#include #include #include #include #include #include "compat-helpers.h" #include "compat-format-ver.h" enum match_flags { MATCH_EXE = 1 << 0, MATCH_TITLE = 1 << 1, MATCH_CLASS = 1 << 2, }; static inline const char *get_string_val(json_t *entry, const char *key) { json_t *str_val = json_object_get(entry, key); if (!str_val || !json_is_string(str_val)) return NULL; return json_string_value(str_val); } static inline int get_int_val(json_t *entry, const char *key) { json_t *integer_val = json_object_get(entry, key); if (!integer_val || !json_is_integer(integer_val)) return 0; return (int)json_integer_value(integer_val); } static inline bool get_bool_val(json_t *entry, const char *key) { json_t *bool_val = json_object_get(entry, key); if (!bool_val || !json_is_boolean(bool_val)) return false; return json_is_true(bool_val); } static json_t *open_json_file(const char *file) { char *file_data = os_quick_read_utf8_file(file); json_error_t error; json_t *root; json_t *list; int format_ver; if (!file_data) return NULL; root = json_loads(file_data, JSON_REJECT_DUPLICATES, &error); bfree(file_data); if (!root) { blog(LOG_WARNING, "compat-helpers.c: [open_json_file] " "Error reading JSON file (%d): %s", error.line, error.text); return NULL; } format_ver = get_int_val(root, "format_version"); if (format_ver != COMPAT_FORMAT_VERSION) { blog(LOG_DEBUG, "compat-helpers.c: [open_json_file] " "Wrong format version (%d), expected %d", format_ver, COMPAT_FORMAT_VERSION); json_decref(root); return NULL; } list = json_object_get(root, "entries"); if (list) json_incref(list); json_decref(root); if (!list) { blog(LOG_WARNING, "compat-helpers.c: [open_json_file] " "No compatibility list"); return NULL; } return list; } static json_t *open_compat_file(void) { char *file; json_t *root = NULL; file = obs_module_config_path("compatibility.json"); if (file) { root = open_json_file(file); bfree(file); } if (!root) { file = obs_module_file("compatibility.json"); if (file) { root = open_json_file(file); bfree(file); } } return root; } static json_t *compat_entries; struct compat_result *check_compatibility(const char *win_title, const char *win_class, const char *exe, enum source_type type) { if (!compat_entries) { json_t *root = open_compat_file(); if (!root) return NULL; compat_entries = root; } struct dstr message; struct compat_result *res = NULL; json_t *entry; size_t index; json_array_foreach (compat_entries, index, entry) { if (type == GAME_CAPTURE && !get_bool_val(entry, "game_capture")) continue; if (type == WINDOW_CAPTURE_WGC && !get_bool_val(entry, "window_capture_wgc")) continue; if (type == WINDOW_CAPTURE_BITBLT && !get_bool_val(entry, "window_capture")) continue; int match_flags = get_int_val(entry, "match_flags"); const char *j_exe = get_string_val(entry, "executable"); const char *j_title = get_string_val(entry, "window_title"); const char *j_class = get_string_val(entry, "window_class"); if ((match_flags & MATCH_CLASS) && (!win_class || strcmp(win_class, j_class) != 0)) continue; if ((match_flags & MATCH_EXE) && (!exe || astrcmpi(exe, j_exe) != 0)) continue; /* Title supports partial matches as some games append additional * information after the title, e.g., "Minecraft 1.18". */ if ((match_flags & MATCH_TITLE) && (!win_title || astrcmpi_n(win_title, j_title, strlen(j_title)) != 0)) continue; /* Attempt to translate and compile message */ const char *key = get_string_val(entry, "translation_key"); const char *msg = get_string_val(entry, "message"); obs_module_get_string(key, &msg); dstr_init_copy(&message, msg); const char *name = get_string_val(entry, "name"); /* Replace placeholders in generic messages */ if (name && dstr_find(&message, "%") != NULL) { dstr_replace(&message, "%name%", name); } const char *url = get_string_val(entry, "url"); /* Append clickable URL in Qt rich text */ if (url && strncmp(url, "https://", 8) == 0) { dstr_catf(&message, "
\n%s", url, url + 8); } res = bzalloc(sizeof(struct compat_result)); res->severity = get_int_val(entry, "severity"); res->message = message.array; break; } return res; } void compat_result_free(struct compat_result *res) { bfree(res->message); bfree(res); } void compat_json_free() { json_decref(compat_entries); }