/* -LICENSE-START- ** Copyright (c) 2020 Blackmagic Design ** ** Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person or organization ** obtaining a copy of the software and accompanying documentation covered by ** this license (the "Software") to use, reproduce, display, distribute, ** execute, and transmit the Software, and to prepare derivative works of the ** Software, and to permit third-parties to whom the Software is furnished to ** do so, all subject to the following: ** ** The copyright notices in the Software and this entire statement, including ** the above license grant, this restriction and the following disclaimer, ** must be included in all copies of the Software, in whole or in part, and ** all derivative works of the Software, unless such copies or derivative ** works are solely in the form of machine-executable object code generated by ** a source language processor. ** ** THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR ** IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, ** FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, TITLE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT ** SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS OR ANYONE DISTRIBUTING THE SOFTWARE BE LIABLE ** FOR ANY DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ** ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER ** DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ** -LICENSE-END- */ #ifndef BMD_CONST #if defined(_MSC_VER) #define BMD_CONST __declspec(selectany) static const #else #define BMD_CONST static const #endif #endif // Type Declarations // Enumeration Mapping cpp_quote("typedef unsigned int BMDDeckControlStatusFlags;") cpp_quote("typedef unsigned int BMDDeckControlExportModeOpsFlags;") cpp_quote("#if 0") typedef enum _BMDDeckControlStatusFlags BMDDeckControlStatusFlags; typedef enum _BMDDeckControlExportModeOpsFlags BMDDeckControlExportModeOpsFlags; cpp_quote("#endif") /* Enum BMDDeckControlMode - DeckControl mode */ typedef [v1_enum] enum _BMDDeckControlMode { bmdDeckControlNotOpened = /* 'ntop' */ 0x6E746F70, bmdDeckControlVTRControlMode = /* 'vtrc' */ 0x76747263, bmdDeckControlExportMode = /* 'expm' */ 0x6578706D, bmdDeckControlCaptureMode = /* 'capm' */ 0x6361706D } BMDDeckControlMode; /* Enum BMDDeckControlEvent - DeckControl event */ typedef [v1_enum] enum _BMDDeckControlEvent { bmdDeckControlAbortedEvent = /* 'abte' */ 0x61627465, // This event is triggered when a capture or edit-to-tape operation is aborted. /* Export-To-Tape events */ bmdDeckControlPrepareForExportEvent = /* 'pfee' */ 0x70666565, // This event is triggered a few frames before reaching the in-point. IDeckLinkInput::StartScheduledPlayback should be called at this point. bmdDeckControlExportCompleteEvent = /* 'exce' */ 0x65786365, // This event is triggered a few frames after reaching the out-point. At this point, it is safe to stop playback. Upon reception of this event the deck's control mode is set back to bmdDeckControlVTRControlMode. /* Capture events */ bmdDeckControlPrepareForCaptureEvent = /* 'pfce' */ 0x70666365, // This event is triggered a few frames before reaching the in-point. The serial timecode attached to IDeckLinkVideoInputFrames is now valid. bmdDeckControlCaptureCompleteEvent = /* 'ccev' */ 0x63636576 // This event is triggered a few frames after reaching the out-point. Upon reception of this event the deck's control mode is set back to bmdDeckControlVTRControlMode. } BMDDeckControlEvent; /* Enum BMDDeckControlVTRControlState - VTR Control state */ typedef [v1_enum] enum _BMDDeckControlVTRControlState { bmdDeckControlNotInVTRControlMode = /* 'nvcm' */ 0x6E76636D, bmdDeckControlVTRControlPlaying = /* 'vtrp' */ 0x76747270, bmdDeckControlVTRControlRecording = /* 'vtrr' */ 0x76747272, bmdDeckControlVTRControlStill = /* 'vtra' */ 0x76747261, bmdDeckControlVTRControlShuttleForward = /* 'vtsf' */ 0x76747366, bmdDeckControlVTRControlShuttleReverse = /* 'vtsr' */ 0x76747372, bmdDeckControlVTRControlJogForward = /* 'vtjf' */ 0x76746A66, bmdDeckControlVTRControlJogReverse = /* 'vtjr' */ 0x76746A72, bmdDeckControlVTRControlStopped = /* 'vtro' */ 0x7674726F } BMDDeckControlVTRControlState; /* Enum BMDDeckControlStatusFlags - Deck Control status flags */ [v1_enum] enum _BMDDeckControlStatusFlags { bmdDeckControlStatusDeckConnected = 1 << 0, bmdDeckControlStatusRemoteMode = 1 << 1, bmdDeckControlStatusRecordInhibited = 1 << 2, bmdDeckControlStatusCassetteOut = 1 << 3 }; /* Enum BMDDeckControlExportModeOpsFlags - Export mode flags */ [v1_enum] enum _BMDDeckControlExportModeOpsFlags { bmdDeckControlExportModeInsertVideo = 1 << 0, bmdDeckControlExportModeInsertAudio1 = 1 << 1, bmdDeckControlExportModeInsertAudio2 = 1 << 2, bmdDeckControlExportModeInsertAudio3 = 1 << 3, bmdDeckControlExportModeInsertAudio4 = 1 << 4, bmdDeckControlExportModeInsertAudio5 = 1 << 5, bmdDeckControlExportModeInsertAudio6 = 1 << 6, bmdDeckControlExportModeInsertAudio7 = 1 << 7, bmdDeckControlExportModeInsertAudio8 = 1 << 8, bmdDeckControlExportModeInsertAudio9 = 1 << 9, bmdDeckControlExportModeInsertAudio10 = 1 << 10, bmdDeckControlExportModeInsertAudio11 = 1 << 11, bmdDeckControlExportModeInsertAudio12 = 1 << 12, bmdDeckControlExportModeInsertTimeCode = 1 << 13, bmdDeckControlExportModeInsertAssemble = 1 << 14, bmdDeckControlExportModeInsertPreview = 1 << 15, bmdDeckControlUseManualExport = 1 << 16 }; /* Enum BMDDeckControlError - Deck Control error */ typedef [v1_enum] enum _BMDDeckControlError { bmdDeckControlNoError = /* 'noer' */ 0x6E6F6572, bmdDeckControlModeError = /* 'moer' */ 0x6D6F6572, bmdDeckControlMissedInPointError = /* 'mier' */ 0x6D696572, bmdDeckControlDeckTimeoutError = /* 'dter' */ 0x64746572, bmdDeckControlCommandFailedError = /* 'cfer' */ 0x63666572, bmdDeckControlDeviceAlreadyOpenedError = /* 'dalo' */ 0x64616C6F, bmdDeckControlFailedToOpenDeviceError = /* 'fder' */ 0x66646572, bmdDeckControlInLocalModeError = /* 'lmer' */ 0x6C6D6572, bmdDeckControlEndOfTapeError = /* 'eter' */ 0x65746572, bmdDeckControlUserAbortError = /* 'uaer' */ 0x75616572, bmdDeckControlNoTapeInDeckError = /* 'nter' */ 0x6E746572, bmdDeckControlNoVideoFromCardError = /* 'nvfc' */ 0x6E766663, bmdDeckControlNoCommunicationError = /* 'ncom' */ 0x6E636F6D, bmdDeckControlBufferTooSmallError = /* 'btsm' */ 0x6274736D, bmdDeckControlBadChecksumError = /* 'chks' */ 0x63686B73, bmdDeckControlUnknownError = /* 'uner' */ 0x756E6572 } BMDDeckControlError; // Forward Declarations interface IDeckLinkDeckControlStatusCallback; interface IDeckLinkDeckControl; /* Interface IDeckLinkDeckControlStatusCallback - Deck control state change callback. */ [ object, uuid(53436FFB-B434-4906-BADC-AE3060FFE8EF), helpstring("Deck control state change callback.") ] interface IDeckLinkDeckControlStatusCallback : IUnknown { HRESULT TimecodeUpdate ([in] BMDTimecodeBCD currentTimecode); HRESULT VTRControlStateChanged ([in] BMDDeckControlVTRControlState newState, [in] BMDDeckControlError error); HRESULT DeckControlEventReceived ([in] BMDDeckControlEvent event, [in] BMDDeckControlError error); HRESULT DeckControlStatusChanged ([in] BMDDeckControlStatusFlags flags, [in] unsigned int mask); }; /* Interface IDeckLinkDeckControl - Deck Control main interface */ [ object, uuid(8E1C3ACE-19C7-4E00-8B92-D80431D958BE), helpstring("Deck Control main interface") ] interface IDeckLinkDeckControl : IUnknown { HRESULT Open ([in] BMDTimeScale timeScale, [in] BMDTimeValue timeValue, [in] BOOL timecodeIsDropFrame, [out] BMDDeckControlError* error); HRESULT Close ([in] BOOL standbyOn); HRESULT GetCurrentState ([out] BMDDeckControlMode* mode, [out] BMDDeckControlVTRControlState* vtrControlState, [out] BMDDeckControlStatusFlags* flags); HRESULT SetStandby ([in] BOOL standbyOn); HRESULT SendCommand ([in] unsigned char* inBuffer, [in] unsigned int inBufferSize, [out] unsigned char* outBuffer, [out] unsigned int* outDataSize, [in] unsigned int outBufferSize, [out] BMDDeckControlError* error); HRESULT Play ([out] BMDDeckControlError* error); HRESULT Stop ([out] BMDDeckControlError* error); HRESULT TogglePlayStop ([out] BMDDeckControlError* error); HRESULT Eject ([out] BMDDeckControlError* error); HRESULT GoToTimecode ([in] BMDTimecodeBCD timecode, [out] BMDDeckControlError* error); HRESULT FastForward ([in] BOOL viewTape, [out] BMDDeckControlError* error); HRESULT Rewind ([in] BOOL viewTape, [out] BMDDeckControlError* error); HRESULT StepForward ([out] BMDDeckControlError* error); HRESULT StepBack ([out] BMDDeckControlError* error); HRESULT Jog ([in] double rate, [out] BMDDeckControlError* error); HRESULT Shuttle ([in] double rate, [out] BMDDeckControlError* error); HRESULT GetTimecodeString ([out] BSTR* currentTimeCode, [out] BMDDeckControlError* error); HRESULT GetTimecode ([out] IDeckLinkTimecode** currentTimecode, [out] BMDDeckControlError* error); HRESULT GetTimecodeBCD ([out] BMDTimecodeBCD* currentTimecode, [out] BMDDeckControlError* error); HRESULT SetPreroll ([in] unsigned int prerollSeconds); HRESULT GetPreroll ([out] unsigned int* prerollSeconds); HRESULT SetExportOffset ([in] int exportOffsetFields); HRESULT GetExportOffset ([out] int* exportOffsetFields); HRESULT GetManualExportOffset ([out] int* deckManualExportOffsetFields); HRESULT SetCaptureOffset ([in] int captureOffsetFields); HRESULT GetCaptureOffset ([out] int* captureOffsetFields); HRESULT StartExport ([in] BMDTimecodeBCD inTimecode, [in] BMDTimecodeBCD outTimecode, [in] BMDDeckControlExportModeOpsFlags exportModeOps, [out] BMDDeckControlError* error); HRESULT StartCapture ([in] BOOL useVITC, [in] BMDTimecodeBCD inTimecode, [in] BMDTimecodeBCD outTimecode, [out] BMDDeckControlError* error); HRESULT GetDeviceID ([out] unsigned short* deviceId, [out] BMDDeckControlError* error); HRESULT Abort (void); HRESULT CrashRecordStart ([out] BMDDeckControlError* error); HRESULT CrashRecordStop ([out] BMDDeckControlError* error); HRESULT SetCallback ([in] IDeckLinkDeckControlStatusCallback* callback); }; /* Coclasses */ importlib("stdole2.tlb");