm_or_si128(pixels_result, pixels_red); pixels_dest = (__m128i *)(out + x * sizeof(uint32_t)); _mm_store_si128(pixels_dest, pixels_result); pixels_blue = _mm_and_si128(pixels_high, blue_channel_mask); pixels_blue = _mm_slli_epi32(pixels_blue, 3); pixels_blue = _mm_add_epi32(pixels_blue, blue_offset); pixels_green = _mm_and_si128(pixels_high, green_channel_mask); pixels_green = _mm_add_epi32(pixels_green, green_offset); pixels_green = _mm_slli_epi32(pixels_green, 5); pixels_red = _mm_and_si128(pixels_high, red_channel_mask); pixels_red = _mm_add_epi32(pixels_red, red_offset); pixels_red = _mm_slli_epi32(pixels_red, 8); pixels_result = _mm_set1_epi32(0xFF000000); pixels_result = _mm_or_si128(pixels_result, pixels_blue); pixels_result = _mm_or_si128(pixels_result, pixels_green); pixels_result = _mm_or_si128(pixels_result, pixels_red); pixels_dest = (__m128i *)(out + (x + 4) * sizeof(uint32_t)); _mm_store_si128(pixels_dest, pixels_result); } } } static void copy_b5g5r5a1_tex(struct game_capture *gc, int cur_texture, uint8_t *data, uint32_t pitch) { uint8_t *input = gc->texture_buffers[cur_texture]; uint32_t gc_cx = gc->cx; uint32_t gc_cy = gc->cy; uint32_t gc_pitch = gc->pitch; for (size_t y = 0; y < gc_cy; y++) { uint8_t *row = input + (gc_pitch * y); uint8_t *out = data + (pitch * y); for (size_t x = 0; x < gc_cx; x += 8) { __m128i pixels_blue, pixels_green, pixels_red, pixels_alpha; __m128i pixels_result; __m128i *pixels_dest; __m128i *pixels_src = (__m128i *)(row + x * sizeof(uint16_t)); __m128i pixels = _mm_load_si128(pixels_src); __m128i zero = _mm_setzero_si128(); __m128i pixels_low = _mm_unpacklo_epi16(pixels, zero); __m128i pixels_high = _mm_unpackhi_epi16(pixels, zero); __m128i blue_channel_mask = _mm_set1_epi32(0x0000001F); __m128i blue_offset = _mm_set1_epi32(0x00000003); __m128i green_channel_mask = _mm_set1_epi32(0x000003E0); __m128i green_offset = _mm_set1_epi32(0x000000C); __m128i red_channel_mask = _mm_set1_epi32(0x00007C00); __m128i red_offset = _mm_set1_epi32(0x00000180); __m128i alpha_channel_mask = _mm_set1_epi32(0x00008000); __m128i alpha_offset = _mm_set1_epi32(0x00000001); __m128i alpha_mask32 = _mm_set1_epi32(0xFF000000); pixels_blue = _mm_and_si128(pixels_low, blue_channel_mask); pixels_blue = _mm_slli_epi32(pixels_blue, 3); pixels_blue = _mm_add_epi32(pixels_blue, blue_offset); pixels_green = _mm_and_si128(pixels_low, green_channel_mask); pixels_green = _mm_add_epi32(pixels_green, green_offset); pixels_green = _mm_slli_epi32(pixels_green, 6); pixels_red = _mm_and_si128(pixels_low, red_channel_mask); pixels_red = _mm_add_epi32(pixels_red, red_offset); pixels_red = _mm_slli_epi32(pixels_red, 9); pixels_alpha = _mm_and_si128(pixels_low, alpha_channel_mask); pixels_alpha = _mm_srli_epi32(pixels_alpha, 15); pixels_alpha = _mm_sub_epi32(pixels_alpha, alpha_offset); pixels_alpha = _mm_andnot_si128(pixels_alpha, alpha_mask32); pixels_result = pixels_red; pixels_result = _mm_or_si128(pixels_result, pixels_alpha); pixels_result = _mm_or_si128(pixels_result, pixels_blue); pixels_result = _mm_or_si128(pixels_result, pixels_green); pixels_dest = (__m128i *)(out + x * sizeof(uint32_t)); _mm_store_si128(pixels_dest, pixels_result); pixels_blue = _mm_and_si128(pixels_high, blue_channel_mask); pixels_blue = _mm_slli_epi32(pixels_blue, 3); pixels_blue = _mm_add_epi32(pixels_blue, blue_offset); pixels_green = _mm_and_si128(pixels_high, green_channel_mask); pixels_green = _mm_add_epi32(pixels_green, green_offset); pixels_green = _mm_slli_epi32(pixels_green, 6); pixels_red = _mm_and_si128(pixels_high, red_channel_mask); pixels_red = _mm_add_epi32(pixels_red, red_offset); pixels_red = _mm_slli_epi32(pixels_red, 9); pixels_alpha = _mm_and_si128(pixels_high, alpha_channel_mask); pixels_alpha = _mm_srli_epi32(pixels_alpha, 15); pixels_alpha = _mm_sub_epi32(pixels_alpha, alpha_offset); pixels_alpha = _mm_andnot_si128(pixels_alpha, alpha_mask32); pixels_result = pixels_red; pixels_result = _mm_or_si128(pixels_result, pixels_alpha); pixels_result = _mm_or_si128(pixels_result, pixels_blue); pixels_result = _mm_or_si128(pixels_result, pixels_green); pixels_dest = (__m128i *)(out + (x + 4) * sizeof(uint32_t)); _mm_store_si128(pixels_dest, pixels_result); } } } static inline void copy_16bit_tex(struct game_capture *gc, int cur_texture, uint8_t *data, uint32_t pitch) { if (gc->global_hook_info->format == DXGI_FORMAT_B5G5R5A1_UNORM) { copy_b5g5r5a1_tex(gc, cur_texture, data, pitch); } else if (gc->global_hook_info->format == DXGI_FORMAT_B5G6R5_UNORM) { copy_b5g6r5_tex(gc, cur_texture, data, pitch); } } static void copy_shmem_tex(struct game_capture *gc) { int cur_texture; HANDLE mutex = NULL; uint32_t pitch; int next_texture; uint8_t *data; if (!gc->shmem_data) return; cur_texture = gc->shmem_data->last_tex; if (cur_texture < 0 || cur_texture > 1) return; next_texture = cur_texture == 1 ? 0 : 1; if (object_signalled(gc->texture_mutexes[cur_texture])) { mutex = gc->texture_mutexes[cur_texture]; } else if (object_signalled(gc->texture_mutexes[next_texture])) { mutex = gc->texture_mutexes[next_texture]; cur_texture = next_texture; } else { return; } if (gs_texture_map(gc->texture, &data, &pitch)) { if (gc->convert_16bit) { copy_16bit_tex(gc, cur_texture, data, pitch); } else if (pitch == gc->pitch) { memcpy(data, gc->texture_buffers[cur_texture], (size_t)pitch * (size_t)gc->cy); } else { uint8_t *input = gc->texture_buffers[cur_texture]; uint32_t best_pitch = pitch < gc->pitch ? pitch : gc->pitch; for (size_t y = 0; y < gc->cy; y++) { uint8_t *line_in = input + gc->pitch * y; uint8_t *line_out = data + pitch * y; memcpy(line_out, line_in, best_pitch); } } gs_texture_unmap(gc->texture); } ReleaseMutex(mutex); } static inline bool is_16bit_format(uint32_t format) { return format == DXGI_FORMAT_B5G5R5A1_UNORM || format == DXGI_FORMAT_B5G6R5_UNORM; } static inline bool init_shmem_capture(struct game_capture *gc) { const uint32_t dxgi_format = gc->global_hook_info->format; const bool convert_16bit = is_16bit_format(dxgi_format); const enum gs_color_format format = convert_16bit ? GS_BGRA : convert_format(dxgi_format); obs_enter_graphics(); gs_texrender_destroy(gc->extra_texrender); gc->extra_texrender = NULL; gs_texture_destroy(gc->extra_texture); gc->extra_texture = NULL; gs_texture_destroy(gc->texture); gc->texture = NULL; gs_texture_t *const texture = gs_texture_create(gc->cx, gc->cy, format, 1, NULL, GS_DYNAMIC); obs_leave_graphics(); bool success = texture != NULL; if (success) { const bool linear_sample = format != GS_R10G10B10A2; gs_texrender_t *extra_texrender = NULL; if (!linear_sample) { extra_texrender = gs_texrender_create(GS_RGBA16F, GS_ZS_NONE); success = extra_texrender != NULL; if (!success) warn("init_shmem_capture: failed to create extra texrender"); } if (success) { gc->texture_buffers[0] = (uint8_t *)gc->data + gc->shmem_data->tex1_offset; gc->texture_buffers[1] = (uint8_t *)gc->data + gc->shmem_data->tex2_offset; gc->convert_16bit = convert_16bit; gc->texture = texture; gc->extra_texture = NULL; gc->extra_texrender = extra_texrender; gc->linear_sample = linear_sample; gc->copy_texture = copy_shmem_tex; } else { gs_texture_destroy(texture); } } else { warn("init_shmem_capture: failed to create texture"); } return success; } static inline bool init_shtex_capture(struct game_capture *gc) { obs_enter_graphics(); gs_texrender_destroy(gc->extra_texrender); gc->extra_texrender = NULL; gs_texture_destroy(gc->extra_texture); gc->extra_texture = NULL; gs_texture_destroy(gc->texture); gc->texture = NULL; gs_texture_t *const texture = gs_texture_open_shared(gc->shtex_data->tex_handle); bool success = texture != NULL; if (success) { enum gs_color_format format = gs_texture_get_color_format(texture); const bool ten_bit_srgb = (format == GS_R10G10B10A2); enum gs_color_format linear_format = ten_bit_srgb ? GS_RGBA16F : gs_generalize_format(format); const bool linear_sample = (linear_format == format); gs_texture_t *extra_texture = NULL; gs_texrender_t *extra_texrender = NULL; if (!linear_sample) { if (ten_bit_srgb) { extra_texrender = gs_texrender_create( linear_format, GS_ZS_NONE); success = extra_texrender != NULL; if (!success) warn("init_shtex_capture: failed to create extra texrender"); } else { extra_texture = gs_texture_create( gs_texture_get_width(texture), gs_texture_get_height(texture), linear_format, 1, NULL, 0); success = extra_texture != NULL; if (!success) warn("init_shtex_capture: failed to create extra texture"); } } if (success) { gc->texture = texture; gc->linear_sample = linear_sample; gc->extra_texture = extra_texture; gc->extra_texrender = extra_texrender; } else { gs_texture_destroy(texture); } } else { warn("init_shtex_capture: failed to open shared handle"); } obs_leave_graphics(); return success; } static bool start_capture(struct game_capture *gc) { debug("Starting capture"); /* prevent from using a DLL version that's higher than current */ if (gc->global_hook_info->hook_ver_major > HOOK_VER_MAJOR) { warn("cannot initialize hook, DLL hook version is " "%" PRIu32 ".%" PRIu32 ", current plugin hook major version is %d.%d", gc->global_hook_info->hook_ver_major, gc->global_hook_info->hook_ver_minor, HOOK_VER_MAJOR, HOOK_VER_MINOR); return false; } if (gc->global_hook_info->type == CAPTURE_TYPE_MEMORY) { if (!init_shmem_capture(gc)) { return false; } info("memory capture successful"); } else { if (!init_shtex_capture(gc)) { return false; } info("shared texture capture successful"); } return true; } static inline bool capture_valid(struct game_capture *gc) { if (!gc->dwm_capture && !IsWindow(gc->window)) return false; return !object_signalled(gc->target_process); } static void check_foreground_window(struct game_capture *gc, float seconds) { // Hides the cursor if the user isn't actively in the game gc->cursor_check_time += seconds; if (gc->cursor_check_time >= 0.1f) { DWORD foreground_process_id; GetWindowThreadProcessId(GetForegroundWindow(), &foreground_process_id); if (gc->process_id != foreground_process_id) gc->cursor_hidden = true; else gc->cursor_hidden = false; gc->cursor_check_time = 0.0f; } } static void game_capture_tick(void *data, float seconds) { struct game_capture *gc = data; bool deactivate = os_atomic_set_bool(&gc->deactivate_hook, false); bool activate_now = os_atomic_set_bool(&gc->activate_hook_now, false); if (activate_now) { HWND hwnd = (HWND)(uintptr_t)os_atomic_load_long( &gc->hotkey_window); if (ms_is_uwp_window(hwnd)) hwnd = ms_get_uwp_actual_window(hwnd); if (ms_get_window_exe(&gc->executable, hwnd)) { ms_get_window_title(&gc->title, hwnd); ms_get_window_class(&gc->class, hwnd); gc->priority = WINDOW_PRIORITY_CLASS; gc->retry_time = 10.0f * hook_rate_to_float( gc->config.hook_rate); gc->activate_hook = true; } else { deactivate = false; activate_now = false; } } else if (deactivate) { gc->activate_hook = false; } if (!obs_source_showing(gc->source)) { if (gc->showing) { if (gc->active) stop_capture(gc); gc->showing = false; } return; } else if (!gc->showing) { gc->retry_time = 10.0f * hook_rate_to_float(gc->config.hook_rate); } if (gc->hook_stop && object_signalled(gc->hook_stop)) { debug("hook stop signal received"); stop_capture(gc); } if (gc->active && deactivate) { stop_capture(gc); } if (gc->active && !gc->hook_ready && gc->process_id) { gc->hook_ready = open_event_gc(gc, EVENT_HOOK_READY); } if (gc->injector_process && object_signalled(gc->injector_process)) { DWORD exit_code = 0; GetExitCodeProcess(gc->injector_process, &exit_code); close_handle(&gc->injector_process); if (exit_code != 0) { warn("inject process failed: %ld", (long)exit_code); gc->error_acquiring = true; } else if (!gc->capturing) { gc->retry_interval = ERROR_RETRY_INTERVAL * hook_rate_to_float(gc->config.hook_rate); stop_capture(gc); } } if (gc->hook_ready && object_signalled(gc->hook_ready)) { debug("capture initializing!"); enum capture_result result = init_capture_data(gc); if (result == CAPTURE_SUCCESS) gc->capturing = start_capture(gc); else debug("init_capture_data failed"); // If capture was successful, send a hooked signal if (gc->capturing) { if (gc->config.mode == CAPTURE_MODE_ANY) { ms_get_window_exe(&gc->executable, gc->window); ms_get_window_title(&gc->title, gc->window); ms_get_window_class(&gc->class, gc->window); } signal_handler_t *sh = obs_source_get_signal_handler(gc->source); calldata_t data = {0}; calldata_set_ptr(&data, "source", gc->source); calldata_set_string(&data, "title", gc->title.array); calldata_set_string(&data, "class", gc->class.array); calldata_set_string(&data, "executable", gc->executable.array); signal_handler_signal(sh, "hooked", &data); calldata_free(&data); if (gc->audio_source) { reconfigure_audio_source(gc->audio_source, gc->window); } } if (result != CAPTURE_RETRY && !gc->capturing) { gc->retry_interval = ERROR_RETRY_INTERVAL * hook_rate_to_float(gc->config.hook_rate); stop_capture(gc); } } gc->retry_time += seconds; if (!gc->active) { if (!gc->error_acquiring && gc->retry_time > gc->retry_interval) { if (gc->config.mode == CAPTURE_MODE_ANY || gc->activate_hook) { try_hook(gc); gc->retry_time = 0.0f; } } } else { if (!capture_valid(gc)) { info("capture window no longer exists, " "terminating capture"); stop_capture(gc); } else { if (gc->copy_texture) { obs_enter_graphics(); gc->copy_texture(gc); obs_leave_graphics(); } if (gc->config.cursor) { DPI_AWARENESS_CONTEXT previous = NULL; if (gc->get_window_dpi_awareness_context != NULL) { const DPI_AWARENESS_CONTEXT context = gc->get_window_dpi_awareness_context( gc->window); previous = gc->set_thread_dpi_awareness_context( context); } check_foreground_window(gc, seconds); obs_enter_graphics(); cursor_capture(&gc->cursor_data); obs_leave_graphics(); if (previous) { gc->set_thread_dpi_awareness_context( previous); } } gc->fps_reset_time += seconds; if (gc->fps_reset_time >= gc->retry_interval) { reset_frame_interval(gc); gc->fps_reset_time = 0.0f; } } } if (!gc->showing) gc->showing = true; } static inline void game_capture_render_cursor(struct game_capture *gc) { POINT p = {0}; HWND window; if (!gc->global_hook_info->cx || !gc->global_hook_info->cy) return; window = !!gc->global_hook_info->window ? (HWND)(uintptr_t)gc->global_hook_info->window : gc->window; DPI_AWARENESS_CONTEXT previous = NULL; if (gc->get_window_dpi_awareness_context != NULL) { const DPI_AWARENESS_CONTEXT context = gc->get_window_dpi_awareness_context(gc->window); previous = gc->set_thread_dpi_awareness_context(context); } ClientToScreen(window, &p); if (previous) gc->set_thread_dpi_awareness_context(previous); cursor_draw(&gc->cursor_data, -p.x, -p.y, gc->global_hook_info->cx, gc->global_hook_info->cy); } static void game_capture_render(void *data, gs_effect_t *unused) { UNUSED_PARAMETER(unused); struct game_capture *gc = data; if (!gc->texture || !gc->active) return; const bool allow_transparency = gc->config.allow_transparency; gs_effect_t *const effect = obs_get_base_effect( allow_transparency ? OBS_EFFECT_DEFAULT : OBS_EFFECT_OPAQUE); gs_texture_t *texture = gc->texture; enum gs_color_space source_space = GS_CS_SRGB; bool is_10a2_compressed = false; if (gs_texture_get_color_format(texture) == GS_R10G10B10A2) { is_10a2_compressed = true; source_space = gc->is_10a2_2100pq ? GS_CS_709_EXTENDED : GS_CS_SRGB_16F; } else if (gs_texture_get_color_format(texture) == GS_RGBA16F) { source_space = GS_CS_709_SCRGB; } bool linear_sample = gc->linear_sample; const enum gs_color_space current_space = gs_get_color_space(); const bool texcoords_centered = obs_source_get_texcoords_centered(gc->source); if (!linear_sample && !texcoords_centered) { if (gs_texture_get_color_format(texture) == GS_R10G10B10A2) { gs_texrender_t *const texrender = gc->extra_texrender; gs_texrender_reset(texrender); const uint32_t cx = gs_texture_get_width(texture); const uint32_t cy = gs_texture_get_height(texture); if (gs_texrender_begin(texrender, cx, cy)) { gs_effect_t *const default_effect = obs_get_base_effect(OBS_EFFECT_DEFAULT); gs_enable_blending(false); gs_ortho(0.0f, (float)cx, 0.0f, (float)cy, -100.0f, 100.0f); gs_eparam_t *const image = gs_effect_get_param_by_name( default_effect, "image"); gs_effect_set_texture(image, texture); const char *tech_name = "DrawSrgbDecompress"; if (gc->is_10a2_2100pq) { tech_name = "DrawPQ"; const float multiplier = 10000.f / obs_get_video_sdr_white_level(); gs_effect_set_float( gs_effect_get_param_by_name( default_effect, "multiplier"), multiplier); } while (gs_effect_loop(default_effect, tech_name)) { gs_draw_sprite(texture, 0, 0, 0); } gs_enable_blending(true); gs_texrender_end(texrender); texture = gs_texrender_get_texture(texrender); } is_10a2_compressed = false; } else { gs_texture_t *const extra_texture = gc->extra_texture; if (extra_texture) { gs_copy_texture(extra_texture, texture); texture = extra_texture; } else { gs_texrender_t *const texrender = gc->extra_texrender; gs_texrender_reset(texrender); const uint32_t cx = gs_texture_get_width(texture); const uint32_t cy = gs_texture_get_height(texture); if (gs_texrender_begin(texrender, cx, cy)) { gs_effect_t *const default_effect = obs_get_base_effect( OBS_EFFECT_DEFAULT); const bool previous = gs_framebuffer_srgb_enabled(); gs_enable_framebuffer_srgb(false); gs_enable_blending(false); gs_ortho(0.0f, (float)cx, 0.0f, (float)cy, -100.0f, 100.0f); gs_eparam_t *const image = gs_effect_get_param_by_name( default_effect, "image"); gs_effect_set_texture(image, texture); while (gs_effect_loop(default_effect, "Draw")) { gs_draw_sprite(texture, 0, 0, 0); } gs_enable_blending(true); gs_enable_framebuffer_srgb(previous); gs_texrender_end(texrender); texture = gs_texrender_get_texture( texrender); } } } linear_sample = true; } gs_eparam_t *const image = gs_effect_get_param_by_name(effect, "image"); const uint32_t flip = gc->global_hook_info->flip ? GS_FLIP_V : 0; const char *tech_name = "Draw"; float multiplier = 1.f; switch (source_space) { case GS_CS_SRGB: switch (current_space) { case GS_CS_SRGB: if (allow_transparency && !linear_sample) tech_name = "DrawSrgbDecompress"; break; case GS_CS_SRGB_16F: case GS_CS_709_EXTENDED: if (!linear_sample) tech_name = "DrawSrgbDecompress"; break; case GS_CS_709_SCRGB: if (linear_sample) tech_name = "DrawMultiply"; else tech_name = "DrawSrgbDecompressMultiply"; multiplier = obs_get_video_sdr_white_level() / 80.f; } break; case GS_CS_SRGB_16F: linear_sample = true; switch (current_space) { case GS_CS_SRGB: case GS_CS_SRGB_16F: case GS_CS_709_EXTENDED: tech_name = is_10a2_compressed ? "DrawSrgbDecompress" : "Draw"; break; case GS_CS_709_SCRGB: tech_name = is_10a2_compressed ? "DrawSrgbDecompressMultiply" : "DrawMultiply"; multiplier = obs_get_video_sdr_white_level() / 80.f; } break; case GS_CS_709_EXTENDED: linear_sample = true; if (is_10a2_compressed) { switch (current_space) { case GS_CS_SRGB: case GS_CS_SRGB_16F: tech_name = "DrawTonemapPQ"; multiplier = 10000.f / obs_get_video_sdr_white_level(); break; case GS_CS_709_EXTENDED: tech_name = "DrawPQ"; multiplier = 10000.f / obs_get_video_sdr_white_level(); break; case GS_CS_709_SCRGB: tech_name = "DrawPQ"; multiplier = 10000.f / 80.f; } } else { switch (current_space) { case GS_CS_SRGB: case GS_CS_SRGB_16F: tech_name = "DrawTonemap"; break; case GS_CS_709_SCRGB: tech_name = "DrawMultiply"; multiplier = obs_get_video_sdr_white_level() / 80.f; } } break; case GS_CS_709_SCRGB: linear_sample = true; switch (current_space) { case GS_CS_SRGB: case GS_CS_SRGB_16F: tech_name = "DrawMultiplyTonemap"; multiplier = 80.f / obs_get_video_sdr_white_level(); break; case GS_CS_709_EXTENDED: tech_name = "DrawMultiply"; multiplier = 80.f / obs_get_video_sdr_white_level(); } } while (gs_effect_loop(effect, tech_name)) { const bool previous = gs_framebuffer_srgb_enabled(); gs_enable_framebuffer_srgb(allow_transparency || linear_sample); gs_blend_state_push(); gs_enable_blending(allow_transparency); gs_blend_function_separate(gc->config.premultiplied_alpha ? GS_BLEND_ONE : GS_BLEND_SRCALPHA, GS_BLEND_INVSRCALPHA, GS_BLEND_ONE, GS_BLEND_INVSRCALPHA); if (linear_sample) gs_effect_set_texture_srgb(image, texture); else gs_effect_set_texture(image, texture); gs_effect_set_float(gs_effect_get_param_by_name(effect, "multiplier"), multiplier); gs_draw_sprite(texture, flip, 0, 0); gs_blend_state_pop(); gs_enable_framebuffer_srgb(previous); } if (gc->config.cursor && !gc->cursor_hidden) { gs_effect_t *const default_effect = obs_get_base_effect(OBS_EFFECT_DEFAULT); const char *cursor_tech_name = "Draw"; float cursor_multiplier = 1.f; if (current_space == GS_CS_709_SCRGB) { cursor_tech_name = "DrawMultiply"; cursor_multiplier = obs_get_video_sdr_white_level() / 80.f; } const bool previous = gs_set_linear_srgb(true); while (gs_effect_loop(default_effect, cursor_tech_name)) { gs_effect_set_float(gs_effect_get_param_by_name( effect, "multiplier"), cursor_multiplier); game_capture_render_cursor(gc); } gs_set_linear_srgb(previous); } } static uint32_t game_capture_width(void *data) { struct game_capture *gc = data; return (gc->active && gc->capturing) ? gc->cx : 0; } static uint32_t game_capture_height(void *data) { struct game_capture *gc = data; return (gc->active && gc->capturing) ? gc->cy : 0; } static const char *game_capture_name(void *unused) { UNUSED_PARAMETER(unused); return TEXT_GAME_CAPTURE; } static void game_capture_defaults(obs_data_t *settings) { obs_data_set_default_string(settings, SETTING_MODE, SETTING_MODE_ANY); obs_data_set_default_int(settings, SETTING_WINDOW_PRIORITY, (int)WINDOW_PRIORITY_EXE); obs_data_set_default_bool(settings, SETTING_COMPATIBILITY, false); obs_data_set_default_bool(settings, SETTING_CURSOR, true); obs_data_set_default_bool(settings, SETTING_TRANSPARENCY, false); obs_data_set_default_bool(settings, SETTING_PREMULTIPLIED_ALPHA, false); obs_data_set_default_bool(settings, SETTING_LIMIT_FRAMERATE, false); obs_data_set_default_bool(settings, SETTING_CAPTURE_OVERLAYS, false); obs_data_set_default_bool(settings, SETTING_ANTI_CHEAT_HOOK, true); obs_data_set_default_int(settings, SETTING_HOOK_RATE, (int)HOOK_RATE_NORMAL); obs_data_set_default_string(settings, SETTING_RGBA10A2_SPACE, RGBA10A2_SPACE_SRGB); } static bool mode_callback(obs_properties_t *ppts, obs_property_t *p, obs_data_t *settings) { bool capture_window; if (using_older_non_mode_format(settings)) { capture_window = !obs_data_get_bool(settings, SETTING_ANY_FULLSCREEN); } else { const char *mode = obs_data_get_string(settings, SETTING_MODE); capture_window = strcmp(mode, SETTING_MODE_WINDOW) == 0; } p = obs_properties_get(ppts, SETTING_CAPTURE_WINDOW); obs_property_set_visible(p, capture_window); p = obs_properties_get(ppts, SETTING_WINDOW_PRIORITY); obs_property_set_visible(p, capture_window); return true; } static bool window_changed_callback(obs_properties_t *ppts, obs_property_t *p, obs_data_t *settings) { bool modified = ms_check_window_property_setting( ppts, p, settings, SETTING_CAPTURE_WINDOW, 1); bool capture_any; if (using_older_non_mode_format(settings)) { capture_any = obs_data_get_bool(settings, SETTING_ANY_FULLSCREEN); } else { const char *mode = obs_data_get_string(settings, SETTING_MODE); capture_any = strcmp(mode, SETTING_MODE_ANY) == 0 || strcmp(mode, SETTING_MODE_HOTKEY) == 0; } if (capture_any) return modified; const char *window = obs_data_get_string(settings, SETTING_CAPTURE_WINDOW); char *class; char *exe; char *title; ms_build_window_strings(window, &class, &title, &exe); struct compat_result *compat = check_compatibility(title, class, exe, GAME_CAPTURE); bfree(title); bfree(exe); bfree(class); obs_property_t *p_warn = obs_properties_get(ppts, SETTINGS_COMPAT_INFO); if (!compat) { modified = obs_property_visible(p_warn) || modified; obs_property_set_visible(p_warn, false); return modified; } obs_property_set_long_description(p_warn, compat->message); obs_property_text_set_info_type(p_warn, compat->severity); obs_property_set_visible(p_warn, true); compat_result_free(compat); return true; } static BOOL CALLBACK EnumFirstMonitor(HMONITOR monitor, HDC hdc, LPRECT rc, LPARAM data) { *(HMONITOR *)data = monitor; UNUSED_PARAMETER(hdc); UNUSED_PARAMETER(rc); return false; } static bool window_not_blacklisted(const char *title, const char *class, const char *exe) { UNUSED_PARAMETER(title); UNUSED_PARAMETER(class); return !is_blacklisted_exe(exe); } static obs_properties_t *game_capture_properties(void *data) { HMONITOR monitor; uint32_t cx = 1920; uint32_t cy = 1080; /* scaling is free form, this is mostly just to provide some common * values */ bool success = !!EnumDisplayMonitors(NULL, NULL, EnumFirstMonitor, (LPARAM)&monitor); if (success) { MONITORINFO mi = {0}; mi.cbSize = sizeof(mi); if (!!GetMonitorInfo(monitor, &mi)) { cx = (uint32_t)(mi.rcMonitor.right - mi.rcMonitor.left); cy = (uint32_t)(mi.rcMonitor.bottom - mi.rcMonitor.top); } } /* update from deprecated settings */ if (data) { struct game_capture *gc = data; obs_data_t *settings = obs_source_get_settings(gc->source); if (using_older_non_mode_format(settings)) { bool any = obs_data_get_bool(settings, SETTING_ANY_FULLSCREEN); const char *mode = any ? SETTING_MODE_ANY : SETTING_MODE_WINDOW; obs_data_set_string(settings, SETTING_MODE, mode); } obs_data_release(settings); } obs_properties_t *ppts = obs_properties_create(); obs_property_t *p; p = obs_properties_add_list(ppts, SETTING_MODE, TEXT_MODE, OBS_COMBO_TYPE_LIST, OBS_COMBO_FORMAT_STRING); obs_property_list_add_string(p, TEXT_MODE_ANY, SETTING_MODE_ANY); obs_property_list_add_string(p, TEXT_MODE_WINDOW, SETTING_MODE_WINDOW); obs_property_list_add_string(p, TEXT_MODE_HOTKEY, SETTING_MODE_HOTKEY); obs_property_set_modified_callback(p, mode_callback); p = obs_properties_add_list(ppts, SETTING_CAPTURE_WINDOW, TEXT_WINDOW, OBS_COMBO_TYPE_LIST, OBS_COMBO_FORMAT_STRING); obs_property_list_add_string(p, "", ""); ms_fill_window_list(p, INCLUDE_MINIMIZED, window_not_blacklisted); obs_property_set_modified_callback(p, window_changed_callback); p = obs_properties_add_list(ppts, SETTING_WINDOW_PRIORITY, TEXT_MATCH_PRIORITY, OBS_COMBO_TYPE_LIST, OBS_COMBO_FORMAT_INT); obs_property_list_add_int(p, TEXT_MATCH_TITLE, WINDOW_PRIORITY_TITLE); obs_property_list_add_int(p, TEXT_MATCH_CLASS, WINDOW_PRIORITY_CLASS); obs_property_list_add_int(p, TEXT_MATCH_EXE, WINDOW_PRIORITY_EXE); p = obs_properties_add_text(ppts, SETTINGS_COMPAT_INFO, NULL, OBS_TEXT_INFO); obs_property_set_enabled(p, false); if (audio_capture_available()) { p = obs_properties_add_bool(ppts, SETTING_CAPTURE_AUDIO, TEXT_CAPTURE_AUDIO); obs_property_set_long_description(p, TEXT_CAPTURE_AUDIO_TT); } obs_properties_add_bool(ppts, SETTING_COMPATIBILITY, TEXT_SLI_COMPATIBILITY); obs_properties_add_bool(ppts, SETTING_TRANSPARENCY, TEXT_ALLOW_TRANSPARENCY); obs_properties_add_bool(ppts, SETTING_PREMULTIPLIED_ALPHA, TEXT_PREMULTIPLIED_ALPHA); obs_properties_add_bool(ppts, SETTING_LIMIT_FRAMERATE, TEXT_LIMIT_FRAMERATE); obs_properties_add_bool(ppts, SETTING_CURSOR, TEXT_CAPTURE_CURSOR); obs_properties_add_bool(ppts, SETTING_ANTI_CHEAT_HOOK, TEXT_ANTI_CHEAT_HOOK); obs_properties_add_bool(ppts, SETTING_CAPTURE_OVERLAYS, TEXT_CAPTURE_OVERLAYS); p = obs_properties_add_list(ppts, SETTING_HOOK_RATE, TEXT_HOOK_RATE, OBS_COMBO_TYPE_LIST, OBS_COMBO_FORMAT_INT); obs_property_list_add_int(p, TEXT_HOOK_RATE_SLOW, HOOK_RATE_SLOW); obs_property_list_add_int(p, TEXT_HOOK_RATE_NORMAL, HOOK_RATE_NORMAL); obs_property_list_add_int(p, TEXT_HOOK_RATE_FAST, HOOK_RATE_FAST); obs_property_list_add_int(p, TEXT_HOOK_RATE_FASTEST, HOOK_RATE_FASTEST); p = obs_properties_add_list(ppts, SETTING_RGBA10A2_SPACE, TEXT_RGBA10A2_SPACE, OBS_COMBO_TYPE_LIST, OBS_COMBO_FORMAT_STRING); obs_property_list_add_string(p, TEXT_RGBA10A2_SPACE_SRGB, RGBA10A2_SPACE_SRGB); obs_property_list_add_string(p, TEXT_RGBA10A2_SPACE_2100PQ, RGBA10A2_SPACE_2100PQ); return ppts; } enum gs_color_space game_capture_get_color_space(void *data, size_t count, const enum gs_color_space *preferred_spaces) { enum gs_color_space capture_space = GS_CS_SRGB; struct game_capture *const gc = data; if (gc->texture) { const enum gs_color_format format = gs_texture_get_color_format(gc->texture); if (((format == GS_R10G10B10A2) && gc->is_10a2_2100pq) || (format == GS_RGBA16F)) { for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) { if (preferred_spaces[i] == GS_CS_709_SCRGB) return GS_CS_709_SCRGB; } capture_space = GS_CS_709_EXTENDED; } else if (format == GS_R10G10B10A2) { for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) { if (preferred_spaces[i] == GS_CS_SRGB_16F) return GS_CS_SRGB_16F; } capture_space = GS_CS_709_EXTENDED; } } enum gs_color_space space = capture_space; for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) { const enum gs_color_space preferred_space = preferred_spaces[i]; space = preferred_space; if (preferred_space == capture_space) break; } return space; } static void game_capture_enum(void *data, obs_source_enum_proc_t cb, void *param) { struct game_capture *gc = data; if (gc->audio_source) cb(gc->source, gc->audio_source, param); } struct obs_source_info game_capture_info = { .id = "game_capture", .type = OBS_SOURCE_TYPE_INPUT, .output_flags = OBS_SOURCE_VIDEO | OBS_SOURCE_AUDIO | OBS_SOURCE_CUSTOM_DRAW | OBS_SOURCE_DO_NOT_DUPLICATE | OBS_SOURCE_SRGB, .get_name = game_capture_name, .create = game_capture_create, .destroy = game_capture_destroy, .get_width = game_capture_width, .get_height = game_capture_height, .get_defaults = game_capture_defaults, .get_properties = game_capture_properties, .enum_active_sources = game_capture_enum, .update = game_capture_update, .video_tick = game_capture_tick, .video_render = game_capture_render, .icon_type = OBS_ICON_TYPE_GAME_CAPTURE, .video_get_color_space = game_capture_get_color_space, };