RTMPStream="RTMP Stream" RTMPStream.DropThreshold="Drop Threshold" RTMPStream.BindIP="Bind IP" RTMPStream.NewSocketLoop="New Socket Loop" RTMPStream.LowLatencyMode="Low Latency Mode" FLVOutput="FLV File Output" FLVOutput.FilePath="File Path" Default="Default" IPFamily="IP Address Family" IPFamily.Both="IPv4 and IPv6 (Default)" IPFamily.V4Only="IPv4 Only" IPFamily.V6Only="IPv6 Only" ConnectionTimedOut="The connection timed out. Make sure you've configured a valid streaming service and no firewall is blocking the connection." PermissionDenied="The connection was blocked. Check your firewall / anti-virus settings to make sure OBS is allowed full internet access." ConnectionAborted="The connection was aborted. This usually indicates internet connection problems between you and the streaming service." ConnectionReset="The connection was reset by the peer. This usually indicates internet connection problems between you and the streaming service." HostNotFound="Hostname not found. Make sure you entered a valid streaming server and your internet connection / DNS are working correctly." NoData="Hostname found, but no data of the requested type. This can occur if you have bound to an IPv6 address and your streaming service only has IPv4 addresses (see Settings → Advanced)." AddressNotAvailable="Address not available. You may have tried to bind to an invalid IP address (see Settings → Advanced)." SSLCertVerifyFailed="The RTMP server sent an invalid SSL certificate." InvalidParameter="Invalid connection parameters. Check that the streaming service address is correct." NoRoute="Error reaching host. Make sure that the interface you have bound can access the internet and that the streaming service supports the address family you selected (see Settings → Advanced)." FTLStream="FTL Stream" FTLStream.PeakBitrate="Peak Bitrate"