/****************************************************************************** Copyright (C) 2023 by Lain Bailey This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . ******************************************************************************/ #include "obs-scripting-lua.h" #include #include #include #include /* ========================================================================= */ #if ARCH_BITS == 64 #define ARCH_DIR "64bit" #else #define ARCH_DIR "32bit" #endif #ifdef __APPLE__ #define SO_EXT "so" #elif _WIN32 #include #define SO_EXT "dll" #else #define SO_EXT "so" #endif static const char *startup_script_template = "\ for val in pairs(package.preload) do\n\ package.preload[val] = nil\n\ end\n\ package.cpath = package.cpath .. \";\" .. \"%s/?." SO_EXT "\" .. \";\" .. \"%s\" .. \"/?." SO_EXT "\"\n\ require \"obslua\"\n"; static const char *get_script_path_func = "\ function script_path()\n\ return \"%s\"\n\ end\n\ package.cpath = package.cpath .. \";\" .. script_path() .. \"/?." SO_EXT "\"\n\ package.path = package.path .. \";\" .. script_path() .. \"/?.lua\"\n"; static char *startup_script = NULL; static pthread_mutex_t tick_mutex; static struct obs_lua_script *first_tick_script = NULL; pthread_mutex_t lua_source_def_mutex; #define ls_get_libobs_obj(type, lua_index, obs_obj) \ ls_get_libobs_obj_(script, #type " *", lua_index, obs_obj, NULL, \ __FUNCTION__, __LINE__) #define ls_push_libobs_obj(type, obs_obj, ownership) \ ls_push_libobs_obj_(script, #type " *", obs_obj, ownership, NULL, \ __FUNCTION__, __LINE__) #define call_func(name, args, rets) \ call_func_(script, cb->reg_idx, args, rets, #name, __FUNCTION__) /* ========================================================================= */ static void add_hook_functions(lua_State *script); static int obs_lua_remove_tick_callback(lua_State *script); static int obs_lua_remove_main_render_callback(lua_State *script); #ifdef ENABLE_UI void add_lua_frontend_funcs(lua_State *script); #endif static bool load_lua_script(struct obs_lua_script *data) { struct dstr str = {0}; bool success = false; int ret; char *file_data; lua_State *script = luaL_newstate(); if (!script) { script_warn(&data->base, "Failed to create new lua state"); goto fail; } pthread_mutex_lock(&data->mutex); luaL_openlibs(script); luaopen_ffi(script); if (luaL_dostring(script, startup_script) != 0) { script_warn(&data->base, "Error executing startup script 1: %s", lua_tostring(script, -1)); goto fail; } dstr_printf(&str, get_script_path_func, data->dir.array); ret = luaL_dostring(script, str.array); dstr_free(&str); if (ret != 0) { script_warn(&data->base, "Error executing startup script 2: %s", lua_tostring(script, -1)); goto fail; } current_lua_script = data; add_lua_source_functions(script); add_hook_functions(script); #ifdef ENABLE_UI add_lua_frontend_funcs(script); #endif file_data = os_quick_read_utf8_file(data->base.path.array); if (!file_data) { script_warn(&data->base, "Error opening file: %s", lua_tostring(script, -1)); goto fail; } if (luaL_loadbuffer(script, file_data, strlen(file_data), data->base.path.array) != 0) { script_warn(&data->base, "Error loading file: %s", lua_tostring(script, -1)); bfree(file_data); goto fail; } bfree(file_data); if (lua_pcall(script, 0, LUA_MULTRET, 0) != 0) { script_warn(&data->base, "Error running file: %s", lua_tostring(script, -1)); goto fail; } ret = lua_gettop(script); if (ret == 1 && lua_isboolean(script, -1)) { bool success = lua_toboolean(script, -1); if (!success) { goto fail; } } lua_getglobal(script, "script_properties"); if (lua_isfunction(script, -1)) data->get_properties = luaL_ref(script, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX); else data->get_properties = LUA_REFNIL; lua_getglobal(script, "script_update"); if (lua_isfunction(script, -1)) data->update = luaL_ref(script, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX); else data->update = LUA_REFNIL; lua_getglobal(script, "script_save"); if (lua_isfunction(script, -1)) data->save = luaL_ref(script, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX); else data->save = LUA_REFNIL; lua_getglobal(script, "script_defaults"); if (lua_isfunction(script, -1)) { ls_push_libobs_obj(obs_data_t, data->base.settings, false); if (lua_pcall(script, 1, 0, 0) != 0) { script_warn(&data->base, "Error calling " "script_defaults: %s", lua_tostring(script, -1)); } } lua_getglobal(script, "script_description"); if (lua_isfunction(script, -1)) { if (lua_pcall(script, 0, 1, 0) != 0) { script_warn(&data->base, "Error calling " "script_defaults: %s", lua_tostring(script, -1)); } else { const char *desc = lua_tostring(script, -1); dstr_copy(&data->base.desc, desc); } } lua_getglobal(script, "script_load"); if (lua_isfunction(script, -1)) { ls_push_libobs_obj(obs_data_t, data->base.settings, false); if (lua_pcall(script, 1, 0, 0) != 0) { script_warn(&data->base, "Error calling " "script_load: %s", lua_tostring(script, -1)); } } data->script = script; lua_getglobal(script, "script_tick"); if (lua_isfunction(script, -1)) { pthread_mutex_lock(&tick_mutex); struct obs_lua_script *next = first_tick_script; data->next_tick = next; data->p_prev_next_tick = &first_tick_script; if (next) next->p_prev_next_tick = &data->next_tick; first_tick_script = data; data->tick = luaL_ref(script, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX); pthread_mutex_unlock(&tick_mutex); } success = true; fail: if (script) { lua_settop(script, 0); pthread_mutex_unlock(&data->mutex); } if (!success && script) { lua_close(script); } current_lua_script = NULL; return success; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ THREAD_LOCAL struct lua_obs_callback *current_lua_cb = NULL; THREAD_LOCAL struct obs_lua_script *current_lua_script = NULL; /* -------------------------------------------- */ struct lua_obs_timer { struct lua_obs_timer *next; struct lua_obs_timer **p_prev_next; uint64_t last_ts; uint64_t interval; }; static pthread_mutex_t timer_mutex; static struct lua_obs_timer *first_timer = NULL; static inline void lua_obs_timer_init(struct lua_obs_timer *timer) { pthread_mutex_lock(&timer_mutex); struct lua_obs_timer *next = first_timer; timer->next = next; timer->p_prev_next = &first_timer; if (next) next->p_prev_next = &timer->next; first_timer = timer; pthread_mutex_unlock(&timer_mutex); } static inline void lua_obs_timer_remove(struct lua_obs_timer *timer) { struct lua_obs_timer *next = timer->next; if (next) next->p_prev_next = timer->p_prev_next; *timer->p_prev_next = timer->next; } static inline struct lua_obs_callback * lua_obs_timer_cb(struct lua_obs_timer *timer) { return &((struct lua_obs_callback *)timer)[-1]; } static int timer_remove(lua_State *script) { if (!is_function(script, 1)) return 0; struct lua_obs_callback *cb = find_lua_obs_callback(script, 1); if (cb) remove_lua_obs_callback(cb); return 0; } static void timer_call(struct script_callback *p_cb) { struct lua_obs_callback *cb = (struct lua_obs_callback *)p_cb; if (script_callback_removed(p_cb)) return; lock_callback(); call_func_(cb->script, cb->reg_idx, 0, 0, "timer_cb", __FUNCTION__); unlock_callback(); } static void defer_timer_init(void *p_cb) { struct lua_obs_callback *cb = p_cb; struct lua_obs_timer *timer = lua_obs_callback_extra_data(cb); lua_obs_timer_init(timer); } static int timer_add(lua_State *script) { if (!is_function(script, 1)) return 0; int ms = (int)lua_tointeger(script, 2); if (!ms) return 0; struct lua_obs_callback *cb = add_lua_obs_callback_extra( script, 1, sizeof(struct lua_obs_timer)); struct lua_obs_timer *timer = lua_obs_callback_extra_data(cb); timer->interval = (uint64_t)ms * 1000000ULL; timer->last_ts = obs_get_video_frame_time(); defer_call_post(defer_timer_init, cb); return 0; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static void obs_lua_main_render_callback(void *priv, uint32_t cx, uint32_t cy) { struct lua_obs_callback *cb = priv; lua_State *script = cb->script; if (script_callback_removed(&cb->base)) { obs_remove_main_render_callback(obs_lua_main_render_callback, cb); return; } lock_callback(); lua_pushinteger(script, (lua_Integer)cx); lua_pushinteger(script, (lua_Integer)cy); call_func(obs_lua_main_render_callback, 2, 0); unlock_callback(); } static int obs_lua_remove_main_render_callback(lua_State *script) { if (!verify_args1(script, is_function)) return 0; struct lua_obs_callback *cb = find_lua_obs_callback(script, 1); if (cb) remove_lua_obs_callback(cb); return 0; } static void defer_add_render(void *cb) { obs_add_main_render_callback(obs_lua_main_render_callback, cb); } static int obs_lua_add_main_render_callback(lua_State *script) { if (!verify_args1(script, is_function)) return 0; struct lua_obs_callback *cb = add_lua_obs_callback(script, 1); defer_call_post(defer_add_render, cb); return 0; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static void obs_lua_tick_callback(void *priv, float seconds) { struct lua_obs_callback *cb = priv; lua_State *script = cb->script; if (script_callback_removed(&cb->base)) { obs_remove_tick_callback(obs_lua_tick_callback, cb); return; } lock_callback(); lua_pushnumber(script, (lua_Number)seconds); call_func(obs_lua_tick_callback, 1, 0); unlock_callback(); } static int obs_lua_remove_tick_callback(lua_State *script) { if (!verify_args1(script, is_function)) return 0; struct lua_obs_callback *cb = find_lua_obs_callback(script, 1); if (cb) remove_lua_obs_callback(cb); return 0; } static void defer_add_tick(void *cb) { obs_add_tick_callback(obs_lua_tick_callback, cb); } static int obs_lua_add_tick_callback(lua_State *script) { if (!verify_args1(script, is_function)) return 0; struct lua_obs_callback *cb = add_lua_obs_callback(script, 1); defer_call_post(defer_add_tick, cb); return 0; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static void calldata_signal_callback(void *priv, calldata_t *cd) { struct lua_obs_callback *cb = priv; lua_State *script = cb->script; if (script_callback_removed(&cb->base)) { signal_handler_remove_current(); return; } lock_callback(); ls_push_libobs_obj(calldata_t, cd, false); call_func(calldata_signal_callback, 1, 0); unlock_callback(); } static int obs_lua_signal_handler_disconnect(lua_State *script) { signal_handler_t *handler; const char *signal; if (!ls_get_libobs_obj(signal_handler_t, 1, &handler)) return 0; signal = lua_tostring(script, 2); if (!signal) return 0; if (!is_function(script, 3)) return 0; struct lua_obs_callback *cb = find_lua_obs_callback(script, 3); while (cb) { signal_handler_t *cb_handler = calldata_ptr(&cb->base.extra, "handler"); const char *cb_signal = calldata_string(&cb->base.extra, "signal"); if (cb_signal && strcmp(signal, cb_signal) == 0 && handler == cb_handler) break; cb = find_next_lua_obs_callback(script, cb, 3); } if (cb) remove_lua_obs_callback(cb); return 0; } static void defer_connect(void *p_cb) { struct script_callback *cb = p_cb; signal_handler_t *handler = calldata_ptr(&cb->extra, "handler"); const char *signal = calldata_string(&cb->extra, "signal"); signal_handler_connect(handler, signal, calldata_signal_callback, cb); } static int obs_lua_signal_handler_connect(lua_State *script) { signal_handler_t *handler; const char *signal; if (!ls_get_libobs_obj(signal_handler_t, 1, &handler)) return 0; signal = lua_tostring(script, 2); if (!signal) return 0; if (!is_function(script, 3)) return 0; struct lua_obs_callback *cb = add_lua_obs_callback(script, 3); calldata_set_ptr(&cb->base.extra, "handler", handler); calldata_set_string(&cb->base.extra, "signal", signal); defer_call_post(defer_connect, cb); return 0; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static void calldata_signal_callback_global(void *priv, const char *signal, calldata_t *cd) { struct lua_obs_callback *cb = priv; lua_State *script = cb->script; if (script_callback_removed(&cb->base)) { signal_handler_remove_current(); return; } lock_callback(); lua_pushstring(script, signal); ls_push_libobs_obj(calldata_t, cd, false); call_func(calldata_signal_callback_global, 2, 0); unlock_callback(); } static int obs_lua_signal_handler_disconnect_global(lua_State *script) { signal_handler_t *handler; if (!ls_get_libobs_obj(signal_handler_t, 1, &handler)) return 0; if (!is_function(script, 2)) return 0; struct lua_obs_callback *cb = find_lua_obs_callback(script, 3); while (cb) { signal_handler_t *cb_handler = calldata_ptr(&cb->base.extra, "handler"); if (handler == cb_handler) break; cb = find_next_lua_obs_callback(script, cb, 3); } if (cb) remove_lua_obs_callback(cb); return 0; } static void defer_connect_global(void *p_cb) { struct script_callback *cb = p_cb; signal_handler_t *handler = calldata_ptr(&cb->extra, "handler"); signal_handler_connect_global(handler, calldata_signal_callback_global, cb); } static int obs_lua_signal_handler_connect_global(lua_State *script) { signal_handler_t *handler; if (!ls_get_libobs_obj(signal_handler_t, 1, &handler)) return 0; if (!is_function(script, 2)) return 0; struct lua_obs_callback *cb = add_lua_obs_callback(script, 2); calldata_set_ptr(&cb->base.extra, "handler", handler); defer_call_post(defer_connect_global, cb); return 0; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static bool enum_sources_proc(void *param, obs_source_t *source) { lua_State *script = param; obs_source_get_ref(source); ls_push_libobs_obj(obs_source_t, source, false); size_t idx = lua_rawlen(script, -2); lua_rawseti(script, -2, (int)idx + 1); return true; } static int enum_sources(lua_State *script) { lua_newtable(script); obs_enum_sources(enum_sources_proc, script); return 1; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static void source_enum_filters_proc(obs_source_t *source, obs_source_t *filter, void *param) { UNUSED_PARAMETER(source); lua_State *script = param; obs_source_get_ref(filter); ls_push_libobs_obj(obs_source_t, filter, false); size_t idx = lua_rawlen(script, -2); lua_rawseti(script, -2, (int)idx + 1); } static int source_enum_filters(lua_State *script) { obs_source_t *source; if (!ls_get_libobs_obj(obs_source_t, 1, &source)) return 0; lua_newtable(script); obs_source_enum_filters(source, source_enum_filters_proc, script); return 1; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static bool enum_items_proc(obs_scene_t *scene, obs_sceneitem_t *item, void *param) { lua_State *script = param; UNUSED_PARAMETER(scene); obs_sceneitem_addref(item); ls_push_libobs_obj(obs_sceneitem_t, item, false); lua_rawseti(script, -2, (int)lua_rawlen(script, -2) + 1); return true; } static int scene_enum_items(lua_State *script) { obs_scene_t *scene; if (!ls_get_libobs_obj(obs_scene_t, 1, &scene)) return 0; lua_newtable(script); obs_scene_enum_items(scene, enum_items_proc, script); return 1; } static int sceneitem_group_enum_items(lua_State *script) { obs_sceneitem_t *sceneitem; if (!ls_get_libobs_obj(obs_sceneitem_t, 1, &sceneitem)) return 0; lua_newtable(script); obs_sceneitem_group_enum_items(sceneitem, enum_items_proc, script); return 1; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static void defer_hotkey_unregister(void *p_cb) { obs_hotkey_unregister((obs_hotkey_id)(uintptr_t)p_cb); } static void on_remove_hotkey(void *p_cb) { struct lua_obs_callback *cb = p_cb; obs_hotkey_id id = (obs_hotkey_id)calldata_int(&cb->base.extra, "id"); if (id != OBS_INVALID_HOTKEY_ID) defer_call_post(defer_hotkey_unregister, (void *)(uintptr_t)id); } static void hotkey_pressed(void *p_cb, bool pressed) { struct lua_obs_callback *cb = p_cb; lua_State *script = cb->script; if (script_callback_removed(&cb->base)) return; lock_callback(); lua_pushboolean(script, pressed); call_func(hotkey_pressed, 1, 0); unlock_callback(); } static void defer_hotkey_pressed(void *p_cb) { hotkey_pressed(p_cb, true); } static void defer_hotkey_unpressed(void *p_cb) { hotkey_pressed(p_cb, false); } static void hotkey_callback(void *p_cb, obs_hotkey_id id, obs_hotkey_t *hotkey, bool pressed) { struct lua_obs_callback *cb = p_cb; if (script_callback_removed(&cb->base)) return; if (pressed) defer_call_post(defer_hotkey_pressed, cb); else defer_call_post(defer_hotkey_unpressed, cb); UNUSED_PARAMETER(hotkey); UNUSED_PARAMETER(id); } static int hotkey_unregister(lua_State *script) { if (!verify_args1(script, is_function)) return 0; struct lua_obs_callback *cb = find_lua_obs_callback(script, 1); if (cb) remove_lua_obs_callback(cb); return 0; } static int hotkey_register_frontend(lua_State *script) { obs_hotkey_id id; const char *name = lua_tostring(script, 1); if (!name) return 0; const char *desc = lua_tostring(script, 2); if (!desc) return 0; if (!is_function(script, 3)) return 0; struct lua_obs_callback *cb = add_lua_obs_callback(script, 3); cb->base.on_remove = on_remove_hotkey; id = obs_hotkey_register_frontend(name, desc, hotkey_callback, cb); calldata_set_int(&cb->base.extra, "id", id); lua_pushinteger(script, (lua_Integer)id); if (id == OBS_INVALID_HOTKEY_ID) remove_lua_obs_callback(cb); return 1; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static bool button_prop_clicked(obs_properties_t *props, obs_property_t *p, void *p_cb) { struct lua_obs_callback *cb = p_cb; lua_State *script = cb->script; bool ret = false; if (script_callback_removed(&cb->base)) return false; lock_callback(); if (!ls_push_libobs_obj(obs_properties_t, props, false)) goto fail; if (!ls_push_libobs_obj(obs_property_t, p, false)) { lua_pop(script, 1); goto fail; } call_func(button_prop_clicked, 2, 1); if (lua_isboolean(script, -1)) ret = lua_toboolean(script, -1); fail: unlock_callback(); return ret; } static int properties_add_button(lua_State *script) { obs_properties_t *props; obs_property_t *p; if (!ls_get_libobs_obj(obs_properties_t, 1, &props)) return 0; const char *name = lua_tostring(script, 2); if (!name) return 0; const char *text = lua_tostring(script, 3); if (!text) return 0; if (!is_function(script, 4)) return 0; struct lua_obs_callback *cb = add_lua_obs_callback(script, 4); p = obs_properties_add_button2(props, name, text, button_prop_clicked, cb); if (!p || !ls_push_libobs_obj(obs_property_t, p, false)) return 0; return 1; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static bool modified_callback(void *p_cb, obs_properties_t *props, obs_property_t *p, obs_data_t *settings) { struct lua_obs_callback *cb = p_cb; lua_State *script = cb->script; bool ret = false; if (script_callback_removed(&cb->base)) return false; lock_callback(); if (!ls_push_libobs_obj(obs_properties_t, props, false)) { goto fail; } if (!ls_push_libobs_obj(obs_property_t, p, false)) { lua_pop(script, 1); goto fail; } if (!ls_push_libobs_obj(obs_data_t, settings, false)) { lua_pop(script, 2); goto fail; } call_func(modified_callback, 3, 1); if (lua_isboolean(script, -1)) ret = lua_toboolean(script, -1); fail: unlock_callback(); return ret; } static int property_set_modified_callback(lua_State *script) { obs_property_t *p; if (!ls_get_libobs_obj(obs_property_t, 1, &p)) return 0; if (!is_function(script, 2)) return 0; struct lua_obs_callback *cb = add_lua_obs_callback(script, 2); obs_property_set_modified_callback2(p, modified_callback, cb); return 0; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static int remove_current_callback(lua_State *script) { UNUSED_PARAMETER(script); if (current_lua_cb) remove_lua_obs_callback(current_lua_cb); return 0; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static int calldata_source(lua_State *script) { calldata_t *cd; const char *str; int ret = 0; if (!ls_get_libobs_obj(calldata_t, 1, &cd)) goto fail; str = lua_tostring(script, 2); if (!str) goto fail; obs_source_t *source = calldata_ptr(cd, str); if (ls_push_libobs_obj(obs_source_t, source, false)) ++ret; fail: return ret; } static int calldata_sceneitem(lua_State *script) { calldata_t *cd; const char *str; int ret = 0; if (!ls_get_libobs_obj(calldata_t, 1, &cd)) goto fail; str = lua_tostring(script, 2); if (!str) goto fail; obs_sceneitem_t *sceneitem = calldata_ptr(cd, str); if (ls_push_libobs_obj(obs_sceneitem_t, sceneitem, false)) ++ret; fail: return ret; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static int source_list_release(lua_State *script) { size_t count = lua_rawlen(script, 1); for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++) { obs_source_t *source; lua_rawgeti(script, 1, (int)i + 1); ls_get_libobs_obj(obs_source_t, -1, &source); lua_pop(script, 1); obs_source_release(source); } return 0; } static int sceneitem_list_release(lua_State *script) { size_t count = lua_rawlen(script, 1); for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++) { obs_sceneitem_t *item; lua_rawgeti(script, 1, (int)i + 1); ls_get_libobs_obj(obs_sceneitem_t, -1, &item); lua_pop(script, 1); obs_sceneitem_release(item); } return 0; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static int hook_print(lua_State *script) { struct obs_lua_script *data = current_lua_script; const char *msg = lua_tostring(script, 1); if (!msg) return 0; script_info(&data->base, "%s", msg); return 0; } static int hook_error(lua_State *script) { struct obs_lua_script *data = current_lua_script; const char *msg = lua_tostring(script, 1); if (!msg) return 0; script_error(&data->base, "%s", msg); return 0; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static int lua_script_log(lua_State *script) { struct obs_lua_script *data = current_lua_script; int log_level = (int)lua_tointeger(script, 1); const char *msg = lua_tostring(script, 2); if (!msg) return 0; /* ------------------- */ dstr_copy(&data->log_chunk, msg); const char *start = data->log_chunk.array; char *endl = strchr(start, '\n'); while (endl) { *endl = 0; script_log(&data->base, log_level, "%s", start); *endl = '\n'; start = endl + 1; endl = strchr(start, '\n'); } if (start && *start) script_log(&data->base, log_level, "%s", start); dstr_resize(&data->log_chunk, 0); /* ------------------- */ return 0; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static void add_hook_functions(lua_State *script) { #define add_func(name, func) \ do { \ lua_pushstring(script, name); \ lua_pushcfunction(script, func); \ lua_rawset(script, -3); \ } while (false) lua_getglobal(script, "_G"); add_func("print", hook_print); add_func("error", hook_error); lua_pop(script, 1); /* ------------- */ lua_getglobal(script, "obslua"); add_func("script_log", lua_script_log); add_func("timer_remove", timer_remove); add_func("timer_add", timer_add); add_func("obs_enum_sources", enum_sources); add_func("obs_source_enum_filters", source_enum_filters); add_func("obs_scene_enum_items", scene_enum_items); add_func("obs_sceneitem_group_enum_items", sceneitem_group_enum_items); add_func("source_list_release", source_list_release); add_func("sceneitem_list_release", sceneitem_list_release); add_func("calldata_source", calldata_source); add_func("calldata_sceneitem", calldata_sceneitem); add_func("obs_add_main_render_callback", obs_lua_add_main_render_callback); add_func("obs_remove_main_render_callback", obs_lua_remove_main_render_callback); add_func("obs_add_tick_callback", obs_lua_add_tick_callback); add_func("obs_remove_tick_callback", obs_lua_remove_tick_callback); add_func("signal_handler_connect", obs_lua_signal_handler_connect); add_func("signal_handler_disconnect", obs_lua_signal_handler_disconnect); add_func("signal_handler_connect_global", obs_lua_signal_handler_connect_global); add_func("signal_handler_disconnect_global", obs_lua_signal_handler_disconnect_global); add_func("obs_hotkey_unregister", hotkey_unregister); add_func("obs_hotkey_register_frontend", hotkey_register_frontend); add_func("obs_properties_add_button", properties_add_button); add_func("obs_property_set_modified_callback", property_set_modified_callback); add_func("remove_current_callback", remove_current_callback); lua_pop(script, 1); #undef add_func } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static void lua_tick(void *param, float seconds) { struct obs_lua_script *data; struct lua_obs_timer *timer; uint64_t ts = obs_get_video_frame_time(); /* --------------------------------- */ /* process script_tick calls */ pthread_mutex_lock(&tick_mutex); data = first_tick_script; while (data) { lua_State *script = data->script; current_lua_script = data; pthread_mutex_lock(&data->mutex); lua_pushnumber(script, (double)seconds); call_func_(script, data->tick, 1, 0, "tick", __FUNCTION__); pthread_mutex_unlock(&data->mutex); data = data->next_tick; } current_lua_script = NULL; pthread_mutex_unlock(&tick_mutex); /* --------------------------------- */ /* process timers */ pthread_mutex_lock(&timer_mutex); timer = first_timer; while (timer) { struct lua_obs_timer *next = timer->next; struct lua_obs_callback *cb = lua_obs_timer_cb(timer); if (script_callback_removed(&cb->base)) { lua_obs_timer_remove(timer); } else { uint64_t elapsed = ts - timer->last_ts; if (elapsed >= timer->interval) { timer_call(&cb->base); timer->last_ts += timer->interval; } } timer = next; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&timer_mutex); UNUSED_PARAMETER(param); } /* -------------------------------------------- */ void obs_lua_script_update(obs_script_t *script, obs_data_t *settings); bool obs_lua_script_load(obs_script_t *s) { struct obs_lua_script *data = (struct obs_lua_script *)s; if (!data->base.loaded) { data->base.loaded = load_lua_script(data); if (data->base.loaded) { blog(LOG_INFO, "[obs-scripting]: Loaded lua script: %s", data->base.file.array); obs_lua_script_update(s, NULL); } } return data->base.loaded; } obs_script_t *obs_lua_script_create(const char *path, obs_data_t *settings) { struct obs_lua_script *data = bzalloc(sizeof(*data)); data->base.type = OBS_SCRIPT_LANG_LUA; data->tick = LUA_REFNIL; pthread_mutex_init_value(&data->mutex); if (pthread_mutex_init_recursive(&data->mutex) != 0) { bfree(data); return NULL; } dstr_copy(&data->base.path, path); char *slash = path && *path ? strrchr(path, '/') : NULL; if (slash) { slash++; dstr_copy(&data->base.file, slash); dstr_left(&data->dir, &data->base.path, slash - path); } else { dstr_copy(&data->base.file, path); } data->base.settings = obs_data_create(); if (settings) obs_data_apply(data->base.settings, settings); obs_lua_script_load((obs_script_t *)data); return (obs_script_t *)data; } extern void undef_lua_script_sources(struct obs_lua_script *data); void obs_lua_script_unload(obs_script_t *s) { struct obs_lua_script *data = (struct obs_lua_script *)s; if (!s->loaded) return; lua_State *script = data->script; /* ---------------------------- */ /* mark callbacks as removed */ pthread_mutex_lock(&data->mutex); /* XXX: scripts can potentially make callbacks when this happens, so * this probably still isn't ideal as we can't predict how the * processor or operating system is going to schedule things. a more * ideal method would be to reference count the script objects and * atomically share ownership with callbacks when they're called. */ struct lua_obs_callback *cb = (struct lua_obs_callback *)data->first_callback; while (cb) { os_atomic_set_bool(&cb->base.removed, true); cb = (struct lua_obs_callback *)cb->base.next; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&data->mutex); /* ---------------------------- */ /* undefine source types */ undef_lua_script_sources(data); /* ---------------------------- */ /* unhook tick function */ if (data->p_prev_next_tick) { pthread_mutex_lock(&tick_mutex); struct obs_lua_script *next = data->next_tick; if (next) next->p_prev_next_tick = data->p_prev_next_tick; *data->p_prev_next_tick = next; pthread_mutex_unlock(&tick_mutex); data->p_prev_next_tick = NULL; data->next_tick = NULL; } /* ---------------------------- */ /* call script_unload */ pthread_mutex_lock(&data->mutex); current_lua_script = data; lua_getglobal(script, "script_unload"); lua_pcall(script, 0, 0, 0); current_lua_script = NULL; /* ---------------------------- */ /* remove all callbacks */ cb = (struct lua_obs_callback *)data->first_callback; while (cb) { struct lua_obs_callback *next = (struct lua_obs_callback *)cb->base.next; remove_lua_obs_callback(cb); cb = next; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&data->mutex); /* ---------------------------- */ /* close script */ lua_close(script); s->loaded = false; blog(LOG_INFO, "[obs-scripting]: Unloaded lua script: %s", data->base.file.array); } void obs_lua_script_destroy(obs_script_t *s) { struct obs_lua_script *data = (struct obs_lua_script *)s; if (data) { pthread_mutex_destroy(&data->mutex); dstr_free(&data->base.path); dstr_free(&data->base.file); dstr_free(&data->base.desc); obs_data_release(data->base.settings); dstr_free(&data->log_chunk); dstr_free(&data->dir); bfree(data); } } void obs_lua_script_update(obs_script_t *s, obs_data_t *settings) { struct obs_lua_script *data = (struct obs_lua_script *)s; lua_State *script = data->script; if (!s->loaded) return; if (data->update == LUA_REFNIL) return; if (settings) obs_data_apply(s->settings, settings); current_lua_script = data; pthread_mutex_lock(&data->mutex); ls_push_libobs_obj(obs_data_t, s->settings, false); call_func_(script, data->update, 1, 0, "script_update", __FUNCTION__); pthread_mutex_unlock(&data->mutex); current_lua_script = NULL; } obs_properties_t *obs_lua_script_get_properties(obs_script_t *s) { struct obs_lua_script *data = (struct obs_lua_script *)s; lua_State *script = data->script; obs_properties_t *props = NULL; if (!s->loaded) return NULL; if (data->get_properties == LUA_REFNIL) return NULL; current_lua_script = data; pthread_mutex_lock(&data->mutex); call_func_(script, data->get_properties, 0, 1, "script_properties", __FUNCTION__); ls_get_libobs_obj(obs_properties_t, -1, &props); pthread_mutex_unlock(&data->mutex); current_lua_script = NULL; return props; } void obs_lua_script_save(obs_script_t *s) { struct obs_lua_script *data = (struct obs_lua_script *)s; lua_State *script = data->script; if (!s->loaded) return; if (data->save == LUA_REFNIL) return; current_lua_script = data; pthread_mutex_lock(&data->mutex); ls_push_libobs_obj(obs_data_t, s->settings, false); call_func_(script, data->save, 1, 0, "script_save", __FUNCTION__); pthread_mutex_unlock(&data->mutex); current_lua_script = NULL; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ void obs_lua_load(void) { struct dstr tmp = {0}; pthread_mutex_init(&tick_mutex, NULL); pthread_mutex_init_recursive(&timer_mutex); pthread_mutex_init(&lua_source_def_mutex, NULL); /* ---------------------------------------------- */ /* Initialize Lua startup script */ #if _WIN32 #define PATH_MAX MAX_PATH #endif char import_path[PATH_MAX]; #ifdef __APPLE__ struct dstr bundle_path; dstr_init_move_array(&bundle_path, os_get_executable_path_ptr("")); dstr_cat(&bundle_path, "../PlugIns"); char *absolute_plugin_path = os_get_abs_path_ptr(bundle_path.array); if (absolute_plugin_path != NULL) { strcpy(import_path, absolute_plugin_path); bfree(absolute_plugin_path); } dstr_free(&bundle_path); #else strcpy(import_path, "./"); #endif dstr_printf(&tmp, startup_script_template, import_path, SCRIPT_DIR); startup_script = tmp.array; obs_add_tick_callback(lua_tick, NULL); } void obs_lua_unload(void) { obs_remove_tick_callback(lua_tick, NULL); bfree(startup_script); pthread_mutex_destroy(&tick_mutex); pthread_mutex_destroy(&timer_mutex); pthread_mutex_destroy(&lua_source_def_mutex); }