/* * Copyright (c) 2023 Lain Bailey * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ #include #include #include "platform.h" #include "cf-lexer.h" static inline void cf_convert_from_escape_literal(char **p_dst, const char **p_src) { char *dst = *p_dst; const char *src = *p_src; switch (*(src++)) { case '\'': *(dst++) = '\''; break; case '\"': *(dst++) = '\"'; break; case '\?': *(dst++) = '\?'; break; case '\\': *(dst++) = '\\'; break; case '0': *(dst++) = '\0'; break; case 'a': *(dst++) = '\a'; break; case 'b': *(dst++) = '\b'; break; case 'f': *(dst++) = '\f'; break; case 'n': *(dst++) = '\n'; break; case 'r': *(dst++) = '\r'; break; case 't': *(dst++) = '\t'; break; case 'v': *(dst++) = '\v'; break; /* hex */ case 'X': case 'x': *(dst++) = (char)strtoul(src, NULL, 16); src += 2; break; /* oct */ default: if (isdigit(*src)) { *(dst++) = (char)strtoul(src, NULL, 8); src += 3; } /* case 'u': case 'U': */ } *p_dst = dst; *p_src = src; } char *cf_literal_to_str(const char *literal, size_t count) { const char *temp_src; char *str, *temp_dst; if (!count) count = strlen(literal); if (count < 2) return NULL; if (literal[0] != literal[count - 1]) return NULL; if (literal[0] != '\"' && literal[0] != '\'') return NULL; /* strip leading and trailing quote characters */ str = bzalloc(--count); temp_src = literal + 1; temp_dst = str; while (*temp_src && --count > 0) { if (*temp_src == '\\') { temp_src++; cf_convert_from_escape_literal(&temp_dst, &temp_src); } else { *(temp_dst++) = *(temp_src++); } } *temp_dst = 0; return str; } static bool cf_is_token_break(struct base_token *start_token, const struct base_token *token) { switch (start_token->type) { case BASETOKEN_ALPHA: if (token->type == BASETOKEN_OTHER || token->type == BASETOKEN_WHITESPACE) return true; break; case BASETOKEN_DIGIT: if (token->type == BASETOKEN_WHITESPACE || (token->type == BASETOKEN_OTHER && *token->text.array != '.')) return true; break; case BASETOKEN_WHITESPACE: /* lump all non-newline whitespace together when possible */ if (is_space_or_tab(*start_token->text.array) && is_space_or_tab(*token->text.array)) break; return true; case BASETOKEN_OTHER: if (*start_token->text.array == '.' && token->type == BASETOKEN_DIGIT) { start_token->type = BASETOKEN_DIGIT; break; } /* Falls through. */ case BASETOKEN_NONE: return true; } return false; } static inline bool cf_is_splice(const char *array) { return (*array == '\\' && is_newline(array[1])); } static inline void cf_pass_any_splices(const char **parray) { while (cf_is_splice(*parray)) *parray += 1 + newline_size((*parray) + 1); } static inline bool cf_is_comment(const char *array) { const char *offset = array; if (*offset++ == '/') { cf_pass_any_splices(&offset); return (*offset == '*' || *offset == '/'); } return false; } static bool cf_lexer_process_comment(struct cf_lexer *lex, struct cf_token *out_token) { const char *offset; if (!cf_is_comment(out_token->unmerged_str.array)) return false; offset = lex->base_lexer.offset; cf_pass_any_splices(&offset); strcpy(lex->write_offset++, " "); out_token->str.len = 1; if (*offset == '/') { while (*++offset && !is_newline(*offset)) cf_pass_any_splices(&offset); } else if (*offset == '*') { bool was_star = false; lex->unexpected_eof = true; while (*++offset) { cf_pass_any_splices(&offset); if (was_star && *offset == '/') { offset++; lex->unexpected_eof = false; break; } else { was_star = (*offset == '*'); } } } out_token->unmerged_str.len += (size_t)(offset - out_token->unmerged_str.array); out_token->type = CFTOKEN_SPACETAB; lex->base_lexer.offset = offset; return true; } static inline void cf_lexer_write_strref(struct cf_lexer *lex, const struct strref *ref) { strncpy(lex->write_offset, ref->array, ref->len); lex->write_offset[ref->len] = 0; lex->write_offset += ref->len; } static bool cf_lexer_is_include(struct cf_lexer *lex) { bool found_include_import = false; bool found_preprocessor = false; size_t i; for (i = lex->tokens.num; i > 0; i--) { struct cf_token *token = lex->tokens.array + (i - 1); if (is_space_or_tab(*token->str.array)) continue; if (!found_include_import) { if (strref_cmp(&token->str, "include") != 0 && strref_cmp(&token->str, "import") != 0) break; found_include_import = true; } else if (!found_preprocessor) { if (*token->str.array != '#') break; found_preprocessor = true; } else { return is_newline(*token->str.array); } } /* if starting line */ return found_preprocessor && found_include_import; } static void cf_lexer_getstrtoken(struct cf_lexer *lex, struct cf_token *out_token, char delimiter, bool allow_escaped_delimiters) { const char *offset = lex->base_lexer.offset; bool escaped = false; out_token->unmerged_str.len++; out_token->str.len++; cf_lexer_write_strref(lex, &out_token->unmerged_str); while (*offset) { cf_pass_any_splices(&offset); if (*offset == delimiter) { if (!escaped) { *lex->write_offset++ = *offset; out_token->str.len++; offset++; break; } } else if (is_newline(*offset)) { break; } *lex->write_offset++ = *offset; out_token->str.len++; escaped = (allow_escaped_delimiters && *offset == '\\'); offset++; } *lex->write_offset = 0; out_token->unmerged_str.len += (size_t)(offset - out_token->unmerged_str.array); out_token->type = CFTOKEN_STRING; lex->base_lexer.offset = offset; } static bool cf_lexer_process_string(struct cf_lexer *lex, struct cf_token *out_token) { char ch = *out_token->unmerged_str.array; if (ch == '<' && cf_lexer_is_include(lex)) { cf_lexer_getstrtoken(lex, out_token, '>', false); return true; } else if (ch == '"' || ch == '\'') { cf_lexer_getstrtoken(lex, out_token, ch, !cf_lexer_is_include(lex)); return true; } return false; } static inline enum cf_token_type cf_get_token_type(const struct cf_token *token, const struct base_token *start_token) { switch (start_token->type) { case BASETOKEN_ALPHA: return CFTOKEN_NAME; case BASETOKEN_DIGIT: return CFTOKEN_NUM; case BASETOKEN_WHITESPACE: if (is_newline(*token->str.array)) return CFTOKEN_NEWLINE; else return CFTOKEN_SPACETAB; case BASETOKEN_NONE: case BASETOKEN_OTHER: break; } return CFTOKEN_OTHER; } static bool cf_lexer_nexttoken(struct cf_lexer *lex, struct cf_token *out_token) { struct base_token token, start_token; bool wrote_data = false; base_token_clear(&token); base_token_clear(&start_token); cf_token_clear(out_token); while (lexer_getbasetoken(&lex->base_lexer, &token, PARSE_WHITESPACE)) { /* reclassify underscore as alpha for alnum tokens */ if (*token.text.array == '_') token.type = BASETOKEN_ALPHA; /* ignore escaped newlines to merge spliced lines */ if (cf_is_splice(token.text.array)) { lex->base_lexer.offset += newline_size(token.text.array + 1); continue; } if (!wrote_data) { out_token->unmerged_str.array = token.text.array; out_token->str.array = lex->write_offset; /* if comment then output a space */ if (cf_lexer_process_comment(lex, out_token)) return true; /* process string tokens if any */ if (cf_lexer_process_string(lex, out_token)) return true; base_token_copy(&start_token, &token); wrote_data = true; } else if (cf_is_token_break(&start_token, &token)) { lex->base_lexer.offset -= token.text.len; break; } /* write token to CF lexer to account for splicing/comments */ cf_lexer_write_strref(lex, &token.text); out_token->str.len += token.text.len; } if (wrote_data) { out_token->unmerged_str.len = (size_t)(lex->base_lexer.offset - out_token->unmerged_str.array); out_token->type = cf_get_token_type(out_token, &start_token); } return wrote_data; } void cf_lexer_init(struct cf_lexer *lex) { lexer_init(&lex->base_lexer); da_init(lex->tokens); lex->file = NULL; lex->reformatted = NULL; lex->write_offset = NULL; lex->unexpected_eof = false; } void cf_lexer_free(struct cf_lexer *lex) { bfree(lex->file); bfree(lex->reformatted); lexer_free(&lex->base_lexer); da_free(lex->tokens); lex->file = NULL; lex->reformatted = NULL; lex->write_offset = NULL; lex->unexpected_eof = false; } bool cf_lexer_lex(struct cf_lexer *lex, const char *str, const char *file) { struct cf_token token; struct cf_token *last_token = NULL; cf_lexer_free(lex); if (!str || !*str) return false; if (file) lex->file = bstrdup(file); lexer_start(&lex->base_lexer, str); cf_token_clear(&token); lex->reformatted = bmalloc(strlen(str) + 1); lex->reformatted[0] = 0; lex->write_offset = lex->reformatted; while (cf_lexer_nexttoken(lex, &token)) { if (last_token && is_space_or_tab(*last_token->str.array) && is_space_or_tab(*token.str.array)) { cf_token_add(last_token, &token); continue; } token.lex = lex; last_token = da_push_back_new(lex->tokens); memcpy(last_token, &token, sizeof(struct cf_token)); } cf_token_clear(&token); token.str.array = lex->write_offset; token.unmerged_str.array = lex->base_lexer.offset; token.lex = lex; da_push_back(lex->tokens, &token); return !lex->unexpected_eof; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ struct macro_param { struct cf_token name; cf_token_array_t tokens; }; static inline void macro_param_init(struct macro_param *param) { cf_token_clear(¶m->name); da_init(param->tokens); } static inline void macro_param_free(struct macro_param *param) { cf_token_clear(¶m->name); da_free(param->tokens); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ struct macro_params { DARRAY(struct macro_param) params; }; static inline void macro_params_init(struct macro_params *params) { da_init(params->params); } static inline void macro_params_free(struct macro_params *params) { size_t i; for (i = 0; i < params->params.num; i++) macro_param_free(params->params.array + i); da_free(params->params); } static inline struct macro_param * get_macro_param(const struct macro_params *params, const struct strref *name) { size_t i; if (!params) return NULL; for (i = 0; i < params->params.num; i++) { struct macro_param *param = params->params.array + i; if (strref_cmp_strref(¶m->name.str, name) == 0) return param; } return NULL; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static bool cf_preprocessor(struct cf_preprocessor *pp, bool if_block, struct cf_token **p_cur_token); static void cf_preprocess_tokens(struct cf_preprocessor *pp, bool if_block, struct cf_token **p_cur_token); static inline bool go_to_newline(struct cf_token **p_cur_token) { struct cf_token *cur_token = *p_cur_token; while (cur_token->type != CFTOKEN_NEWLINE && cur_token->type != CFTOKEN_NONE) cur_token++; *p_cur_token = cur_token; return cur_token->type != CFTOKEN_NONE; } static inline bool next_token(struct cf_token **p_cur_token, bool preprocessor) { struct cf_token *cur_token = *p_cur_token; if (cur_token->type != CFTOKEN_NONE) cur_token++; /* if preprocessor, stop at newline */ while (cur_token->type == CFTOKEN_SPACETAB && (preprocessor || cur_token->type == CFTOKEN_NEWLINE)) cur_token++; *p_cur_token = cur_token; return cur_token->type != CFTOKEN_NONE; } static inline void cf_gettokenoffset(struct cf_preprocessor *pp, const struct cf_token *token, uint32_t *row, uint32_t *col) { lexer_getstroffset(&pp->lex->base_lexer, token->unmerged_str.array, row, col); } static void cf_addew(struct cf_preprocessor *pp, const struct cf_token *token, const char *message, int error_level, const char *val1, const char *val2, const char *val3) { uint32_t row, col; cf_gettokenoffset(pp, token, &row, &col); if (!val1 && !val2 && !val3) { error_data_add(pp->ed, token->lex->file, row, col, message, error_level); } else { struct dstr formatted; dstr_init(&formatted); dstr_safe_printf(&formatted, message, val1, val2, val3, NULL); error_data_add(pp->ed, token->lex->file, row, col, formatted.array, error_level); dstr_free(&formatted); } } static inline void cf_adderror(struct cf_preprocessor *pp, const struct cf_token *token, const char *error, const char *val1, const char *val2, const char *val3) { cf_addew(pp, token, error, LEX_ERROR, val1, val2, val3); } static inline void cf_addwarning(struct cf_preprocessor *pp, const struct cf_token *token, const char *warning, const char *val1, const char *val2, const char *val3) { cf_addew(pp, token, warning, LEX_WARNING, val1, val2, val3); } static inline void cf_adderror_expecting(struct cf_preprocessor *pp, const struct cf_token *token, const char *expecting) { cf_adderror(pp, token, "Expected $1", expecting, NULL, NULL); } static inline void cf_adderror_expected_newline(struct cf_preprocessor *pp, const struct cf_token *token) { cf_adderror(pp, token, "Unexpected token after preprocessor, expected " "newline", NULL, NULL, NULL); } static inline void cf_adderror_unexpected_endif_eof(struct cf_preprocessor *pp, const struct cf_token *token) { cf_adderror(pp, token, "Unexpected end of file before #endif", NULL, NULL, NULL); } static inline void cf_adderror_unexpected_eof(struct cf_preprocessor *pp, const struct cf_token *token) { cf_adderror(pp, token, "Unexpected end of file", NULL, NULL, NULL); } static inline void insert_path(struct cf_preprocessor *pp, struct dstr *str_file) { const char *file; const char *slash; if (pp && pp->lex && pp->lex->file) { file = pp->lex->file; slash = strrchr(file, '/'); if (slash) { struct dstr path = {0}; dstr_ncopy(&path, file, slash - file + 1); dstr_insert_dstr(str_file, 0, &path); dstr_free(&path); } } } static void cf_include_file(struct cf_preprocessor *pp, const struct cf_token *file_token) { struct cf_lexer new_lex; struct dstr str_file; FILE *file; char *file_data; struct cf_token *tokens; size_t i; dstr_init(&str_file); dstr_copy_strref(&str_file, &file_token->str); dstr_mid(&str_file, &str_file, 1, str_file.len - 2); insert_path(pp, &str_file); /* if dependency already exists, run preprocessor on it */ for (i = 0; i < pp->dependencies.num; i++) { struct cf_lexer *dep = pp->dependencies.array + i; if (strcmp(dep->file, str_file.array) == 0) { tokens = cf_lexer_get_tokens(dep); cf_preprocess_tokens(pp, false, &tokens); goto exit; } } file = os_fopen(str_file.array, "rb"); if (!file) { cf_adderror(pp, file_token, "Could not open file '$1'", file_token->str.array, NULL, NULL); goto exit; } os_fread_utf8(file, &file_data); fclose(file); cf_lexer_init(&new_lex); cf_lexer_lex(&new_lex, file_data, str_file.array); tokens = cf_lexer_get_tokens(&new_lex); cf_preprocess_tokens(pp, false, &tokens); bfree(file_data); da_push_back(pp->dependencies, &new_lex); exit: dstr_free(&str_file); } static inline bool is_sys_include(struct strref *ref) { return ref->len >= 2 && ref->array[0] == '<' && ref->array[ref->len - 1] == '>'; } static inline bool is_loc_include(struct strref *ref) { return ref->len >= 2 && ref->array[0] == '"' && ref->array[ref->len - 1] == '"'; } static void cf_preprocess_include(struct cf_preprocessor *pp, struct cf_token **p_cur_token) { struct cf_token *cur_token = *p_cur_token; if (pp->ignore_state) { go_to_newline(p_cur_token); return; } next_token(&cur_token, true); if (cur_token->type != CFTOKEN_STRING) { cf_adderror_expecting(pp, cur_token, "string"); go_to_newline(&cur_token); goto exit; } if (is_sys_include(&cur_token->str)) { /* TODO */ } else if (is_loc_include(&cur_token->str)) { if (!pp->ignore_state) cf_include_file(pp, cur_token); } else { cf_adderror(pp, cur_token, "Invalid or incomplete string", NULL, NULL, NULL); go_to_newline(&cur_token); goto exit; } cur_token++; exit: *p_cur_token = cur_token; } static bool cf_preprocess_macro_params(struct cf_preprocessor *pp, struct cf_def *def, struct cf_token **p_cur_token) { struct cf_token *cur_token = *p_cur_token; bool success = false; def->macro = true; do { next_token(&cur_token, true); if (cur_token->type != CFTOKEN_NAME) { cf_adderror_expecting(pp, cur_token, "identifier"); go_to_newline(&cur_token); goto exit; } cf_def_addparam(def, cur_token); next_token(&cur_token, true); if (cur_token->type != CFTOKEN_OTHER || (*cur_token->str.array != ',' && *cur_token->str.array != ')')) { cf_adderror_expecting(pp, cur_token, "',' or ')'"); go_to_newline(&cur_token); goto exit; } } while (*cur_token->str.array != ')'); /* ended properly, now go to first define token (or newline) */ next_token(&cur_token, true); success = true; exit: *p_cur_token = cur_token; return success; } #define INVALID_INDEX ((size_t)-1) static inline size_t cf_preprocess_get_def_idx(struct cf_preprocessor *pp, const struct strref *def_name) { struct cf_def *array = pp->defines.array; size_t i; for (i = 0; i < pp->defines.num; i++) { struct cf_def *cur_def = array + i; if (strref_cmp_strref(&cur_def->name.str, def_name) == 0) return i; } return INVALID_INDEX; } static inline struct cf_def * cf_preprocess_get_def(struct cf_preprocessor *pp, const struct strref *def_name) { size_t idx = cf_preprocess_get_def_idx(pp, def_name); if (idx == INVALID_INDEX) return NULL; return pp->defines.array + idx; } static char space_filler[2] = " "; static inline void append_space(struct cf_preprocessor *pp, cf_token_array_t *tokens, const struct cf_token *base) { struct cf_token token; strref_set(&token.str, space_filler, 1); token.type = CFTOKEN_SPACETAB; if (base) { token.lex = base->lex; strref_copy(&token.unmerged_str, &base->unmerged_str); } else { token.lex = pp->lex; strref_copy(&token.unmerged_str, &token.str); } da_push_back(*tokens, &token); } static inline void append_end_token(cf_token_array_t *tokens) { struct cf_token end; cf_token_clear(&end); da_push_back(*tokens, &end); } static void cf_preprocess_define(struct cf_preprocessor *pp, struct cf_token **p_cur_token) { struct cf_token *cur_token = *p_cur_token; struct cf_def def; if (pp->ignore_state) { go_to_newline(p_cur_token); return; } cf_def_init(&def); next_token(&cur_token, true); if (cur_token->type != CFTOKEN_NAME) { cf_adderror_expecting(pp, cur_token, "identifier"); go_to_newline(&cur_token); goto exit; } append_space(pp, &def.tokens, NULL); cf_token_copy(&def.name, cur_token); if (!next_token(&cur_token, true)) goto complete; /* process macro */ if (*cur_token->str.array == '(') { if (!cf_preprocess_macro_params(pp, &def, &cur_token)) goto error; } while (cur_token->type != CFTOKEN_NEWLINE && cur_token->type != CFTOKEN_NONE) cf_def_addtoken(&def, cur_token++); complete: append_end_token(&def.tokens); append_space(pp, &def.tokens, NULL); da_push_back(pp->defines, &def); goto exit; error: cf_def_free(&def); exit: *p_cur_token = cur_token; } static inline void cf_preprocess_remove_def_strref(struct cf_preprocessor *pp, const struct strref *ref) { size_t def_idx = cf_preprocess_get_def_idx(pp, ref); if (def_idx != INVALID_INDEX) { struct cf_def *array = pp->defines.array; cf_def_free(array + def_idx); da_erase(pp->defines, def_idx); } } static void cf_preprocess_undef(struct cf_preprocessor *pp, struct cf_token **p_cur_token) { struct cf_token *cur_token = *p_cur_token; if (pp->ignore_state) { go_to_newline(p_cur_token); return; } next_token(&cur_token, true); if (cur_token->type != CFTOKEN_NAME) { cf_adderror_expecting(pp, cur_token, "identifier"); go_to_newline(&cur_token); goto exit; } cf_preprocess_remove_def_strref(pp, &cur_token->str); cur_token++; exit: *p_cur_token = cur_token; } /* Processes an #ifdef/#ifndef/#if/#else/#elif sub block recursively */ static inline bool cf_preprocess_subblock(struct cf_preprocessor *pp, bool ignore, struct cf_token **p_cur_token) { bool eof; if (!next_token(p_cur_token, true)) return false; if (!pp->ignore_state) { pp->ignore_state = ignore; cf_preprocess_tokens(pp, true, p_cur_token); pp->ignore_state = false; } else { cf_preprocess_tokens(pp, true, p_cur_token); } eof = ((*p_cur_token)->type == CFTOKEN_NONE); if (eof) cf_adderror_unexpected_endif_eof(pp, *p_cur_token); return !eof; } static void cf_preprocess_ifdef(struct cf_preprocessor *pp, bool ifnot, struct cf_token **p_cur_token) { struct cf_token *cur_token = *p_cur_token; struct cf_def *def; bool is_true; next_token(&cur_token, true); if (cur_token->type != CFTOKEN_NAME) { cf_adderror_expecting(pp, cur_token, "identifier"); go_to_newline(&cur_token); goto exit; } def = cf_preprocess_get_def(pp, &cur_token->str); is_true = (def == NULL) == ifnot; if (!cf_preprocess_subblock(pp, !is_true, &cur_token)) goto exit; if (strref_cmp(&cur_token->str, "else") == 0) { if (!cf_preprocess_subblock(pp, is_true, &cur_token)) goto exit; /*} else if (strref_cmp(&cur_token->str, "elif") == 0) {*/ } cur_token++; exit: *p_cur_token = cur_token; } static bool cf_preprocessor(struct cf_preprocessor *pp, bool if_block, struct cf_token **p_cur_token) { struct cf_token *cur_token = *p_cur_token; if (strref_cmp(&cur_token->str, "include") == 0) { cf_preprocess_include(pp, p_cur_token); } else if (strref_cmp(&cur_token->str, "define") == 0) { cf_preprocess_define(pp, p_cur_token); } else if (strref_cmp(&cur_token->str, "undef") == 0) { cf_preprocess_undef(pp, p_cur_token); } else if (strref_cmp(&cur_token->str, "ifdef") == 0) { cf_preprocess_ifdef(pp, false, p_cur_token); } else if (strref_cmp(&cur_token->str, "ifndef") == 0) { cf_preprocess_ifdef(pp, true, p_cur_token); /*} else if (strref_cmp(&cur_token->str, "if") == 0) { TODO;*/ } else if (strref_cmp(&cur_token->str, "else") == 0 || /*strref_cmp(&cur_token->str, "elif") == 0 ||*/ strref_cmp(&cur_token->str, "endif") == 0) { if (!if_block) { struct dstr name; dstr_init_copy_strref(&name, &cur_token->str); cf_adderror(pp, cur_token, "#$1 outside of " "#if/#ifdef/#ifndef block", name.array, NULL, NULL); dstr_free(&name); (*p_cur_token)++; return true; } return false; } else if (cur_token->type != CFTOKEN_NEWLINE && cur_token->type != CFTOKEN_NONE) { /* * TODO: language-specific preprocessor stuff should be sent to * handler of some sort */ (*p_cur_token)++; } return true; } static void cf_preprocess_addtoken(struct cf_preprocessor *pp, cf_token_array_t *dst, struct cf_token **p_cur_token, const struct cf_token *base, const struct macro_params *params); /* * collects tokens for a macro parameter * * note that it is important to make sure that any usage of function calls * within a macro parameter is preserved, example MACRO(func(1, 2), 3), do not * let it stop on the comma at "1," */ static void cf_preprocess_save_macro_param( struct cf_preprocessor *pp, struct cf_token **p_cur_token, struct macro_param *param, const struct cf_token *base, const struct macro_params *cur_params) { struct cf_token *cur_token = *p_cur_token; int brace_count = 0; append_space(pp, ¶m->tokens, base); while (cur_token->type != CFTOKEN_NONE) { if (*cur_token->str.array == '(') { brace_count++; } else if (*cur_token->str.array == ')') { if (brace_count) brace_count--; else break; } else if (*cur_token->str.array == ',') { if (!brace_count) break; } cf_preprocess_addtoken(pp, ¶m->tokens, &cur_token, base, cur_params); } if (cur_token->type == CFTOKEN_NONE) cf_adderror_unexpected_eof(pp, cur_token); append_space(pp, ¶m->tokens, base); append_end_token(¶m->tokens); *p_cur_token = cur_token; } static inline bool param_is_whitespace(const struct macro_param *param) { struct cf_token *array = param->tokens.array; size_t i; for (i = 0; i < param->tokens.num; i++) if (array[i].type != CFTOKEN_NONE && array[i].type != CFTOKEN_SPACETAB && array[i].type != CFTOKEN_NEWLINE) return false; return true; } /* collects parameter tokens of a used macro and stores them for the unwrap */ static void cf_preprocess_save_macro_params( struct cf_preprocessor *pp, struct cf_token **p_cur_token, const struct cf_def *def, const struct cf_token *base, const struct macro_params *cur_params, struct macro_params *dst) { struct cf_token *cur_token = *p_cur_token; size_t count = 0; next_token(&cur_token, false); if (cur_token->type != CFTOKEN_OTHER || *cur_token->str.array != '(') { cf_adderror_expecting(pp, cur_token, "'('"); goto exit; } do { struct macro_param param; macro_param_init(¶m); cur_token++; count++; cf_preprocess_save_macro_param(pp, &cur_token, ¶m, base, cur_params); if (cur_token->type != CFTOKEN_OTHER || (*cur_token->str.array != ',' && *cur_token->str.array != ')')) { macro_param_free(¶m); cf_adderror_expecting(pp, cur_token, "',' or ')'"); goto exit; } if (param_is_whitespace(¶m)) { /* if 0-param macro, ignore first entry */ if (count == 1 && !def->params.num && *cur_token->str.array == ')') { macro_param_free(¶m); break; } } if (count <= def->params.num) { cf_token_copy(¶m.name, cf_def_getparam(def, count - 1)); da_push_back(dst->params, ¶m); } else { macro_param_free(¶m); } } while (*cur_token->str.array != ')'); if (count != def->params.num) cf_adderror(pp, cur_token, "Mismatching number of macro parameters", NULL, NULL, NULL); exit: *p_cur_token = cur_token; } static inline void cf_preprocess_unwrap_param(struct cf_preprocessor *pp, cf_token_array_t *dst, struct cf_token **p_cur_token, const struct cf_token *base, const struct macro_param *param) { struct cf_token *cur_token = *p_cur_token; struct cf_token *cur_param_token = param->tokens.array; while (cur_param_token->type != CFTOKEN_NONE) cf_preprocess_addtoken(pp, dst, &cur_param_token, base, NULL); cur_token++; *p_cur_token = cur_token; } static inline void cf_preprocess_unwrap_define( struct cf_preprocessor *pp, cf_token_array_t *dst, struct cf_token **p_cur_token, const struct cf_token *base, const struct cf_def *def, const struct macro_params *cur_params) { struct cf_token *cur_token = *p_cur_token; struct macro_params new_params; struct cf_token *cur_def_token = def->tokens.array; macro_params_init(&new_params); if (def->macro) cf_preprocess_save_macro_params(pp, &cur_token, def, base, cur_params, &new_params); while (cur_def_token->type != CFTOKEN_NONE) cf_preprocess_addtoken(pp, dst, &cur_def_token, base, &new_params); macro_params_free(&new_params); cur_token++; *p_cur_token = cur_token; } static void cf_preprocess_addtoken(struct cf_preprocessor *pp, cf_token_array_t *dst, struct cf_token **p_cur_token, const struct cf_token *base, const struct macro_params *params) { struct cf_token *cur_token = *p_cur_token; if (pp->ignore_state) goto ignore; if (!base) base = cur_token; if (cur_token->type == CFTOKEN_NAME) { struct cf_def *def; struct macro_param *param; param = get_macro_param(params, &cur_token->str); if (param) { cf_preprocess_unwrap_param(pp, dst, &cur_token, base, param); goto exit; } def = cf_preprocess_get_def(pp, &cur_token->str); if (def) { cf_preprocess_unwrap_define(pp, dst, &cur_token, base, def, params); goto exit; } } da_push_back(*dst, cur_token); ignore: cur_token++; exit: *p_cur_token = cur_token; } static void cf_preprocess_tokens(struct cf_preprocessor *pp, bool if_block, struct cf_token **p_cur_token) { bool newline = true; bool preprocessor_line = if_block; struct cf_token *cur_token = *p_cur_token; while (cur_token->type != CFTOKEN_NONE) { if (cur_token->type != CFTOKEN_SPACETAB && cur_token->type != CFTOKEN_NEWLINE) { if (preprocessor_line) { cf_adderror_expected_newline(pp, cur_token); if (!go_to_newline(&cur_token)) break; } if (newline && *cur_token->str.array == '#') { next_token(&cur_token, true); preprocessor_line = true; if (!cf_preprocessor(pp, if_block, &cur_token)) break; continue; } newline = false; } if (cur_token->type == CFTOKEN_NEWLINE) { newline = true; preprocessor_line = false; } else if (cur_token->type == CFTOKEN_NONE) { break; } cf_preprocess_addtoken(pp, &pp->tokens, &cur_token, NULL, NULL); } *p_cur_token = cur_token; } void cf_preprocessor_init(struct cf_preprocessor *pp) { da_init(pp->defines); da_init(pp->sys_include_dirs); da_init(pp->dependencies); da_init(pp->tokens); pp->lex = NULL; pp->ed = NULL; pp->ignore_state = false; } void cf_preprocessor_free(struct cf_preprocessor *pp) { struct cf_lexer *dependencies = pp->dependencies.array; char **sys_include_dirs = pp->sys_include_dirs.array; struct cf_def *defs = pp->defines.array; size_t i; for (i = 0; i < pp->defines.num; i++) cf_def_free(defs + i); for (i = 0; i < pp->sys_include_dirs.num; i++) bfree(sys_include_dirs[i]); for (i = 0; i < pp->dependencies.num; i++) cf_lexer_free(dependencies + i); da_free(pp->defines); da_free(pp->sys_include_dirs); da_free(pp->dependencies); da_free(pp->tokens); pp->lex = NULL; pp->ed = NULL; pp->ignore_state = false; } bool cf_preprocess(struct cf_preprocessor *pp, struct cf_lexer *lex, struct error_data *ed) { struct cf_token *token = cf_lexer_get_tokens(lex); if (!token) return false; pp->ed = ed; pp->lex = lex; cf_preprocess_tokens(pp, false, &token); da_push_back(pp->tokens, token); return !lex->unexpected_eof; } void cf_preprocessor_add_def(struct cf_preprocessor *pp, struct cf_def *def) { struct cf_def *existing = cf_preprocess_get_def(pp, &def->name.str); if (existing) { struct dstr name; dstr_init_copy_strref(&name, &def->name.str); cf_addwarning(pp, &def->name, "Token $1 already defined", name.array, NULL, NULL); cf_addwarning(pp, &existing->name, "Previous definition of $1 is here", name.array, NULL, NULL); cf_def_free(existing); memcpy(existing, def, sizeof(struct cf_def)); } else { da_push_back(pp->defines, def); } } void cf_preprocessor_remove_def(struct cf_preprocessor *pp, const char *def_name) { struct strref ref; ref.array = def_name; ref.len = strlen(def_name); cf_preprocess_remove_def_strref(pp, &ref); }